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1.5. Лексика и фразеология

Лексика – словарный запас языка. Фразеология – совокупность фразеологизмов.

      1. Since it is based on…


Since – 1) с тех пор; 2) тому назад; 3) с (во временном значении); 4) с тех пор как; 5) так как, поскольку.

Задание. Переведите: 1. Since he was there, we did it together. 2. He has lived here since 1980. 3. Since he went away, we are happy. 4. She has not seen her parents since. 5. It happened many years since.

      1. In one sense…; in another sense


Sense – 1) чувство; 2) здравый смысл; 3) смысл; 4) ощущать; 5) понимать (есть и др. значения);

a sense of humour – чувство юмора; common (good) sense – здравый смысл; to make no sense – не иметь смысла; in a sense – в известном смысле, до известной степени; in all senses – во всех смыслах (отношениях); есть и другие фразеологизмы.

Задание. Переведите: 1. He has no sense of humour. 2. It makes no sense. 3. She is Russian in all senses. 4. My sixth sense always tells me the truth. 5. I can’t sense it. 6. What does the common sense tell you? 7. She is nice in a sense.

      1. This introduction treats a collection of topics


Treat – 1) обращаться, обходиться, относиться; 2) лечить (for – от); 3) трактовать (есть и др. значения);

treatment – 1) обращение, обхождение; 2) лечение, уход; 3) трактовка, подход (есть и другие значения).

Задание. Переведите: 1) to treat somebody for an illness; 2) bad treatment; 3) a new treatment; 4) to treat a topic.

      1. <They> in turn are being applied


Turn – 1) поворот; 2) перемена, изменение; 3) очередь; 4) поворачивать(ся), 5) превращать(ся) (into – в), 6) становиться (есть и др. значения);

to turn on/off– включать / выключать; to turn to – обращаться к; in turn – по очереди (есть и другие обороты).

Задание. Переведите: 1) an unexpected (неожиданный) turn; 2) to jump in turn; 3) to turn to drugs (лекарства); 4) to turn on the lights; 5) to turn black; 6) to turn milk into butter; 7) to turn to the right.

      1. To understand everything perfectly at this stage


Stage – 1) стадия, этап, ступень; 2) сцена, эстрада; 3) инсценировать; 4) организовывать (есть и др. значения).

Задание. Переведите: 1) at this stage; 2) to stage a play; 3) to stage a demonstration; 4) to quit (покинуть) the stage.

      1. Fairly rapidly

Расхождения в значении прилагательных и производных от них наречий на -ly

Наречия часто образуются от прилагательных при помощи суффикса –ly. При этом значение некоторых таких наречий не вполне соответствует значению соответствующих прилагательных:

bad – плохой, badly – очень;

close – соседний, близкий, closely – внимательно;

fair – справедливый, fairly – довольно-таки;

hard – тяжелый, hardly – едва;

high – высокий, highly – очень;

late – поздний, lately – недавно;

large – большой, largely – в большой мере;

near – близкий, nearly – почти;

present – данный, присутствующий, presently – вскоре, сейчас;

ready – готовый, readily – с лёгкостью, охотно;

short – короткий, shortly – вскоре (shortly before – незадолго до, shortly after – вскоре после);

most – наибольший, mostly – главным образом;

mere – явный, простой, merely – только, просто1.

Задание. Переведите: 1) to look closely at somebody; 2) readily acceptable; 3) mostly in France; 4) nearly all; 5) fairly rapidly; 6) to hurt one’s (свою) leg badly; 7) shortly after the holiday; 8) It is likely to be true; 9) He could hardly move; 10) I have seen him lately.

      1. As we shall see in detail


Detail – подробность, деталь; in detail – подробно, в деталях (в английском – в ед.ч.).

      1. Needless to say – не говоря уже о… (от It is needless to say – дословно: не нужно говорить).

Text 2. Nonlinear Stability

There are various meanings that can be given to the word "stability." In­tuitively, stability means that small disturbances do not grow large as time passes. Being more precise about this notion is not just capricious math­ematical nitpicking; indeed, different interpretations of the word stability can lead to different stability criteria. Examples like the double spherical pendulum and stratified shear flows, which are sometimes used to model oceanographic phenomena show that one can get different criteria if one uses linearized or nonlinear analyses (see Marsden and Scheurle [1993a] and Abarbanel, Holm, Marsden, and Ratiu [1986]).

Some History. The history of stability theory in mechanics is very com­plex, but certainly has its roots in the work of Riemann [1860, 1861], Routh [1877], Thomson and Tait [1879], Poincaré [1885, 1892], and Liapunov [1892, 1897].

Since these early references, the literature has become too vast to even survey roughly. We do mention, however, that a guide to the large Soviet literature may be found in Mikhailov and Parton [1990].

The basis of the nonlinear stability method discussed below was origi­nally given by Arnold [1965b, 1966b] and applied to two-dimensional ideal fluid flow, substantially augmenting the pioneering work of Rayleigh [1880]. Related methods were also found in the plasma physics literature, notably by Newcomb [1958], Fowler [1963], and Rosenbluth [1964]. However, these works did not provide a general setting or key convexity estimates needed to deal with the nonlinear nature of the problem. In retrospect, we may view other stability results, such as the stability of solitons in the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation (Benjamin [1972] and Bona [1975]) as being instances of the same method used by Arnold. A crucial part of the method exploits the fact that the basic equations of nondissipative fluid and plasma dynam­ics are Hamiltonian in character. We shall explain below how the Hamiltonian structures discussed in the previous sections are used in the stability analysis.

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