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The ABC’s of AutoLISP by George Omura

Chapter 5: Making Decisions with AutoLISP


Using the Cond Function

Making decisions

How to repeat parts of a program

How to test for conditions

Using the While Function

Using the If function

Using the Repeat Function

How to make several expressions act like one

Using Test expressions

How to test Multiple Conditions



As we mentioned in chapter 3, AutoLISP is designed to help us solve problems. One of the key elements to problem solving is the ability to perform one task or another based on some existing condition. We might think of this ability as a way for a program to make decisions. Another element of problem solving is repetitive computation. Something that might be repetitive, tedious, and time consuming for the user to do may be done quickly using AutoLISP. In this chapter, we will look at these two facilities in AutoLISP.

Making Decisions

You can use AutoLISP to create macros which are like a predetermined sequence of commands and responses. A macro building facility alone would be quite useful but still limited. Unlike macros, AutoLISP offers the ability to perform optional activities depending on some condition. AutoLISP offers two conditional functions that allow you to build-in some decision making capabilities into your programs. These are the if and cond functions. If and cond work in very similar ways with some important differences.

How to Test for Conditions

The if functions works by first testing to see if a condition is met then it performs one option or another depending on the outcome of the test. This sequence of operations is often referred to as an if-then-else conditional statement. if a condition is met, then perform computation A, else perform computation B. As with all else in AutoLISP, the if function is used as the first element of an expression. It is followed by an expression that provides the test. A second


Copyright © 2001 George Omura,,World rights reserved

The ABC’s of AutoLISP by George Omura

and optional third argument follows the test expression. The second argument is an expressions that is to be evaluated if the test condition is true. If the test returns false or nil, then if evaluates the third argument if it exists, otherwise if returns nil. The following shows the general syntax of the if function.

(if (test expression)

(expression) (optional expression)


The test expression can be use any function but often you will use two classes of functions called predicates and logical operators. Predicates and logical operators are functions that return either true or false. Since these functions don't return a value the way most functions do, the atom T is used by predicates and logical operators to represents a non-nil or true value. There are several functions that return either a T or nil when evaluated.






a numeric value is less than another


a numeric value is greater than another


a numeric value is less than or equal to another


a numeric value is greater than or equal to another


two numeric or string values are equal


two numeric or string values are not equal


two values are one in the same


two expressions evaluate to the same value


an object is an atom (as opposed to a list)


a symbol has a value bound to it


an object is a list


a numeric value is negative


an object is a number, real or integer


an object evaluates to zero

Table 5.1 A list of AutoLISP predicates and logical operators.


Copyright © 2001 George Omura,,World rights reserved

The ABC’s of AutoLISP by George Omura

Logical Operators



all of several expressions or atoms return non-nil


a symbol is nil


a list is nil


one of several expressions or atoms return non-nil

Table 5.1 (continuet) A list of AutoLISP predicates and logical operators.

You may notice that several of the predicates end with a p. The p denotes the term predicate. Also note that we use the term object in the table. When we say object, we mean any lists or atoms which include symbols and numbers. Numeric values can be numbers or symbols that are bound to numbers.

All predicates and logical operators follow the standard format for AutoLISP expressions. They are the first element in an expression followed by the arguments as in the following example:

( > 2 4 )

The greater than predicate compares two numbers to see if the one on the left is greater than the one on the right. The value of this expression is nil since two is not greater than four.

The predicates >,<,>=, <= all allows more than two arguments as in the following:

( > 2 1 5 8 )

When more than two arguments are used, > will return T only if each value is greater than the one to is right. The above expression returns nil since 1 is not greater than 5.

The functions and, not, null and or are similar to predicates in that they too return T or nil. But these functions, called logical operators, are most often used to test predicates (see table 5.1). For example, you could test to see if a value is greater than another:

(setq val1 1)

(zerop val1)



Copyright © 2001 George Omura,,World rights reserved

The ABC’s of AutoLISP by George Omura

We set the variable val1 to 1 then test to see if val1 is equal to zero. The zerop predicate returns nil. But suppose you want to get a true response whenever val1 does not equal zero. You could use the not logical operator to "reverse" the result of zerop:

(setq val1 1)

(not (zerop val1))


Since not returns true when its argument returns nil, the end result of the test is T. Not and null can also be used as predicates to test atoms and lists.

Using the If function

In chapter 2, you saw briefly how the if function worked with the not logical operator to determine whether to load a program or not. Looking at that expression again (see Figure 5.1), you see a typical use of the if function.

Figure 5.1: An expression showing the syntax for the If function

This function tests to see if the function C:BOX exists. If C:BOX doesn't exist, it is loaded. This simple program decides to load a program based on whether the program has already been loaded. The test function in this case is not. Lets look at how you might apply if to another situation. In the following exercise, you will add an expression to decide between drawing a 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional box.


Copyright © 2001 George Omura,,World rights reserved

The ABC’s of AutoLISP by George Omura

1.Open the Box1.lsp file.

2.Change the first line of the Box program so it reads as follows:

(defun BOX1 (/ pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4)

By removing the C: from the function name, Box1 now becomes a function that can be called from another function.

3.Change the first line of the 3dbox program so it reads as follows:

(defun 3DBOX (/ pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4)

4.Add the program listed in boldface print in figure 5.2 to the end of the Box1.lsp file. Your Box1.lsp file should look like figure 5.2. You may want to print out Box1.lsp and check it against the figure.

5.Save and Exit Box1.lsp.

6.Open an AutoCAD file called chapt5. Be sure to use the = suffix with the file name.

7.Load the box1.lsp file.

8.Run the Mainbox program by entering mainbox at the command prompt. You will see the following prompt:

Do you want a 3D box <Y=yes/Return=no>?

9.Enter y. The 3dbox function executes.


Copyright © 2001 George Omura,,World rights reserved

The ABC’s of AutoLISP by George Omura

(defun getinfo ()

(setq pt1 (getpoint "Pick first corner: ")) (princ "Pick opposite corner: ")

(setq pt3 (rxy))


(defun procinfo ()

(setq pt2 (list (car pt3) (cadr pt1))) (setq pt4 (list (car pt1) (cadr pt3)))


(defun output ()

(command "line" pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 "c" )


(defun BOX1 (/ pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4) (getinfo)




(defun 3DBOX (/ pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 h) (getinfo)

(setq h (getreal "Enter height of box: ")) (procinfo)


(command "change" "L" "" "P" "th" h ""

"3dface" pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 "" "3dface" ".xy" pt1 h ".xy" pt2 h ".xy" pt3 h ".xy" pt4 h ""



(defun C:3DWEDGE (/ pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 h) (getinfo)

(setq h (getreal "Enter height of wedge: ")) (procinfo)


(command "3dface" pt1 pt4 ".xy" pt4 h ".xy" pt1 h pt2 pt3 "" "3dface" pt1 pt2 ".xy" pt1 h pt1 ""

"copy" "L" "" pt1 pt4



(defun C:MAINBOX ()

(setq choose (getstring "\nDo you want a 3D box <Y=yes/Return=no>? ")) (if (or (equal choose "y")(equal choose "Y"))(3dbox)(box1))


Figure 5.2: The BOX1.LSP file with C:MAINBOX added.


Copyright © 2001 George Omura,,World rights reserved

The ABC’s of AutoLISP by George Omura

In this example, you first turned the programs C:BOX1 and C:3DBOX into functions by removing the C: from their names. Next, you created a control program called C:MAINBOX that prompts the user to choose between a 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional box. The first line in the C:MAINBOX program, as usual, gives the program its name and determines the local variables. The next line uses the Getstring function to obtain a string value in response to a prompt:

(setq choose (getstring "\nDo you want a 3D box <Y=yes/Return=no>? "))

The prompt asks the user if he or she wants a 3 dimensional box and offers the user two options, Y for yes or Return for no. The third line uses the if function to determine whether to run the BOX1 or 3DBOX function. Notice that the or and the equal predicates are used together.

(if (or (equal choose "y")(equal choose "Y"))(3dbox)(box1))

The or function returns T if any of its arguments returns anything other than nil. Two arguments are provided to or. One test to see of the variable choose is equal to the lower case y while the other checks to see if choose is equal to an upper case y. If the value of either expression is T, then or returns T. So, if the user responds by entering either an upper or lower case y to the prompt in the second line, then the or predicate returns T. Any other value for choose will result in a nil value from or (see figure 5.3).

Figure 5.3: Using the logical operator Or


Copyright © 2001 George Omura,,World rights reserved