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English for students of economics.doc
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Содержание учебного материала

Специальность «Экономика и управление на производстве»


Unit 1. Money – 10 час. УСРС “Money(8 часов)

Money and its functions - 4

Money as the medium of exchange - 4

Supplementary reading - 2

Unit 2. Economics as a Science - 8

Economy and Economics - 4

Economics: the study of scarcity and choice - 4

Uni1 3. Theories of Economics - 8

The first modern economists - 4

Classical school of Economics - 2

Adam Smith and “The Wealth of Nations” - 2

Unit 4. Levels of Economics - 6

Macroeconomics - 4

Microeconomics - 2

Unit 5. Main Economic Laws - 10

The Law of Demand - 4

The Law of Supply - 4

Revision of Grammar - 2

Unit 6. Economic Systems - 14 УСРС “Government & Business”

Traditional economy - 2 (8 часов)

Command or planned economy - 4

Free market economy - 4

Mixed economy - 2

Revision of Grammar - 2

Unit 6. Types of Business Activity - 8

Levels of economic activity - 4

Economy of developing nations - 4

Unit 8. Economic Stability and Business Cycles - 8

Phases of the business cycles - 4

What causes business cycles? - 4

Unit 9. National Economies - 4 УСРС “UK Economy”

The Belarusian Economy - 4 (8 часов)

Unit 10. International Economics - 8

International trade - 4

Import – Export - 4

Специальность «Менеджмент»



Unit 1. Economics as a Science - 8

Economy and Economics - 4

Economics: the study of scarcity and choice - 4

Unit 2. Levels of Economics - 6

Macroeconomics - 4

Microeconomics - 2

Unit 3. Economic Systems - 14 УСРС “Government & Business”

Traditional economy - 2(10 часов)

Command or planned economy - 4

Free market economy - 4

Mixed economy - 2

Revision of Grammar - 2

Unit 4. Economic Stability and Business Cycles - 8

Phases of the business cycles - 4

What causes business cycles? - 4


UNIT 1. What is management? - 8

Art or Science? - 4

Management by objectives - 2

Management as a profession - 2

UNIT 2. Cross-Cultural Management - 8

Managing a multinational Company - 4

International Management - 4

UNIT 3. Recruiting - 8 УСРС “Recruitment”

Recruitment - 4 (8 часов)

The Interview - 2

Curriculum Vitae - 2

UNIT 4. Meetings - 6

Types of meetings - 4

How to organize a meeting - 2

UNIT 5. Types and forms of business organization - 14 УСРС “The Business

Companies - 2 Partnership”

Entrepreneurs - 2 (6 часов)

A sole proprietorship - 2

Partnership - 4

Corporation - 4

Unit 6. Talking about Companies - 8

Company structure - 4

Describing a company structure - 4

Дисциплина «Английский для профессиональных целей»



UNIT 1. What is management? - 8

Art or Science? - 4

Management by objectives - 2

Management as a profession - 2

UNIT 3. Recruiting - 8 УСРС “The Perfect Interview”

Recruitment - 4(6 часов)

The Interview - 2

Curriculum Vitae - 2

UNIT 4. Meetings - 6

Types of meetings - 4

How to organize a meeting - 2

UNIT 5. Types and forms of business organization - 12 УСРС “The Business

Companies - 2 Partnership”

Entrepreneurs - 2 (4 часа)

A sole proprietorship - 2

Partnership - 2

Corporation - 4

Unit 6. Talking about Companies - 6

Company structure - 4

Describingacompanystructure- 2


Экзамен проводится по окончании 2 семестра в устной и письменной форме.

Экзамен включает:

Письменная часть

  1. Лексико-грамматический тест.

  2. Чтение и письменный перевод оригинального профессионально ориентированного текста с иностранного языка на родной со словарем.

Объем 1300-1500 печатных знаков. Время – 45 мин.

Устная часть

1. Подготовленное высказывание по заданной ситуации и неподготовленная беседа с преподавателем в рамках данной ситуации (по предметно-тематическому содержанию дисциплины).

2. Реферирование аутентичного или частично адаптированного общественно-политического, культурологического, научно-популярного текста; беседа на иностранном языке по содержанию текста.

Объем текста – 900 печатных знаков. Время 5-7 мин.

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