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Причастные обороты

(The Participial Constructions)




1. Объектный причастный оборот (the Complex Object):

We heard our flight announced.

Мы слышали, что объявили наш рейс.

Сущ. (общ. п.)/

мест. (объект. п.)



I и II

I saw him swimming.

Я видел, как он плавал.

He has his hair cut.

Он постригся.

2. Субъектный причастный оборот (the Complex Subject):

Our flight was heard announced.

Слышали, что объявили наш рейс.

Сущ. (общ. п.)/

мест. (им. п.)



I и II

He was seen swimming.

She was heard singing.

Видели, как он плавал.

Слышали, как она пела.

3. Независимый причастный оборот (the Absolute Participial Construction)

It being cold, we stayed at home.

Так как было холодно, мы остались дома.

Сущ. (общ. п.)/

мест. (им. п.)



I и II

My mother was cooking dinner, I helping her.

Мама готовила обед, а я помогала ей.

The car repaired, I'll go to the sea.

Если отремонтируют машину, я уеду к морю.

Exercise 1. Transform the verbs in the brackets into Participles I or II.

1. We were walking along the path (to cover) with (to fade) leaves.

2. (to arrive) in Moscow we went sightseeing at once.

3. If (to sigh) the contract will bring profit to our company.

4. (to examine) by the doctor they were allowed to join the sports club.

5. We saw them (to cross) the street.

6. Broadly (to speak) dogs are more faithful than cats.

7. She went out (to close) the door behind her.

8. Though (to frighten), he didn’t show it.

9. He looked (to bewilder), as if (to tell) something unbelievable.

10. The leaves (to lie) on the ground were rustling under our feet.

11. I walked out of the room (to smile) to myself.

12. (to tell) the news she started crying.

13. There were four (to smash) glasses and three (to break) plates on the floor.

14. He wasn’t surprised to see her, (to inform) about her arrival beforehand.

15. The young man and his lovely girl-friend were walking slowly along the street, (to talk) about something in low voices and (to smile) to each other from time to time.

Exercise 2. Translate what is given in brackets using Participles.

1. We came up to the man (стоявшему на углу) and asked him the way.

2. The people (ожидающие доктора) have been sitting here for an hour.

3. (Пообедав) they continued on their journey.

4. She shivered with fright, as if (осознавая) the danger.

5. You must be careful while (видя) the car.

6. His (неожиданный) answer surprised me.

7. (Будучи построенным) two centuries ago the house has no lift.

8. I want the paper (напечатали) as soon as possible.

9. Though (будучи приглашённым), he stayed at home.

10. When (пишет) letters he doesn’t like to be disturbed.

Exercise 3. Translate into English using the pattern to have something done

Example: 1) Я делаю прическу в парикмахерской каждую пятницу.

I have my hair done every Friday.

2) Здесь вам почистят пальто за одни сутки.

Here you can have your coat cleaned overnight.

1. Вам надо отгладить и почистить костюм.

2. Мне надо сфотографироваться.

3. Здесь можно отдать в чистку плащ?

4. Вам не починят кран до понедельника.

5. Где вам шьют?

6. Где вам шили это платье?

7. У него украли документы в прошлом году.

8. Ей выкрасили кухню в светло-зеленый цвет.

9.Она сшила себе новое пальто.

10. Мне нужно сделать прическу.

Exercise 4. Replace the clauses with the Absolute Participial Construction.

Example: As the book was translated into Russian, it could be read by everybody.

The book being translated into Russian, it could be read by everybody.

1. As we were given dictionaries, we managed to translate the article easily.

2. As soon as I have done my homework, I shall go for a walk.

3. As soon as I have bought the book, I shall begin reading it.

4. As there was a severe storm at sea, the steamer couldn’t leave the port.

5. As it was Sunday, the library was closed.

6. As the weather was fine, they went for a walk.

7. As the Professor was ill, the lecture was put off.

Теst 1.

Choose the right answer:

1. She stayed ____ in her room, ____ to come downstairs.

a) having locked, refused

b) locked, refusing

c) locking, having refused

d) to lock, to refuse

2. She had a good practical knowledge of French ____ as an interpreter for many years in France.

a) working

b) having worked

c) worked

d) work

3. When we ____ from our day's outing came into the kitchen, we found dinner ____.

a) returned, serving

b) having returned, served

c) returning, having served

d) returned, to serve

4. ____ by his elbow, Mary listened to their talk.

a) supported

b) supporting

c) having supported

d) to be supporting

5. ____ their meal they went for a stroll in the park.

a) finishing

b) finished

c) having finished

d) to have finished

6. Fruits _____ in hothouses are so rich in colour, taste and vitamins as fruits _____ in natural conditions.

a) having grown, grown

b) grown, growing

c) growing, having grown

d) grew, to have grown

7. ____ in the reception room he thought over what he would say when he was asked into the office.

a) waiting

b) waited

c) having waited

d) to have waited

8. She used to say sharp and ____ words to him.

a) having wounded

b) wounded

c) wounding

d) to wound

9. I admired the grounds and trees _____ the house.

a) surrounding

b) having surrounded

c) surrounded

d) to surrounded

10. She looked at the scene _____ to the innermost of her heart.

a) shaking

b) shaken

c) having shaken

d) to be shaken

11. We saw the luggage ______.

a) packing

b) packed

c) having packed

d) having been packed

12. They made me ____ that very day.

a) come

b) to being come

c) have come

d) have been coming

13. My hair needs _____.

a) cut

b) cutting

c) being cut

d) having been cut

14. Children like _____.

a) praising

b) being praised

c) praised

d) having been praised

15. _____ into the room the police found nobody there.

a) having rushed

b) being rushed

c) rushing

d) rushed

Модуль XXII. Контроль знаний: лексико-грамматический тест

Choose the right answer:

1. Do you feel like … a cup of tea?

a) to have b) having c) have d) be having

2. They would like the new material … once again.

a) to explain b) be explained c) explain d) to be explained

3. I remember … a woman outside when I left the house.

a) seeing b) to see c) have seen d) having seen

4. We are looking forward to … on a tour around London by our English friends.

a) been taken b) being taken c) having been taken d) taking

5. You should … to other people’s opinions.

a) to listen b) to be listen c) listening d) listen

6. Don’t pretend … what you aren’t.

a) to be b) being c) be d) to have been

7. The child was made … the truth.

a) to tell b) tell c) be told d) to be told

8. This student is not used … hard.

a) to work b) to be working c) to working d) working

9. I used … in the library practically every day when in University.

a) sit b) to be sitting c) to sitting d) to sit

10. Jane noticed a friend of hers and stopped … to her.

a) talking b) to talk c) talk d) be talked

11. Computers are said … TV sets in the near future.

a) to replace b) replacing c) being replaced d) replace

12. His parents never let him … in bed

a) reading b) to read c) to reading d) read

13. I don’t mind … the experiment.

a) against repeating b) repeat c) repeating d) to repeat

14. I hope … the first prize at the competition.

a) for entering b) to enter c) of entering d) entering

15. Why not … power usage?

a) to reduce b) reducing c) reduce d) be reduced

16. We regret … you that you failed at your exam.

a) informing b) inform c) about informing d) to inform

17. The man was seen … the computer.

a) to load b) load c) loading d) being loaded

18. Can you hear those two scientists … an argument?

a) have b) having c) to have d) are having

19. The child was so nice that people couldn’t help … at him.

a) smile b) to smile c) smiling d) from smiling

20. Poor people can’t afford … their children to expensive schools.

a) sending b) to sent c) sent d) to send

21. Nobody can expect you … overtime.

a) work b) to work c) working d) to be worked

22. All people enjoy …

a) to praise b) praising c) be praised d) being praised

23. The students stopped … ready for their exams and had some rest.

a) getting b) get c) to get d) with getting

24. I don’t want anyone … me while I am depressed.

a) see b) seeing c) to see d) saw

25. Before … the letter, he answered a telephone call.

a) to read b) read c) his reading d) reading

26. These firms are not interested … people over fifty.

a) in employing b) to employ c) employ d) employing

27. I’d prefer … in a flat rather than in a hotel.

a) to live b) living c) live d) of living

28. Let us … when you are coming.

a) to know b) know c) of knowing d) knew

29. It’s no good … for a walk. It’s raining.

a) in going b) to go c) going d) about going

30. What prevented you … to the lecture?

a) of coming b) to come c) against coming d) from coming

31. The programmer succeeded … a job.

a) of finding b) about finding c) in finding d) finding

32. Do you think this job is worth …?

a) taking b) to take c) take d) of taking

33. The scientist spent hours trying … the problem.

a) to solve b) solving c) solve d) by solving

34. The girl is used … alone.

a) to live b) living c) to living d) live

35. Please forgive me … you.

a) not to visit b) not visiting c) for not visiting d) about not visiting

36. I’d rather … at home and … anywhere.

a) to stay, not go b) stay, not to go c) to stay, not to go d) stay, not go

37. I regret … my roommate.

a) offending b) to offend c) to have d) of offending

38. The suspect denied … anywhere near the scene of the crime.

a) be b) being c) was d) to be

39. This film is believed … by a famous producer.

a) being made b) be made c) to have been made d) to have made

40. We’ve just been able … the computer.

a) to load b) load c) about loading d) loading

41. The workers were made … overtime.

a) work b) to work c) to be worked d) to have worked

42. It’s very difficult to get used … in the daytime.

a) to sleeping b) sleep c) to sleep d) sleeping

43. The driver was accused of … the road accident.

a) provoke b) provoked c) provoking d) to provoke

44. We had better … the formulae before the exam.

a) review b) to review c) reviewed d) reviewing

45. Don’t forget … your mobile.

a) recharging b) to recharge c) about recharging d) recharge

46. I’d like you … dangerous turnings.

a) avoid b) to avoid c) avoided d) avoiding

47. Let’s … some coffee.

a) to have b) had c) have d) haved

48. He doesn’t recommend his friends … in fast food restaurants.

a) to eat b) eating c) to be eating d) eat

49. I couldn’t stand … him again.

a) see b) seeing c) to see d) saw

50. I don’t mind … the window.

a) to close b) be closing c) your closing d) close

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