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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises (In-class Activities)

        1. Practise and memorize ,xJjC

nouns: sweater, guilt, quiz, language, twins, question,

square, queen, Gwen, Sweden

verbs: swim, twist, switch, twinkle, sweep


adjectives: sweet, quick, square, swift, Swedish adverbs: quickly, quite . i

numerals: twelve, twenty prepositions: to, into, between

II. Respond to the following questions using the prompts given in brackets. Be sure to give nuclear prominence to the words car­rying new information. Take care not to give full stress to the words repeated from the previous context. Model A: —Is 'Andrew 'pleased with his 'new 'car?

  • 'Yes, I it's a very 'fast ,car.

1. What's your favourite colour? (Blue, is my favourite colour)^

  1. Is there any milk in that jar? (There's some milk in the oliierjar).'

  2. Is Susan good at cooking? (Yes, she's very.good at cooking). 4. Do you have an English lesson today? (I have two. English lessons today). 5. It's an interesting book, isn't it? (Yes, it's very interesting). 6. Is there a car at the entrance? (There are two cars there).

Model B:— 'Canshe 'speak 'Swedish?

  • Yes, ^ and she can ispeak ^French ^ as \well.


1. Can Helen play table-tennis? (Yes, and she can play cricket, too). 2. Is he interested in swimming? (Yes, he's interested in various activities). 3. Could you come later? (Yes, I could'come at half past twelve). 4. Arc you free tonight? (Yes, I am free after seven). 5. Is Jane

Kate's sister? (Yes, she's Kate's elder sister). 6. Is Susan wearing a hat today? (Yes, she's wearing a J^lackyejvet hat). 7. Tom's leaving at noon, isn't he? (Yes, he's leaving at twelve sharp). 111. Expand the statements by adding introductory clauses to them. Model: — It's very ex citing news. (I think) — I I hink it's very ex citing news.

  1. There 'isn't e'nough Nroom. (I'm a,fraid)

  2. The'weather's too ^chilly to,day. (I'm a,fraid) , s . tSj

  3. He'll be |Studying'History and xArt. (I be,lieve)

  4. This 'language is 'very ^difficult. (They ,say)

  5. She 'teaches ad'vanccd ^groups. (I ,hear)

  6. The 'buses 'run 'every 'few xminutes from ,here. (They ,say)

  7. It's a 'big in'dustrial \city. (I be,lieve)

TV. Show some pictures or photographs to your group-mates and discuss them as in the model. Take care to pronounce the demonstrative pronoun 'that' correctly. Make use of the prompts given below. Model: ' Look at that' red vcar.

That 'car is one of the ^cheapest. Prompts: blue sweater/made of wool; black jacket/elegant; chart/ from an English newspaper; armchair/very comfortable; leather bag/ smart; bunch of tulips /beautiful; cardigan/ the latest fashion.


    1. Звуки. Гласные: дифтонги [из], [аи].

    2. Просодические явления. Повторение и расширение изу­ченного. Употребление нисходящего терминального то­на в специальных вопросах.



Фонемы [иэ], [an] —дифтонги. Ядро дифтонга [ив] - звук [и], т.е. гласный зад не го продвинутого вперед ряда, широкой разновидности высокого подъе­ма, слегка лабиализованный. Второй элемент

дифтонга представляет собой скольжение в направлении

нейтрального гласного [э]\ [аи]


Ядро дифтонга [аи] совпадает с ядром дифтонга [ai[. Это гласный переднего ряда, широкой разновидно-. сти низкого подъ е ма, не ла биа ли зо ван ный. В со-,, временном английском языке [а] в дифтонге [аи] имеет тен­денцию к более 'переднему' произнесению, т.е. является глас­ным собственно переднего ряда, хотя традиционно он опреде­лялся как гласный переднего отодвинутого назад ряда — под влиянием второго элемента: гласного [и].

Как и в других дифтонгах, второй элемент дифтонга [аи] представляет собой лишь скольжение, и полная артикуляция звука [и] не достигается.

Дифтонги [аи], [иэ], как и все другие английские гласные, имеют различную позиционную долготу. При этом модификации длительности происходят в основном за счет первого элемента.

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