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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises (In-class Activities)

I. Practise and memorize

  1. words

nouns: -doctor, lawyer, economist, reporter, daughter,

*»* cornflake, coffee, water, sausage, chocolate,

corn, stockings, socks, watch, clock, bottle, cotton, doll, fork, teapot, novel, sideboard, blackboard, college, laboratory, autumn, north verbs: wash, walk, talk, watch,quarrel, want, pour

adjectives: small, foreign, long, hot, warm, common, short,

tall, popular, ordinary, modern, naughty, awful adverbs: often, always, normally, fortunately

pronouns: your, yours, whose, what,how many, how much

numerals: four, forty, fourteen, fourth

prepositions: on, of, off, opposite, across, from proper names: John, Paul, George, Tom, Roger, North, August

  1. Patterns

    1. 'What 'kind of Vtory is it?

    2. 'What -foreign language can she ,speak? 'What 'language can \lohn .speak?

'Whose 'handbag is this?

'Whose -handbag is 'that?

'How many \studcnts are there in your ,group? ■

'How many -students are there in "Group "Five?.

'How much 'money have you ,got?

'How much 'money has "John?

      1. Respond and answer the following questions using the words given in brackets. Use the appropriate intonation patterns on special questions and enumerations.

1. What's there on the desk? (a few books, a box of chalk and a clock) 2. What's there in the sideboard? (some forks, knives, plates and cups) 3. What's there on the book-shelf? (a few English textbooks, a dictionary and some Russian books) 4. What's there on the kitchen-table? (a box of chocolates, a teapot and a few cups) 15} What's there in the fridge? (some cheese, sausage and a bottle of milk) 6. What's there in your room? (a writing-table, a sideboard, a bookcase, a large carpet and an armchair)

      1. Respond by asking for new information as in the model. Choose an appropriate response from the list of prompts below. Make sure you give nuclear prominence to the new element of the utterance.

Model: —'Carol is washing'up. is — What is Jane ,doing?

1. John has three classes today. 2. Mike has got a lot of cousins. 3. My sister's name is Susan. 4. This is Nick's briefcase. 5. This blouse is made of cotton. 6. Sally is reading a detective story. 7. Andrew is keen on hockey.

Prompts: How many cousins has he got? What's your brother's name? How many classes does George have? Whose briefcase is that? What's the jacket made of? What book is Tom reading? What is Steve keen on?

      1. Make up dialogues according to the models.

Model Л: Student A: 'What's your "room like? .„ ,<t

Student В: It 'isn't very \large. Prompts: weather, flat, town, village, classroom; comfortable, long, hot, small, light, warm.

Model В: Student A: 'What's his 4job?

Student B: He's a ^builder. Prompts: a doctor, an economist, an architect, a driver, a book­keeper, a salesman, a reporter, a musician, a lawyer. Model C: Customer: 'Have you-got any/pots?

Shop-assistant: Yes. We've ,got a lot of , pots. Customer: I iwant a'very »strong pot, i please. Prompts: clocks, socks, handbags, watches, boxesi; good, modern, big, etc.


        1. Звуки. Дифтонг [ai].

        2. Просодические явления. Двухсинтагменная интонацион­ная структура. Нисходящий и восходящий терминальные тоны в альтернативных вопросах.

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