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Упражнения для внеаудиторной работы

          1. Затранскрибируйте и распределите следующие слова по груп­пам в зависимости от произносимого в них аллофона звука |а:] — глубокого или неглубокого заднего ряда.

scarf, carpct, father, palm, farther, task, jar, vast, far, glass, bath, garden, car, after, Arthur, rather

          1. Выпишите слова, в которых сонант является слогообразующим.

'kAtnj mAtn SAdn dAbl 'kAmfatabl bAtn Ьлтр 'Jelta mAsl pAls 't/Akl 'tjasmpisn 'tjaspl 'tfaetio /лП

          1. Прочтите следующие предложения по интонационной раз­метке. Покажите их интонационную структуру графически.

            1. They 'study ,History, | /English | and 'Russian there.

            2. There is a 'jug of,milk, ^ a'piece of,cake ^ and an 'empty 'glass in , front of, Harry.

            3. Jackets are 'made of,denim,^ ,silk,^ ,velvet ^ and 'other kinds of material.

            4. 'Harry can -play /darts, ^ ,crickct ^ and 'badminton.

            5. 'Meggy has a 'silver ,chain, | an 'amber /bracelet | and a 'nice 'ring.

          2. Прочтите предложения, используя низкий восходящий тер­минальный тон в неконечных синтагмах, образованных при перечислении.

            1. She has many relatives in Minsk — aunts, uncles, cousins and nieces.

            2. There are teachers of Russian, English, Spanish and Latin at the department.

            3. Betty likes knitting, gardening and handicraft.

            4. I'll need raisin, almond, honey and eggs for the cake.

            5. There are cars, vans, trucks and other vehicles at the parking place.

          3. Подберите картинки, которые вы смогли бы описать, ис­пользуя высказывания с перечислением.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises ,

(In-class Activities)

II Practise and memorize •; a) words

nouns: artist, architect, task, article, answer, class; scarf,

jumper, garage, yard, carpet, armchair, glass; father, partner, uncle, son, cousin, mother, brother; butter, lunch, honey, hunger; month, colour, sunset, money, bunch

■ ;

verbs: ask, answer, dance, mark, laugh, park, jump, run,

come, study, hurry

last, charming, fast, young, funny, lovely, sunny, (un)comfortable, lucky, ugly, hungry nothing, something, another, other up, under, above, among


pronouns: prepositions: proper and geographical names:

Arthur, Martin, Charles; Sunday, Monday,' London, Russian : ;

b) patterns

There are /architects, | ,physicists, | physicians | and .engineers

among his Relatives.

1 Plates are 'made of,glass. ^ ,silver, |,plastic | and ceramics.

She 'likes /Zinnias, | ,pansies, ^ /daffodils and carnations.

  1. Answer the teacher's questions using the words in brackets as enumerations.

    1. What are cups made of? (china, clay, glass, plastic, ceramics...)

    2. What outhouses arc there in the yard? (a shed, a barn, a pigsty, a garage...)

    3. There are people of different nationalities in the youth camp, aren't there? (English, Finnish, Italians, Dutch)

    4. What do they do in their English classcs? (read and translate texts, write and speak English)

    5. Is she very busy this Monday? (seeing a business partner, speaking at a meeting, attending a seminar)

    6. What colours are in fashion this season? (black, dark-green, red and pink)

  2. Extend the following sentences as in the model, using the \ prompts in brackets.

Model: ' Sally is 'very ath'letic. She can /Skate, ,ski, /ride and 'sail.

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