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Модуль III. Социокультурный портрет страны изучаемого языка

Цель: формирование и совершенствование репродуктивного лексического навыка по теме.


- расширить словарный запас студентов по теме,

- развивать и совершенствовать навыки и умения устной речи по теме,

- формировать навыки и умения самостоятельной работы над языковым материалом

- совершенствовать навыки чтения текстов тематической направленности, используя словарь,

- развивать контекстуальную догадку,

- совершенствовать репродуктивные грамматические навыки и умения.

Студент должен знать:

- терминологию темы и использовать ее в речи;

- полную фактическую информацию, содержащуюся в текстах лексической темы;

Студент должен уметь:

- понимать содержание представленных текстов,

- аргументировано представлять свое высказывание по текстам лексической темы,

- оперировать различными видами речевой деятельности по теме «Социокультурный портрет страны изучаемого языка» (монолог, диалог)

Тема 3.1. Национальные традиции и обычаи Великобритании. Религия.

Грамматическая тема: Имя прилагательное (степенисравнения).

Study the words and the word-combinations.

a custom — обычай

a tradition — традиция

a foreigner — иностранец

a peculiarity — особенность

fascinating — очаровательный

stage — инсценировать

annually — ежегодно

escort — сопровождать

a coach — карета

jewels — драгоценности

a sack — мешок

wool — шерсть

powerful — могущественный

a row — ряд

a fireplace — камин

central heating — центральное отопление

two-storied — двухэтажный

a side — сторона

complete — полный, совершенный

freedom — свобода

conduct — руководить

propagate — пропагандировать

established — учрежденный

clergy — духовенство

armed forces — вооруженные силы

a prison — тюрьма

a salary — зарплата

appoint — назначать

an adherent — приверженец

tolerant — терпимый (о человеке)

  1. Complete the sentences using the following words:

Foreigners, freedom, salary, customs, traditions, annually, propagate, row, two-storied, appointed, staged.

  1. National holidays, … and … of any country are closely connected with the history of this country.

  2. Every year a lot of … visit Great Britain.

  3. Different traditional ceremonies are held in Great Britain … .

  4. People in Britain prefer to live in … houses.

  5. Going down the street, she walked past a long … of houses.

  6. This ceremony is usually … in front of Buckingham Palace.

  7. There is complete religious … in the UK.

  8. Churches and religious societies may … their beliefs in speech or writing.

  9. The Prime Minister is … by the Queen.

  10. Clergy of the established churches are paid a … by the State.

  1. Translate into English.

Полная свобода, центральное отопление, назначить министра, сопровождать эскортом, ехать в карете, мешок шерсти, ряд скамеек, вооруженные силы, сильная страна, учрежденные церкви, национальные тюрьмы.

  1. Complete the sentences.

  1. Every nation has…

  2. All the ceremonies…

  3. The Queen opens the parliament…

  4. The Englishmen prefer houses…

  5. In Britain the cars keep…

  6. Twenty four senior bishops sit…

  7. In Great Britain there are adherents…

  8. Sheep wool made England…

  1. with a fireplace and a garden

  2. to the left side of road

  3. with a speech in the House of Lords

  4. in the House of Lords

  5. its own customs and traditions

  6. rich and powerful

  7. of practically every world religion

  8. are fascinating

IV. Read the text.

Customs and traditions in the UK

Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. Foreigners coming to Britain are struck at once by quite a number of customs and peculiarities in the English life.

Some ceremonies are traditional, such as the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, Trooping the Colour, the State Opening of Parliament. The Ceremony of Trooping the Colour is one of the most fascinating. It is staged in front of Buckingham Palace. It is held annually on the monarch’s birthday which is the second Saturday in June. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is Colonel-in-Chief of the Life Guards. She is escorted by Horse Guard riding to the Parade. The ceremony is accompanied by the music of bands. The procession is headed by the Queen.

In England the Queen opens the parliament once a year, she goes to the Houses of Parliament in the golden coach, and she wears the crown and the crown jewels. She opens the Parliament with a speech in the House of Lords.

In the House of Lords, Chancellor sits on the sack of wool. This tradition comes from the old times when sheep wool made England rich and powerful.

In the House of Commons there are two rows of benches: one row is for the government and the other one is for the opposition.

The Englishmen have love for old things. They prefer houses with a fireplace and a garden to a flat, modern houses with central heating. The houses are traditionally not very high. They are usually two-storied. British buses are double-decked and red, mail-boxes are yellow, the cars keep to the left side of road – all these are traditions.

Religion has always played an important part in the national way of life. There is complete religious freedom in the United Kingdom. Churches and religious societies may own property, conduct schools, and propagate their beliefs in speech and writing.

There are two established churches: in England the Church of England (Anglican), and in Scotland the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian). Clergy of the established churches work in services which are run by the State, such as the armed forces, national hospitals and prisons, and are paid a salary by the State. Clergy of other religious communities are also appointed.

Though nominally Christian, Great Britain contains adherents of practically every world religion who are free to practice their particular beliefs in a tolerant and free society.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are foreigners coming to Britain struck at?

  2. Who opens the parliament in Britain? How often?

  3. What ceremonies are traditional in Britain?

  4. Where does Chancellor sit in the House of Lords? Why?

  5. What houses do the Englishmen prefer to live?

  6. What colour are the buses and mail-boxes in Britain?

  7. What are the two established churches in Britain?

VI. Mark the sentences below as “True” or “False”:

  1. In Britain Chancellor opens parliament once a year.

  2. In the Houses of Lords, Chancellor sits on the sack of wool.

  3. The Ceremony of Trooping the Colour is staged in front of Buckingham Palace.

  4. The Ceremony of Trooping the Colour is held annually on the monarch’s official birthday.

  5. In the House of Commons there are three rows of benches.

  6. British buses are yellow, mail-boxes are red.

  7. The Englishmen prefer to live in one-storied houses.

  8. Great Britain contains adherents of practically every world religion.

  1. Write questions to this answers:

  1. The Ceremony of Trooping the Colour is staged in front of Buckingham Palace. (Where)

  2. The monarch’s official birthday is on the second Saturday in June. (When)

  3. In England the Queen opens the Parliament once a year. (How often)

  4. Chancellor sits on the sack of wool. (Where)

  5. The Englishmen have love for old things. (Do)

  6. Great Britain contains adherents of practically every world religion. (Does)

  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box below.

  1. Every nation and every country has its own … and … .

  2. The Ceremony of Trooping the Colour is the most … .

  3. The Queen goes to the House of Parliament in the golden … .

  4. Sheep … made England rich and powerful.

  5. In the House of Commons there are two … of benches.

  6. In Britain the cars keep to the left … of road.

  7. The Englishmen prefer modern houses with … .

  8. Churches and religious societies own property, … schools, and propagate their beliefs in speech and writing.

  9. Clergy of the … churches work in services which are run by the State.

  10. Great Britain contains … of practically every world religion.

Row, side, central heating, customs, traditions, adherents, fascinating, wool, conduct, established, coach.

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