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  1. Linking [г].

  2. Two-stress rhythm. Structures with two stressed and interve­ning unstressed syllables.

  3. Intonation of reporting phrases and reported speech.

1. LINKING [r]

When a word ending in [э] (including [is], [еэ], etc.), [a:], lo:] or [з:] is immediately followed by a word beginning with a vowel, the sound [r] is very often inserted at the end of the first word joining it to the next one. When the spelling of the word ends in the letter "r" (or "-re"), the inserted r-sound is called the linking [r[. When there is no "r" in spelling, the inserted r-sound is called the intrusive [r] (e.g., the idea [r] of it). Learners of English are generally not recommended to use the intrusive [r[, while the linking [r] is recognized as a typical feature of the English Standard pronunciation, e. g.: 'never a'gain ['nevar a'gein], 'centre of the 'city ['sentar av бэ 'siti]. Notice, however, the absence of linking I r| in such "inconvenient" word sequences as 'a roar of laughter', 'an error of judgement' [э'гэ: av'lcufta |, [эп 'era эу'флфтат].

SOUND DRILL I. Practise the linking [r] at the junction of words.

for a while for a short while

for a change for fear of

for instance far away

for a long time later on

never again more or less a year ago over and over agai


an hour and a half an hour or two a quarter of an hour a year and a half

As far as I remember As far as I know As a matter of fact As far as I can se

eII. Learn the rhymes.

There was a young lady of Niger

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger

They came from the ride

With the lady inside

And the smile on the face of the


* * *

For every evil under the sun There is a remedy or there is none.

If there is one try and find it. If there is none never mind it


2. Rhythm practice two-stress pattern Structures with two stressed and intervening unstressed syllables

Each of the two rhythmic groups in such structures has unstressed syllables preceding or/and following the stressed one.

(□) (□)

The shortest utterances following this pattern consist of two polysyllabic notional words or (more rarely) one double-stressed word. They are typical of elliptical sentences used as short replies, headlines and titles, interrogative responses or imperatives. I. Practise the given rhythmic pattern in various tunes. Falling Tune


No »entry. 'Cyclists »only. 'Westminster 'Abbey. Jane 'Eire.

Rising Tunes

'Taking e/xams? 'Badly 'injured? 'Missing again?

Falling-Rising Tunes

Highly instructive. ^Hardly ' possible. Tomorrow 'morning. ^Saturday ''evening.

Pe destrian »Crossing. 'Nelson's »Column. 'St. Paul's Ca»thedral. 'Sherlock »Holmes.

'Making mis'takes? 1 Leaving to/morrow? 'Seventeen 'dollars?

'Fairly ,reasonable. 'Totally un,suitable. Ex'tremely /complicated. Un'usually ,charming

.II. Practise the utterances from Ex. I in conversational contexts.

Model A: What book is it? — "'Spoken 'English". 1. What does this traffic sign mean? — ... 2. What's in the centre of Trafalgar square? — ... 3. What else would you like to see in London? — ... 4. What's your favourite book? — ... 5. What's your favourite literary character? —...

Model В: I want to tell you something. — 'Anything important?

    1. Steve is busy at the moment. He's taking his exam. — ... ?

    2. Beth's cousin has had a car accident. He is badly injured. — ... ?

    3. The girls are missing again. — ... ? 4. She's constantly making mistakes. — ... ? 5. Jackson is leaving tomorrow. — ... ? 6. Nancy paid 17 dollars for the gloves. — ... ?

Model C: What was she praised for? —"'Fluent ' English. 1. What can you say about the lecture? — ... 2. I'm sure she'll be a success. — ... 3. Do you expect them at your place tonight? — ...

    1. Are you moving in on Saturday morning? — ... 5. What do you think of the price? — ... 6. Is it a correct example? — ... 7. What do you think of this article? — ... 8. How did you find his aunt? — ...

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