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    1. Practise the difficult consonant clusters in conversational contexts.

      1. Tell us about your native city. — There are a lot of wide streets and beautiful squares in my city.

      2. What do you think of their work? — We are sure they'll achieve wonderful results.

      3. Is there a picture gallery in your town? — Of course, there is. I think it's the richest picture gallery in the country.

      4. Do you know these people? — The face of one of them is familiar to me.

      5. Did Steve help you? — He gave me a piece of wise advice.

    2. Avoid wrong assimilation in the [V э, V 9, f 3 j consonant clusters.

in the middle of the night the centre of the city the picture of the girl the capital of the republic

the rest of the group the leader of the delegation

part of the time the guests of the city «

the five-thirty train the impression of the visit ,,

I can't believe that. Half that size will do. 4

We live there alone . Half the time is wasted.

There are dozens of them. IMhe worst comes to the worst.

Look out cf the window. It's all right if there's time.


Thomas thinks of terrible things, And to the troubled teacher brings Things that sing and things that sting Things which swing and things which cling, Things that ping and ring and fling. And of all these things thinks nothing.

Hearts like doors Will open with ease To very, very little keys. And don't forget That two are these: "I thank you, sir" And "If you please".

2. Rhythm practice


Structures with two stressed and intervening unstressed syllables in the utterances with more than two notional

s. i words

□ (□) □ □ (□) (□) (□) □ (□) (□)

Utterances containing more than two notional words have a two-stress rhythmic structure when only two of the notional words carry important information and receive full-stress prominence. There are often partially stressed syllables in these utterances, as well, but they do not form rhythmic-groups of their own and belong to the rhythmic-groups formed by the preceding or following full stress. .......


  1. Practise the given rhythmic pattern in various tunes. Failing Tunes

It's a 'modern 'technical "college. There are 'several 'thousand "students. They 'study 'various "subjects. We can 'hardly 'wait to "meet you. Their 'breakfast is much "simpler. 'Let's 'try the "back door. Rising Tunes

Do you 'think I'll 'ever /do it?

Could we 'meet a little 'later?

Can I 'have some 'beef or 'chicken? i

Have you 'got anything -planned for 'Thursday?

Falling-Rising Tunes

I ad'vise you to "do it "'now.

They have 'tea and some "'toast as well.

I'm a'fraid it is a little -under "'done.

I 'might be -home "'late to'night.

  1. Use the utterances of Ex. I to complete the conversational contexts as in the models.

Model A: — ' Is it a 'large -college?

  • There are 'several 'thousand "students.

1. We are coming next Saturday. — ... 2. Do the French have the same breakfast as the English? — ... 3. What kind of educational institution is it? — ... 4. The front door is locked. — ... Model B: — What would you like with your tea?

  • Could you give me a 'cheese /sandwich?

1. Let's meet at 8. — ... 2. What would you have for the main course? — ... 3. If you want to go to university, you need to have 3 more A- Level exams. 4. Wednesday is busy. It's my birthday, you see. Model C: — I'll give him a call in the evening.

  • I ad'vise you to 'do it "'now.

1. They usually have a glass of juice for breakfast. — ... 2. How do you like the meat? — ... 3. When shall 1 do it? 4. Let's go out to the pictures this evening.

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