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Unit 11.

Pre-reading tasks:

McDonalds: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Holiday Inn: 2, 3, 8, 9.

1. proliferation

    • розповсюдження, швидке збільшення, зростання

2. dealership

    • дилерство

3. funeral parlour

    • похоронне бюро

4. by and large

    • взагалі, загалом

5. consistency

    • сталість, постійність, послідовність

6. to deplete

    • виснажувати, вичерпувати, зменшувати

7. wholly-owned outlet

    • торгова точка, що повністю належить власнику

8. viable

    • життєздатний, вартий здійснення

9. firm financial footing

    • міцна фінансова платформа

10. royalty

    • авторський гонорар

11. proven

    • виправданий, доказаний

12. preschooler

    • дошкільник

13. ongoing

    • той, що продовжується; постійний

14. drawback

    • недолік, вада

15. virtually

    • фактично, по суті, по правді, справді

16. charging price

    • призначена ціна

17. wary

    • обережний, підозрілий, насторожений

18. legitimate

    • законний, легальний

19. fraudulent

    • обманний, шахрайський

20. occasionally

    • час від часу, зрідка

Comprehension check.

Exercise 1.

1-F; 2-T; 3-T; 4-F; 5-T; 6-F; 7-T; 8-F; 9-F; 10-T; 11-T; 12-T.


Exercise 1.

  • French people protest against American culture and globalization.

  • Break for lunch in France is rather long: from one to two hours.

  • Some problems with French unions touched upon low wages.

    • Denis Hennequin introduced many French innovations into the menu adapted to local tastes.

    • He established a “food studio” and a “design studio” instead of drag restaurants where people can and want to stay longer and invited a French three-star chef.

    • McDonald’s in France buys 80% of its products from French farmers.

    • To adapt to local tastes.

    • To add a healthier items to staple of burgers and fries.

    • To fight with obesity by changing the menu.

    Exercise 2.

      • head office,

      • core business,

      • fast food,

      • combative union,

      • dwarf rivals,

      • tree star chef,

      • do well,

      • fast casual,

      • chief executive,

      • top job.

    Exercise 3.

    1. investing, investment;

    2. franchise, franchisee, franchising, franchisor;

    3. proliferation, proliferate;

    4. depletable, depletion;

    5. taxation, taxes;

    6. independence, dependent, depends;

    7. fraudulent, fraud, fraudster.

    Exercise 4.

    1. has relied, is governed, is; 2. has been regarded, have had; 3. have undergone; 4. have emerged, have shown, should be modified; 5. has been generated, have studied, have tested; 6. was awarded.

    Exercise 5.

    1. Most small businesses are lifestyle businesses, intended to provide the owner with a comfortable living.

    2. High-growth ventures are businesses with ambitious goals and objectives.

    3. People who go into their own business for themselves should have vision and persistence, dedication, ability to listen and hear advices and resilience.

    4. Small businesses provide jobs, bring out new goods and services, supply the needs of large corporations, and provide specialized goods and services.

    5. You can start a new company from scratch, buy a going concern, or invest in a franchise.

    6. Success in small business requires a promising business opportunity, an appropriate ownership structure, a good plan, adequate financing, and modern business methods.

    7. Lifestyle businesses may be financed through personal savings, loans from friends and relatives, commercial bank loans.

    8. A franchisee has the advantages of low risk, wide name recognition and mass advertising, financial help, and training and support.

    9. However, franchisee should make monthly payments to the franchisor, constrain his independence and limit questionable deals and, what is the most important, to own considerable startup capital.