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III. В следующих микродиалогах обратите внимание на то, что коммуникативное значение побудительных выска­зываний — предупреждение или просьба — обусловлено контекстом.

May I have a look at the vase?

We must meet at the station at 5.

I am going to town.

What will you have for dinner?

It's raining heavily.

What would you like to have?

—Be v careful with it.

  • 'Hurry vup, then.

  • 'Buy me an /envelope, please.

  • 'Show me the vmenu, -please.

  • ^Don't go vout.

4 Bring me some , mineral,water, please

.Упражнения для внеаудиторной работы

  1. Прослушайте первичные тренировочные упражнения. , Воспроизведите слова и фразы в паузах за диктором в

соответствии с инструкциями к упражнениям.

  1. Произнесите и затранскрибируйте следующие пары слов. Проанализируйте произнесение второго элемента в дифтонгах и в «трехэлементных» гласных.

line — lion, height — hired, tight — tired, sight — society, fight — fired, quite — quiet, died — diet, wide — wired

  1. Выпишите слова, в которых «трехэлементные» гласные произносятся внутри корневой морфемы.

fire, Jiar, tower, towel, wire, slower, lower,.quiet, choir, flour* our, sour, .society, diary, borrower, jQawer, jJikL iron, iiied, SCieatECiiewadays, following, vowel ,, й , r,

  1. Распределите следующие побудительные высказывания по сте­пени нарас тания вежливости, теплоты и сердечности просьбы. 'Ringup in "halfan'hour, iplease. ■(

Give me a ,hand with that ,luggage.^

'Come a bit /later,

'Wake me up in 'two ,hours. I.

'Take it, ,please.-?

'Pay right 'now ,please. <

'Lend mc your /dictionary. у

'Take this 'book to the 'library, .please, i

'Take the ,dog with you.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercisesi (In-class Activities) ,.,-j

I. Practise and memorize

a) words

nouns: hour, choir, iron, flour, flower, fire, tower, tyre, shower,

towel, vowel, diet, liar, scientist, diary, society, power verbs: hire, retire, acquire, require

adjectives: quiet, tired, following, sour, powerful adverbs: nowadays pronouns: our, ours, ourselves proper names: Ireland, Irish, Iris

b) patterns

'Fill 'in this Torm, .please. NTry to do it a,gain. ^ Don't be ^late for ^'classes.

    1. Act out the following conversational exchanges. Pronounce the responses either as polite or neutral (normal) requests.

      1. Do you need anything else? — Just bring in the luggage, please.

      2. Can I do anything for you? — Move this table a little closer to the wall, please.

      3. I'm afraid I must be off. — Stay a bit longer.

      4. Could you give me a light? — Oh, don't smoke here.

      5. A real mess you've made of things. — Don't be angry with me. That won't happen again. ;

      6. So you've failed in maths. — Please don't tell Jan about it.

      7. Shall 1 give her a call tomorrow? — Try to do it today.

      8. Mr. White wants to see you. — Show him in, please.

    2. Use a request or a warning, turning the given prompts into imperatives. Choose a divided or an undivided Fall-Rise, a Low Rising or a Falling nuclear tone according to the meaning of the imperative:

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