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  1. 'Good 'morning! Good 'after'noon! I'm 'sorry in'deed. 'Thank you very 'much. I'm 'terribly 'sorry. 'Thanks a iot for your 'kindness. 'Good 'evening. I should 'like to 'say how 'grateful I am. ' How do you 'do?

  2. I'm 'awfully ,sorry. Good ' morning, -Jane. Ex'cuse me, 'sir. That was 'really very /kind of you. Good ' night, 'Bob. I'll be 'looking -forward to ' seeing you soon. 'See you ,later. .Cheeri'o. 'Thank you 'so ,much.

  3. Hal/lo, "Jane."Hal,lo, 'Linda. 'Sorry. "Bye- ,bye. ~Good-/bye for •now. I'll be ,seeing you. 'Pardon. ' Many /thanks. So /long. ,Hi. /Morning.

    1. Listen to the way people respond to the expressions of gratitude. Identify the tunes these responses are pronounced with. Imitate them.

'Not at 'all. My 'pleasure. It's 'no -trouble at 'all. 'That's (all /right. 'Please, don't,mention it. I was 'glad to be of,service. De'lighted I was able to ,help you. It was the 'least I could ,do.

    1. Listen to the phrases used to accept apologies. Identify the tune each phrase is pronounced with. Pronounce them after the speaker.

'That's all,right. It's 'quite .all /right. Oh, 'never /mind about that. Oh, 'don't /worry about 'that. Oh, 'that doesn't ;matter. It's "'no trouble at ''all.

IV. Listen to the following conversational exchanges. Identify the speaker's attitude conveyed in them. Reproduce the conver­sational formulas in the pauses provided.

      1. A. — Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam. S. — 'How do you .do?

W. —' How do you .do?

      1. A. — Mrs. Hughes, this is Peter Brown. B. — 'How do you .do?

H. —'How do you .do?

      1. A. — When are you off?

B. — I'm flying home on Sunday.

        1. — ~Good-/bye -then, | and 'all the 'very »best.

        2. — ,Cheerivo. 'Say good-'bye to the 'rest of the 'family ,for

me, ^ ,won't you?

      1. T. — /Morning, 'Steve.

S. — ,Morning,'Terry. Is Mr.'Peters/in'yet? Т. — I haven't seen him this morning, but he should be upstairs in his office by now.

      1. A. — "Hal/lo, 'Bill. Are you »'ready 'yet?

B. — Oh, come in, Ted. Is it two o'clock already? I haven't finished my lunch yet, but I won't be long.

      1. — 'Good » morning, .gentlemen.

  • Good 'morning, .sir.

      1. — I'm 'so 'sorry I'm .late a,gain. You^must be very an'noyed

.with me.

  • Yes, I am. What's been keeping you?

      1. — Pro'fessor »Smith, 11 "'really a'pologize ^for 'not at'tending

your 'lecture last /Friday. I was laid up with a cold.

  • That's .quite all,right. I "Чюре your^cold is ' better. It's 'much .better,,thank you.

      1. — I 'do a'pologize |for mot icoming » yesterday. You must

have been waiting for me.

  • It idoesn't ireally /matter.

      1. — I must 'beg your 'pardon for forgetting to /telephone.

  • 'That's 'quite all,right.

1 _ , ..liVV? ■ ■ '


  1. — I've just called in to say good-bye. What time are ytu


  • My train leaves at 7.45.

  • Well, good-bye, and don't forget to keep in touch.

  1. — I'd like to say good-bye to you all.

  • When are you ой?

  • I'm catching the 11.35 train.

  • Good-bye then, and remember me to your parents.

  1. — I'm afraid I've spilt ink all over the tablecloth. г —Oh, never mind about that.

—I'm terribly sorry. Won't you let me pay for it? —No, I won't hear of it.


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