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Final questionnaire


1. What is management?

2. Why is management vitally important?

3. What decisions are we constantly making?

4. What is a major part of the manager’s job?

5. What sort of process is management?

6. What must a manager draw on in his job?

7. What sciences does a manager draw on?

8. As a process management involves a lot of activities. What are they?

9. Management is also a group of people. What are these people in charge of?

10. What is managers’ duty?

11. Who was the first to describe MBO?

12. How many basic functions do most managers perform? What are they?

13. What is the first management function?

14. What does the first management function involve?

15. Do the subordinates participate in developing strategies?

16. What is the second function of management?

17. What do managers do in the second function of management?

18. What does the third function of management involve?

19. In what stage of management do managers guide, teach and motivate workers?

20. In what stage of management are the questions of pay and promotion decided?

21. What is the last function of management?

22. Who considers the needs of the future of the company?

23. Who do top managers have to manage a business’s relations with?

24. What are the benefits of MBO?

25. What knowledge does management demand?

26. How does the role of modern manager differ from that of hundred years ago?

27. What current issues must a modern manager appreciate?

28. What are general functions of any managerial system?

29. What are managers responsible for?

30. Who sets objectives in the organization?

31. Why is management a hard work?

32. Are intuition and instinct enough to be a good manager?

33. What should a good manager learn?

34. What personal qualities must a manager possess?

35. Why are outstanding managers rare?

36. What different terms are used for “manager”?

37. In what organizations are other than “manager” terms used?

38. What is a corporation headed by?

39. What positions of top managers do you know?

40. In what areas are career opportunities in management generally found?

UNIT 2 Cross cultural management

Text 1

Managing a multinational company


multinational company – транснациональная компания

have to be aware of – должны знать

sensitivity – чувствительность, восприимчивость, щепетильность

aggressive – решительный, энергичный

to achieve status – приобретать общественное положение, статус

promotion by seniority - продвижение по службе по старшинству

to negotiate – вести переговоры

to get to know the person – узнать что из себя представляет человек . . .

to appreciate – воспринимать

assertive – напористый, самоуверенный

to sign a deal – подписывать договор, заключать сделку

pay-for-performance – оплата по результатам

to resist – сопротивляться, противодействовать

subsidiary – дочерняя компания, филиал

deliberately – намеренно, осознанно

so as not to reveal their inadequacies – чтобы не обнаруживать их несостоятельность

unthinkable humiliation – невероятное унижение

to resign – уйти в отставку

unfair – незаслуженный, несправедливый, неправильный

Managing a multinational company would be much simpler if it needed only one set of corporate objectives, goals, policies, practices, products and services. But local differences often make this impossible. Companies that want to be successful in foreign markets have to be aware of the local cultural characteristics that affect the way business is done.

On the one hand in the countries of North America and north-west Europe management is largely based on analysis, rationality, logic and systems, and, on the other, in the Latin cultures of southern Europe and South America personal relations, intuition, emotion and sensitivity are of much greater importance.

The largely Protestant cultures on both sides of the North Atlantic (Canada, the USA, Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia) are individualist. In such cultures, status has to be achieved. You don't automatically respect people just because they've been in a company for 30 years. A young, dynamic, aggressive manager can quickly rise in the hierarchy. In most Latin and Asian cultures, on the contrary, only those bosses automatically achieve status, who is more likely to be in his fifties or sixties than in his thirties. This is particularly true in Japan, where companies traditionally have a policy of promotion by seniority. A 50-year-old Japanese, Greek, Italian, or Chilean manager, would quite simply be offended by having to negotiate with an aggressive, well-educated, but inexperienced American or German 20 years his junior. A Japanese manager would also want to get to know the person with whom he was negotiating, and would not appreciate an assertive American who wanted to sign a deal immediately and take the next plane home.

In northern cultures, the principle of pay-for-performance often successfully motivates sales people. The more you sell, the more you get paid. But this principle might well be resisted in more collectivist cultures, and in countries where rewards and promotion come with age and experience. For example a sales representative in an Italian subsidiary of a US multinational company was given a huge bonus, but his sales – which had been high for years – declined during the following three months. It was later discovered that he was deliberately trying not to sell more than any of his colleagues, so as not to reveal their inadequacies. He also didn’t want to earn more than his boss, which he thought would be an unthinkable humiliation that would make the boss resign immediately.

Also Singaporean and Indonesian managers say that pay-for-performance causes salesmen to pressure customers into buying products they didn’t really need, which was not only bad for long term business relations, but quite simply unfair and ethically wrong.


Ex. 1. Study the different meanings of the word promote and use it to translate the


topromote(v) 1. выдвигать; продвигать; повышать в чине / звании

2. способствовать, помогать, содействовать; поддерживать

3. побуждать, стимулировать; активизировать, возбуждать

4. учреждать (to promote a company)

5. создавать благоприятные условия для продажи,

рекламировать; содействовать продаже какого-л. товара

promotion(n) 1. продвижение по службе; повышение в звании; производство

в чин

Study different collocations with the word promotion

promotionprogram— программа содействия развитию

salespromotion—продвижения товаров

promotionofhealth— укрепление здоровья, оздоровление

1. If I am not promoted within the next two years I am going to change jobs.

2. Regular exercise promotes all-round good health.

3. To promote a company you should honour some regulations.

4. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.

5. He made his promotion to major.

6. Sugary foods promote putting on weight.

7. He was promoted to the rank of colonel.

8. I got (a) promotion at work.

9. He is recommended for promotion.

Ex. 2. Match the words with their definitions.

_____ subsidiary

a. a company which extends its activities beyond the

boundaries, interests, etc., of a single nation

_____ to promote

b. the result of an agreement

_____ objective

c. a high position or standing; prestige

_____ intuition

d. to raise to a higher rank, status, degree,

_____ status

e. the object of one's endeavours; aim

_____ a deal

f. to work or talk (with others) to achieve a transaction,

an agreement

_____ culture

g. instinctive knowledge or belief

_____ transnational company

h. a company with at least half of its capital stock owned by

another company

_____to negotiate

i. the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people

with shared traditions

Ex. 3. Find words in the text which mean the following.

1 the use of reasoning rather than emotions or beliefs __________________________

2 understanding or knowing without consciously using reason ___________________

3 respect, prestige or importance given to someone ____________________________

4 having a higher rank because one is older __________________________________

5 to have hurt feelings because someone is being disrespectful ___________________

6 money or something else given in recognition of good work _____________________

7 additional money given for better work or increased productivity__________________

8 a feeling of shame and loss of dignity or self-esteem ____________________________

9 to give up a job or position_________________________________________________

  1. according to accepted moral standards________________________________________

Ex. 4. Replace the words in italics by synonyms from the text.

1. and would not and would not value highly an aggressive American ___________________

2. to sign a transaction _____________________

3. one set of corporate goals ___________________

4. only those bosses automatically achieve position ___________________

5. emotion and sensitivity are of much greater significance _____________________

6. but quite simply unjust and ethically wrong. __________________

7. also want make the acquaintance of the person ________________________________

8. by having to talk with an aggressive. . . _____________________________

9. so as not to reveal their inadequacies insufficiency ___________________________

10. which he thought would be an unimaginable shame ___________________________

Ex. 5. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations.

иностранный рынок ________________________________________________

с одной стороны___________________________________________________

личные взаимоотношения ___________________________________________

хорошо образованный но неопытный _________________________________

большие премиальные______________________________________________

оказывать давление на клиентов______________________________________

подняться по служебной лестнице____________________________________

торговый представитель____________________________________________

долгосрочные деловые отношения____________________________________

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