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III. Проанализируйте позицию ядерного слога в специальных вопросах в каждом из диалогов.

1. — 'Is there a /fridge in the 'kitchen?

—'Yes, I there'is. , 5' "■'- ■>'

  • 'Where 'is it?

  • It's 'near the \sink.

    1. — 'Take a iook at my -new^föouse.'

  • Where 'is it?

  • It's in the 'plastic 'bag. * t

  1. — 'Fetch me the 'evening 'paper, ,please'.'

  • 'Where 'isit? '

  • It's in the 'dining-,room.

  1. - 'Where is ^ Arthur?

  • He's at the 'playground.

  • 'Where 'is it? 1 -crs — It's be'hind the 'kitchen ,garden.

IV. Сравните позицию ядерного ударения в специальных вопро­сах в следующих микродиалогах.

  1. А. — ;Well, ^ it's 'time to Jeave. 'Where is my 'suitcase? f — It's 'down'stairs.

B. — Will you'fetch my'suitcase,'please?

  • 'Where 'is it?

  • It's down'stairs. ,

    1. A. —'Susan is'laying the'table. ,..j. .,.,

  • And 'where is 'Judy?

  • She's 'making tea in the ^kitchen. * В. —'Can I-speak to'Susan?

  • She 'isn't \here.

  • 'Where \is she?

  • She's 'still at ^school.

Упражнения для внеаудиторной работы

  1. Прослушайте первичные тренировочные упражнения. Вос­произведите слова и фразы в паузах за диктором в соответст­вии с инструкциями к упражнениям.

    1. Запишите следующие слова в транскрипции в соответствии с правилами чтения буквы 'ц' и буквосочетаний 'ow\ 'ou' и раз­делите их на три группы по позиционной долготе дифтонга.

brown, now, gown, crowd, mouse, outing, tour, doubt, loud, without, proud, thousand, trousers, South, sure, cruel, tournament, outside, during, announce.

      1. Прочтите следующие вопросительные фразы по разметке. Покажите их интонационную структуру графически.

        1. 'Where can I 'get some 'paper?

        2. 'Where is the 'new 'time-table?

        3. 'Who is'coming'down the'stairs?

        4. 'Who is 'putting up the 'tent?

        5. 'Where is my 'new 'tennis |racket?

        6. 'Why is he 'staying for a'nother 'week?

        7. 'Who can 'count from 'one to 'thousand?

Прочтите следующие диалоги, используя изученные инто- „ национные модели.

1. - Can I see Betty?

  • She isn't in.

  • Where is she?

  • She is at the library.

  • Where is Pete?

  • He is in the study.

  • Is he very busy now?

Yes, he's writing an essay


Vocabulary and Speech Exercises (In-class Activities)

I. Practise and memorize

  1. words

nouns: January, February, blouse, trousers, town, house,

South, sound, mouth, noun, gown, mountain, fountain, tour, tourist, crown verbs: pronounce, count, allow, doubt, surround, drown,


adjectives: brown, round, loud, poor, fluent, sure, proud adverbs: how, now, down, downstairs numerals: thousand

prepositions: out, about, without, around, during, throughout

  1. patterns

    1. 'Who has a 'spare 'ticket? 'Where is the 'new 'supermarket? 'Where are my 'glasses?

    2. 'Where'is it? 'Where'are they?

II. Ask your groupmates

who can drive a car; where the Art museum is; who can lend you a brown pencil; where the bus station is; who can pronounce this English sound; why Denis is away from classes; when Tim's family are moving into a new house.

HI. Respond to the following statements and imperatives by asking special questions as in the model. Model: — 'Give me my tennis racket, ,please. - 'Where 'is it?

1. Pass me some bread, please. 2. Look for my cookery-book, please. 3. Susan isn't in. 4. The key isn't here. 5. The blouse isn't in the suitcase. 6. Bring me my brown scarf, please.

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