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    1. Произнесите и затранскрибируйте следующие слова. Распределите их по группам в зависимости от варианта., нейтрального гласного. // '

attend, mother, handsome,, danCc/s, lecti*re, delicious, workers, announce, affect, cinema, avoid, teaÄieg, must&rd, officer^ fartipus, another, singers, breakfast, dinner, orchard, authors, daughters, answered, forward, ali Ve, fathlr

    1. Произнесите и затранскрибируйте следующие слова.

Проанализируйте различия в их начальном гласном.

pi Ъ 1

enough — announce accept — except avoid — event

among — nnagine Against — ёхатр1е ago — exam

    1. Трансформируйте следующие разговорные формулы в соответствии с моделью. Проанализируйте интонационную структуру и значение обоих вариантов в разговорных формулах вежливости.

Model: 'Thank you, ,dcar. — vThank you, 'dear.

Good morning. Good night. I'm sorry. Thank you very much.

Thanks a lot. Hullo. Pardon me.

IV. Прочтите следующие микродиалоги. Проанализируйте случаи употребления нисходяще-восходящего тона в разговорных формулах вежливости.

      1. 'What do you 'say to a'glass of smilk? — vThankyou, | it would be Veally ,nice.

      2. 'How are you 'getting Non? — 'Very Veil, ,thank you.

      3. You are 'ten 'minutes Jate. — I'm 'very 'sorry, indeed.

      4. You haven't'keptyour promise a^gain. — I'm^really vsorry.

      5. I'm af'raid I must be leaving now. — "Good ,night.

      6. This 'seat is ^occupied. — I 'beg your ,pardon.

      7. ' Hand 'in your ,test, -please. — /Sorry, ^ I 'want to 'look •through it avgain.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises (In-class Activities)

I. Practise and memorize

        1. words

nouns: visitor, center, author, apology, address, breakfast,


verbs: enter, excuse, greet, apologize, agree, accept

adjectives: popular, delicious, sorry (to be sorry), friendly, polite, cordial, cool, warm, lively, (in-) formal, comfortable adverbs: enough, ago, overtime prepositions: along, among, except proper names:Amelia, August, September

        1. Patterns

I'm vsorry. vThankyou, 'dear.

I'm Very ,sorry. Good vmorning. Exvcuse me. Sec you ,later.

Miscellaneous Speech Practice

Read the following conversational passages according to the intonation marked.

1. Husband: ' Here are some Yoses for you, ,dear

.Wife: Oh, 'thank you,,Robert. It's so 'really 'nice

of you.

          1. Waiter: 'Here is your,coffee. ' Visitor: ,Thanks.

          2. Mike: 'Can you join us to'night? His friend Peter: Sorry, I ,can't.

          3. Clerk: If you'need'anything ,else, just'let me


Martin: I' will. "Good ,night.

          1. Receptionist: I'hope you'll'enjoy your'stay here. Mr. Hunt: ,Thank you.

          2. Mr. Wright: Don't'use the'office'phone for

'personal 4calls, please. Miss Davis: I 'won't. I'm ' sorry.

          1. Ann: 'Come and have 'lunch with us on .Sunday.

We'll be 'pleased to xsee you. Jane: Thank you. We'll 'come.

          1. Mrs. Jackson: I 'hear you've been pro'moted.

Congratulations. Mr. Smith: ' Thank you.

          1. A stranger: 1 Is it 'too /far to the 'town -centre?

A passer-by: 'No, | it's ionly a 'couple of-hundred 'metres. A stranger: ' Thank you.

          1. — 'Could you work 'overtime on , Friday?

  • I'm 'really ' sorry, | but I've al'ready "made ar'rangements.

          1. — I'm^terribly ' sorry, | but I've 'broken a 'plate.

  • Oh,'that doesn't ,matter.

          1. — I'll 'pick you "up at about '2 o''clock.

          2. 'Yes, I Jovely. ' Thank you.— Exvcuse me, | 'could you -please 'make "less /noise? — Oh, xyes! I I'm vsorry.

          3. — 'Could you'pass me that Yolder, ,please? The xpink öne. " —Tiere you ,are.


          1. — I'll 'come 'round about x7.

vFine. 'See you at 4seven then. vBye. —v Bye. ;ifj .


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