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      1. Patterns

I'm afraid it's%bitterly "cold. He'll be on vtime I ,hope.

        1. Respond to the following utterances: a) in a categoHc way; b) with a note of implication.

Model A: — Your coat is still quite new.

  • *Yes, ^ 1 'bought it only 'last ^spring. Model B: — Your coat looks quite new.

  • ,Well, I it's 4almost ,new. But I 'don't 'like its vcolour.

    1. It's very cold here. — It's because the'window i^open.

It's very hot here. Open the window, please. — Well, the 'window is open.

  1. Where is the cloak-room? — It's downstairs.

I can't find the cloak-room here. — „Well, but it's downstairs.

  1. Why don't you want to play the piano? — It's out of tune. It's a very good piano. — Well, yes, but it's out of tune.

  2. Why didn't you call her? — I don't know her telephone- number.

Let's ring her up. — But how can we? We don't know her telephone-number.

  1. What do you want at the post-office? — I want an envelope and a postcard.

You don't need to go to the post-office. I can give you an envelope. — Well, but I want an envelope and a postcard.

  1. Why aren't you eating the steak? — I'm a vegetarian. Shall I order a steak for you? — I'm a vegetarian.


  1. Where did they put up? — They stayed at the hotel.

I hear they stayed in a village nearby. — They stayed at the hotel.

  1. How do you usually get4tickets? — I book them by telephone. Did you have to queue to buy the tickets? — 1 booked them by telephone.

    1. Disagree with these statements by making an extensive response. Make use of the vocabulary of Ex. I.

Model: —All the shops are closed on Sunday.

—They varen't. "'Some of them are vopen. 'f

1. There are mostly poplars and lime-trees in the park. ''f*!,v

      1. ЙЙ-Indian summer is in November.

      2. AH the streets are broad in the old part of the city.

      3. Look at tl?tt green dress. This colour is all the fashion now.

      4. I don't think they know each other.

      5. Neither of them spoke at the meeting.

      6. They grow only cucumbers on the farm.


        1. Звуки. Сочетания дифтонгов [ai, аи, эи] с нейтральным гласным [э].

        2. Просодические явления. Нисходяще-восходящий терми­нальный тон в побудительных высказываниях.

1. Звуки

В ряде английских слов встречаются сочетания дифтонгов [ai, аи, эи] с нейтральным гласным. Они возникают, в частности, при образовании производных слов с помощью суффикса -er от основы, заканчивающейся на один из указанных гласных звуков. Напр.:

low — lower [1эи — ^1эиэ|, dry — drier [drai — ^drais], plough — plougher [plau — ^р1аиэ].

Сочетания [аю, аиэ] могут встречаться не только на стыке двух морфем (корня и суффикса), но и внутри корневой морфемы. Напр.:

fire [Таю]; flower [Т1аиэ[

Такие трехэлементные гласные внутри корневой морфемы иногда называются «трифтонгами».

Несмотря на слитноа ь произнесения, сочетания [ai3, асэ, эиэ] представляют собой два слога как внутри морфемы, так и на стыке морфем. Дифтонг является слогообразующим элементом одного слога, а нейтральный гласный - второго.

Следует помнить, что наиболее сильным элементом в указанных сочетаниях является ядро дифтонга, а наиболее слабым - второй элемент дифтонга, который в сочетаниях [аю], [аиэ] может полностью выпадать в быстрой речи.

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