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Тема 6.3. Моя будущая профессия

Study the words and the word-combinations.

thorough — тщательный, основательный, глубокий

accounting — бухгалтерское дело

advertising — рекламное дело

be deeply involved — быть глубоко вовлеченным

expect changes — предугадывать перемены

long-run forces — силы, рассчитанные на достижение конечного результата

surface — поверхность

diversified — разнообразный

desire — желание

post-graduate courses — аспирантура

doctorate — докторантура

hypothesis — гипотеза

being employed — будучи занятым, работая

executive manager — исполнительный директор

sales manager — менеджер по продажам

widely required — востребованный

balance sheet — балансовый отчет

income statement — отчет о доходах

invoice – счет-фактура

responsible for — ответственный за

designing — создание

stock exchange — фондовая биржа

I. Make up possible word combinations.

1. sales a) exchange

2.create b) post-graduate courses

3. be taught c) forces

4.thorough d) advertising

5. balance e) training

6. stock f) sheet

7. study at g) hypotheses

8. long run h) manager

II. Complete the sentences using the words and word combinations given below:

responsible for, disire, balance sheets, income statements, invoices, deeply involved, diversified, widely required

1. An accountant is one of the most ... professions.

2. The profession of an economist is quite ... .

3. If you have a ... to become a scientist you may continue your studies at the post-graduate courses.

4. A book-keeper deals with ..., ..., ... .

5. An accountant is ... designing the financial policy of a company.

6. Business and government are ... in the world economy.

III. Read and translate the text.


I’m a student of the Law and Economics Department of Baranovichi State University. In four years I’ll graduate from the University and become a professional economist. I’m sure that the profession of an economist is one of the most important nowadays in view of the situation in our Republic.

What makes a good economist? Whatever he does, an economist should have a thorough training in economic theory, mathematics and statistics and our University offers such training. At the University we are taught various general and special subjects, such as Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Management, Accounting, Marketing, Advertising, Money and Banking, Economic Theory, Econometrics, Statistics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Business Ethics, Foreign Languages, etc.

An economist needs some knowledge of the world outside his own country because both business and government are deeply involved in the world economy. Some knowledge of political and economic history will help him to expect changes and always look for basic long-run forces under the surface of things.

The profession of an economist is quite diversified. The graduates of our Department work at educational institutions, various research centres, in industry, business, banks, etc. You may continue your studies at the Post-graduate Courses or Doctorate if you have a desire and abilities to become a scientist or a professor. Scientists in the field of economics create new theories and models to test their hypotheses and carry out economic research.

Being employed in industry and business, our graduates work as managers: as an executive manager, a sales manager, a financial manager. Some of us work as accountants. An accountant is one of the most prestigious and widely required professions of an economist in our society.You shouldn’t mix an accountant with a book-keeper. While a book-keeper is mostly involved in calculations, like balance sheets, income statements, invoices, an accountant is responsible for designing the financial policy of a company.

Some of us work at the banks, others work for the government or are employed by various agencies and by military services. Economists are needed at plants, firms, on collective farms... Well, it’d take less time to name the places where economists are not needed.

Knowing the economic laws of the development of the society, economists can solve many problems facing our Republic and I hope I’ll manage to make my contribution to this process.

IV. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following word combinations:

факультет экономики и права

заканчивать университет

тщательная подготовка

различные общие и специальные предметы

деловая этика

под поверхностью

выпускники университета

продолжать учебу

создавать теории

проводить исследования

престижная и востребованная профессия

не следует путать

планирование финансовой политики

работать на военное ведомство

проблемы, стоящие перед страной

суметь внести свой вклад

V. Find out whether the statements are true or false.

1. The profession of an economist is the most important nowadays.

2. A thorough training in various subjects makes a good economist.

3. Students of the Finance and Law department are taught only economic subjects.

4. An economist should know political and economic history.

5. The graduates of the department can be employed in various spheres of the national economy.

6. Everybody has a possibility to become a scientist or a professor.

7. Scientists in the field of economics test new theories.

8. A lot of graduates work as accountants.

9. The terms “an accountant” and “a book-keeper” have different meanings.

10. Economists can solve some problems facing our country.

VI. Answer the questions.

1. Why is the profession of an economist one of the most important nowadays in our Republic?

2. What makes a good economist?

3. The profession of an economist is quite diversified, isn’t it?

4. In what way do accountants differ from book-keepers?

5. What kind of specialists are graduated from economic departments?

6. How can you continue your studies after graduating from the University?

7. What does the profession of an economist contribute to?

Теst 1

Choose the right answer:

1. December is ... month of the year.

a) the twelveth

b) the twelfth

c) the twelvе

d) twelfth

2. Thirty-one plus twelve is ... .

a) fifty-three

b) fifty-two

c) forty-three

d) fourty-three

3. The man was in his ...

a) thirties

b) thirteenth

c) thirty

d) thirtys

4. It happened ... .

a) on nineteen seventy-fifth

b) in nineteen seventy-fifth

c) in ninety seventy-five

d) in nineteen seventy-five

5. The article you are looking for is on ... .

a) the page 70

b) page 70th

c) the page 70th

d) page 70

6. There are about five ... in Great Britain.

a) thousands libraries

b). thousand libraries

c) thousand library

d) thousandth libraries

7. In those years, ... of the top people had been to public schools.

a) a two- third

b) the two-thirds

c) two-thirds

d) the two-third

8. His best-known book was published before ... World War.

1. the Secondth

2. the Second

3. a Second

4. Second

9. Glasgow is ... city in Britain.

a) a third large

b) the third larger

c) the third largest

d) a third largest

10. It was ... painting.

a) a nineteenth-century

b) a nineteen-century

c) nineteenth-century

d) the nineteenth-century

11. ... eggs were burnt to avoid bird flu in this region.

a) Dozens of

b) Dozen of

c) Dozen

d) Dozens

12. For further information see ...

a) chapter 3rd

b) chapter 3

c) the capter 3

d) the third of chapter

13. Today Alaska has slightly over ... people.

a) five hundreds of thousand

b) five hundreds thousand

c) five hundred thousands

d) five hundred thousand

14. School begins ... in the morning.

a) at the 8 o’clock

b) at 8 o’clock

c) in 8 o’clock

d) at 8th o’clock

15. The city is expecting extra tourists to celebrate ... anniversary.

a) it’s three hundredth

b) its third hundredth

c) its three hundredth

d) its third hundred

Теst 2

1. He is flying better now than he ... before.

a) flyed

b) flied

c) flew

d) flown

2. How often ... tennis?

a) you play

b) does you play

c) you plays

d) do you play

3. I don’t understand this sentence. What ... ?

a) does mean this word

b) does this word mean

c) mean this word

d) this word mean

4. He ... much next week.

a) works

b) will work

c) worked

d) does work

5. The girl ... a new dress last Friday.

a) buyed

b) did buy

c) bought

d) buys

6. ... help me, please?

a) Will you

b) You will

c) Did you

d) Shall you

7. Our cat ... milk.

a) not drinks

b)doesn’t drink

c) don’t drink

d) isn’t drink

8. If she ... hard, she’ll not pass her exams.

a) won’t study

b) don’t study

c) not studies

d) doesn’t study

9. Pineapples ... in Belarus.

a) don’t grow

b) never grow

c) not grow

d) doesn’t grow

10. Mary usually ... me on Fridays but she ... last Friday.

a) phones, not phoned

b) phone, didn’t phone

c)phone, doesn’t phone

d) phones, didn’t phone

11. Water ... at 100 degrees C.

a) boils

b) boil

c) will boil

d) boiling

12. When ... him last?

a) did you met

b) did you meeted

c) did you meet

d) you met

13. I ... you in two days.

a) will phone

b) phone

c) phones

d) would phone

14. The man ... a letter and ... me to post it.

a) wrote, ask

b) write, asked

c) writed, asked

d) wrote, asked

15. I wonder why ... her to the party.

a) didn’t they invite

b) they didn’t invite

c) they not invited

d) they didn’t invited

16. He’ll phone you as soon as he ... in London.

a) arrive

b) will arrive

c) arrived

d) arrives

17. She ... drink a lot of coffee but now she ... tea.

a) used to, preferes

b) used to, prefers

c) used, prefers

d) use, prefer

18. ... translate the text?

a) Will I

b) Shall I

c) I will

d) Do I

19. How much ... these apples ... ?

a) does ... cost

b) does ... costs

c) do ...cost

d) do ... costs

20. She ... on her coat and ... out.

a) puted, went

b) putted, went

c) puts, wents

d) put, went

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