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Aunt emily

Of 'all my 'relatives, ^ I 'like my 'Aunt »Emily the ,best. She's my 'mother's 'youngest ч sister. She has 'never» married, | and ^ives a,lone in a 'small >village ^ 'near 4Bath. She's 'in her 'late »fifties, | but she's 'quite 'young in »spirit. She has a 'fair complexion, I 'thick 'brown /hair ^ which she 'wears in a ,bun, | and 'dark 'brown xeyes. She has a ^kind >face, | and 'when you 'meet her, | the 'first 'thing you 'notice jl is her »smile. Her^face is a 'little 'wrinkled ,now, I but I 'think she isYtill rather attractive. She is the 'sort of 'person I you can 'always 'go "to 1 if you have a »problem.

She 'likes vreading ^ and ^gardening, | and she 'still 'goes | for 'long 'walks I 'over the >hills. She's a 'very 'active ,person. 'Either she's 'making something, | or 'mending something, ^ or 'doing •something to *enter\tain herself. She's ex'tremely 'generous, | but 'not 'very 'tolerant ; with >people ^ who 'don't ag\ree with her. I 'hope I I'm as con'tented as 'she is |when I'm 'her ,age.

(From "Headway Intermediate")

          1. Read the texts that follow using appropriate intonation patterns on non-final intonation-groups.

            1. In front of the house we have a small garden, in which we grow flowers; roses, tulips and so on. At the back of the house there's a much larger garden with a lawn and some fruit-trees. There's also a vegetable garden where we grow all kinds of vegetables, such as po­tatoes, cabbages, cauliflowers, onions and tomatoes. At the side of the house is a garage where I keep my car.

            2. Salem house was a square, sad-looking brick building. David was taken into a school room which seemed sad and empty to him. lite room was very dirty. Bits of paper were lying on the floor and I he walls were covered with ink. Besides, there was a strange un­pleasant smell in the air. Mr. Meli explained to David that the boys hadn't come back from their holidays yet.

            3. There are five members to our family: Joe, Dale, Jaclyn and Katherine and a silly dog named Champ. Joe is an engineer. He works for the City of Waterloo and looks after the building of roads and bridges. His job title is Director of Engineering. Joe enjoys skiing, golf, boating and hockey. Dale has several jobs. She looks after the home, runs an afterschool math and reading program and works part-time as a writer. Dale enjoys skiing and playing tennis. Jaclyn is 14 years old and will be going to high school in September. She loves to play sports. She plays hockey, tennis, baseball and likes to ski.

          2. Analyse the intonation of non-final intonation-groups in the

above texts as indicated in the tasks given below:

            1. Compare the intonation patterns of non-final and final parts of utterances.

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              Compare the intonation patterns of syntactically different non-final groups.

« Ink ill'


              1. Learn and reproduce the following dialogue.

Diana: 'Have you -got any ' children?

Vince: 'Yes. We've ,got 'three »kids.^Two ^go to 'High /School | and>Brad | 'started at 'U' С LVA | 'last 'year. ,What about 'you?

Diana: My^daughter is 'nine. "She's^ealled 'Delia. We've only 'got /One. My ' husband | is 'looking - after her.

Vince: 'Look. ' Paul and Jo'anne | are-"already 'there.-"Can you 'see them? They are^sitting out'side the 'pub.

Diana: 'Yes, | it's 'quite 'hot ,now, ^ but it was^cold this ' morning;

Vince: You have 'really nice xweather here.

Diana: 'Yes, ji ' sometimes!

(from "Opening Strategies ")

              1. Learn the poem.


by R.L.Stevenson

In ' winter ^ 'I get 'up at 'night | And 'dress by 'yellow 'candle-,light. | In 'summer, ^ 'quite the 'other ,way | "I -'have to -'go to-'bed 'by 'day. || I 'have to 'go to ,bed jj and >see The 'birds | 'still 'hopping on the ,tree. | Or 'hear the ^"grown-up^people's 'feet | ^ Still 'going 'past me ^ in the ч street. || "And 'does it 'not -seem ,hard to 'you, | When'all the'sky is/dear ^ and/blue, I And 'I should ,like "so 'much to /play, | To --'have to Jgo to Jbed by 'day?

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