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Условные предложения

(Conditional Sentences)

В английском языке имеется 5 типов условных предложений:

условные предложения 0 типа (Conditional sentences Type 0);

условные предложения I типа (Conditional sentences Type I); условные предложения II типа (Conditional sentences Type II); условные предложения III типа (Conditional sentences Type III); условные предложения смешанного типа (Conditional sentences of Mixed Type), которые вводятся союзами:

if если

only if если бы (только)

even if даже если

in case в случае, если

suppose (that) предположим, что

on condition (that) при условии, что

provided (that) при условии, что

unless если ... не

providing при условии, что

Условные предложения 0 типа выражают законы природы.

И в главном и в придаточном предложениях употребляется Simple Present.

If you heat ice, it melts .— Если нагреть лед, он тает

Условные предложения I типа выражают вполне реальные, осуществимые предположения, относящиеся к будущему или настоящему времени. Глагол в придаточном предложении употребляется в Simple Present, Present Continuous или Present Perfect, а глагол главного предложения может стоять в Future Simple, в форме модальных глаголов can/may/might/must + inf. без частицы to, а также в повелительном наклонении.

If the weather is nice, well go for a walk. — Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдём на прогулку.

If you see him, ask him to ring me up. — Если вы его увидите, попросите его позвонить мне по телефону.

If you have taken the books, you can start working on your article. — Если ты возьмешь книги, то сможешь начать работать над статьей.

Примечание: Подобная расстановка времен встречается и в придаточных предложениях времени, вводимых союзами:

when когда

after после того

before прежде чем

as soon as как только

until, till пока не, до тех пор, пока

I’ll call up when I arrive in Paris. — Я позвоню, когда приеду в Париж.


Exercise 1. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of Conditionals.

1. I (to buy) a new coat when I (go) shopping tomorrow.

2. After I(to finish) my homework this evening, I (take) a walk.

3. If I (see) Eduardo tomorrow, I ( to ask) him to join us for dinner this weekend.

4. Mrs. Polanski ( to change) her clothes if she (work) in her garden this afternoon.

5. If I (get) a job soon, I (to pay) you the money I owe you.

6. The boss (be) very disappointed if you (not to be) at the meeting tomorrow.

Exercise 2. Choose the right form.

1. If I don’t feel/won’t feel well tomorrow, I stay/I’ll stay at home.

2. If the weather is/will be nice tomorrow, we can go to the beach.

3. It will be hard to find a hotel if we arrive/will arrive late.

4. The alarm will ring if there is/will be a fire.

5. I am/will be surprised if they get/will get married.

6. Do/will you go to the party if they invite/will invite you?

7. If I am/will be late this evening, don’t wait for me.

8. What shall we do, if it rains/will be raining?

9. I’ll be able to understand you, if you speak/will speak slowly.

Exercise 3. Join the groups of sentences, using Conditionals, and making any necessary changes.

Example: The bus may arrive early. Then I shall get on it.—

If the bus arrives early, I’ll get on it.

1. The taxi may arrive late. Then I’ll miss my appointment.

2. The chauffeur may drive fast. Then they’ll catch their plane.

3. We may have a puncture. Then we’ll telephone the nearest garage.

4. Caroline wants to change her job. Then she’ll earn more money.

5. Steve hopes to pass his exams. Then he’ll go to university.

6. He wants to go to university. Then he’ll study history or languages.

7. James wants to become a tennis player. Then he’ll make a lot of money.

8. Perhaps he won’t improve his game. Then he’ll give up tennis.

9.His mother wants to make him study law. Then he’ll be unhappy.

10. Perhaps she won’t say anything. Then they’ll decide themselves.

Exercise 4. Use the verbs in the appropriate form.

Example: If you … (leave) it with me now, it … (not to take) more than a couple of days to repair.—

If you leave it with me now, it won’t take more than a couple of days to repair.

1. If you … (give) me your phone number, sir, we … (let) you know when it … (arrive).

2. How long … it … (take) if you … (order) one for me?

3. If you … (not see) what you … (want), sir, just … (ask) one of the assistants.

4. If it … (not fit), madam, … (bring) it back and we … (change) it.

5. If you … (wait) a minute, sir, I … (see) if the manager … (be) free.

6. … I … (get) any discount if I … (pay) in cash?

Tеst 1.

Choose the right answer:

1. Before you ____, don’t forget to lock the door.

a) are leaving

b) will leave

c) leave

d) shall leave

2. Please do not speak to anyone before the police ____.

a) come

b) are coming

c) ‘ll come

d) came

3. His parents will be very glad if she ____ the university.

a) enter

b) ‘ll enter

c) enters

d) entered

4. When you ____ my brother, you ___ him.

a) ‘ll see, won’t recognize

b) see, won’t recognize

c) saw, recognize

d) ‘ll see, don’t recognize

5. We won’t discuss the matter until the headmaster ____.

a) ‘ll arrive

b) won’t arrive

c) doesn’t arrive

d) arrives

6. If I ____ any help I _____ my friend.

a) need, ‘ll phone

b) ‘ll need, ‘ll phone

c) ‘ll need, phone

d) needed, ‘ll phone

7. Let’s ____ before it ___ raining.

a) to go out, starts

b) go out, starts

c) go out, ‘ll starts

d)going out, ‘ll starts

8. I want to go shopping but if you ____ to come, you ___ .

a) want, need

b) not want, needn’t

c) don’t want, needn’t

d) do want, needn’t

9. If you ___ on this tram it’ll take you to the downtown.

a) ‘ll get

b) have got

c) got

d) get

10. He ____ to the country tomorrow if the weather is fine.

a) go

b) goes

c) ‘ll go

d) ‘d go

11. You’ll understand nothing unless you ____ the book yourself.

a) read

b) won’t read

c) don’t read

d) ‘ll read

12. You’ll understand this rule after your teacher ___ it to you.

a) ‘ll explain

b) explain

c) explains

d) don’t explain

13. I ____ the room till I see my brother.

a) ‘ll leave

b) shan’t leave

c) leave

d) don’t leave

14. I ____ at home till you ____ me up.

a) am, ‘ll ring

b) is, ring

c) ‘ll be, ring

d) ‘ll be, ’ll ring

15. You ____ English fluently if you ____ hard.

a) speak, work

b) speak, ‘ll work

c) ‘ll speak, work

d) ‘ll speak, ‘ll work

16. He ____ for Moscow as soon as his father ____.

a) ‘ll leave, arrive

b) ‘ll leave, ‘ll arrive

c) leave, ‘ll arrive

d) ‘ll leave, arrives

17. If I ____ my exams, my mother _____ me go to a disco.

a) don’t pass, won’t let

b) won’t pass, won’t let

c) won’t pass, let

d) won’t pass, doesn’t let

18. If he ____ well, he’ll always be tired.

a) sleeps

b) doesn’t sleep

c) ‘ll sleep

d) won’t sleep

19. I’ll feel really sorry for her if she ____ all the work without any help.

a) has done

b) did

c) does

d) has to do

20.He’ll be fired if he ___ improve his work.

a) doesn’t

b) will

c) won’t

d) has to

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