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B) at a word boundary

In rapid colloquial speech: a) within a word

the full form [frendz| [Vestminsts] [saundz] [igxZ£ektli| [xm3usth] [4kaindnasl [Trendjip]

Ii '.^0' ! ib i:r,li' EE

the full form last night ['la.-st 4naif) next stop r'nekst xstDp] just now ['d5ASt Nnau] next day ['nekst 4dei] last chance ['la:st xtfa:ns just one ['d3ast \уап] first light ['f3:st xlait] cold smile [' kauld Small] old man ['auld vmaen]


i •> '.' I: ?

■ ,Л1Й*5> 8 ei the form reduced'byMisian.. [frenz] fwesminsta] [saunz] [ig4zaeklil [^msuslil [Nkainn3S] [Trenjip]

the form reduced $ iteibn

[Tq:s 4nait]

['neks xstDpJ

['d3AS xnau]

['neks 4dei]

['la:s 4tfa:ns]

['cfeAS \vAn]

['fs:s Mart]

['кэи! Smail]

I. Compare the pronunciation of consonant clusters in formal and

i; ua.-i '

f)W t. •!!'!

['эи! ^masn

]You mustn't lose it. [ju- 'rriAsn 4u:z it] You mustn't overeat, [ju- 'mAsn auvar4:t] He won't do it. [hi- 'waun sdu: it]

    1. Use the form reduced by elision in both formal and rapid colloquial speech in these words and word-combinations.

handbag [vhaenbaeg] grandchildren fgrasntfildran]

sandwich [vsasnwid3,x-tf] grandparents [^graenpcarants]

handsome fhasnsam] grandfather pgrasnfcuda]

landscape [Masnskeip] grandmother [чдгаептлдэ]

landlord [vlaenla:d] grandson [4graensAn]

father and mother [ fa:3ar эпчтлбэ] brother and sister ['Ьглбэг an 4sista] here and there ['hiar an 4 без] bread and butter |'bred (a)n4>Atal

    1. Practise the following utterances observing elision of a con­sonant where appropriate.

      1. He looks too old for his age.

      2. Did he lift the handbag himself?

      3. When 1 saw him first he was a handsome man.

      4. I'll cut some sandwiches for us.

      5. How long did it take him to reach the station?

      6. What did his wife do when he entered the kitchen?

      7. Don't you think she might have gone home?

      8. Both her father and mother are teachers.

      9. The landscape doesn't change very much in winter.

      10. I saw her grandmother last night.

      11. I rang him up last night, but there wasn't anyone in.

      12. Doesn't she know him?

    2. Avoid elision in the clusters of two identical consonants at a word boundary.

at times this sentence with them unknown that boy this story with the boys a clean newspaper that tape this sound half full a thin notebook black coffee this size British ships the same morning

V. Pronounce these pairs of utterances. Note that an incorret pronunciation of the word juncture may lead to sense confusion hen

It's^C". - It's^E".

It's salt. — It's old.

It's soften. — It's often. He's sold. — He sold.

They've found. — They found.

The pool is half full of water. Cut the cheese with that clean knife. Cover it with this table-cloth. It's so kind of you.

Both the words are easy to pronounce. Which channel is "My Fair Lady" on?

Learn the rhymes

The south wind brings wet weather, The north wind wet and cold together. The west wind always brings us rain.

The east wind blows it back again. * * #

What are little girls made of? What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and all that's nice And that's what little girls are made of.

What are little boys made of? What are little boys made of? Snakes and snails and puppy-dogs' tails And that's what little boys are made of.



Structures with three syllables only □ □ □

This is the simplest form of three-stress rhythm. It occurs in utterances consisting of three monosyllabic notional words all of which carry important information (or two words, if one of them is two-syllabic and has two equal stresses).

  1. Practise the given rhythmic pattern in various tunes. Falling Tunes

'Jane 'can't vgo. 'Don't 'tell Nlies.

'Can't'quite vsee. 'Room 'thirteen.

'Please'take 4hese. 'Read'Text ^Five. 't

Rising Tunes

'Three 'new 'texts? 'That's too 'small?

Not yet 'here? 'Not' too ,sweet.

'Don't 'lose ;hope. 'That's 'good ,news.

Falling-Rising Tunes

'First 'things "first. "'Not^quite vsure.

'Try'once vmore. ^Please^look vout.

Please 'help vnow. ^That's^too vbad.

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