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Unit 9.


1. owner, ownership, to own, ownerless (нічий, безпритульний); 2. partnership; 3. corporation, corporatism; 4. accountable, accountancy, accountant, accounting; 5. legalise, legally, legalism; 6. employee, employer, employment, unemployed, unemployment, unemployable (непрацездатний); 7. establishment, established (визнаний); 8. manager, management, managerial, manageress (жінка – керівник заст.), managing; 9. contribution, contributor, contributory; 10. freeborn, freedom, freelance (вільний художник, дизайнер, що не працює постійно на якусь одну компанію); 11. flexible, flexibility, flexi time (нефіксований жорсткий графік роботи при незмінній кількості робочих годин на тиждень).


1. partnership; 2. proprietorship; 3. sole proprietorship; 4. corporation; 5. corporations.

Comprehension check.

Exercise 1.

Fill in the chart

Forms of


Number of



Types of enterprises

engaged in business

sole proprietorship



farms, retail establishment service part-time business


2 and more


law, accounting, finance


all shareholders


any kind of business

Task 1.

structure – an organization or system made up of many parts that work together.

supervise – to be in charge of a person or group of people and check that they are working correctly.

responsible – someone who is in charge of people and must make sure that what they do is right.

accountable – someone in a position when people have the right to criticize you or ask you why something happened.

The definitions of the rest notions are in the texts of unit 9.

Exercise 1.

1. will start; 2. will have been looking for; 3. has just graduated; 4. got; 5. are you going to; 6. ‘ll have; 7. worked; 8. ‘ll start; 9. will you occupy; 10. will be; 11. shall be working; 12. will take; 13. Do you agree; 14. shall have been working; 15. hope; 16. will have finished; 17. will you do; 18. Don’t know.

Exercise 2.

1. competitive, competitor’s, competition; 2. successes, succeeded, successful; 3. necessity, necessary, unnecessary; 4. innovation, innovative, innovate; 5. management, managers (2); 6. employed, employer, unemployment, employees; 7. leader, leadership, led; 8. divide, division, dividing.

Exercise 3.

1. authority; 2. organization; 3. sole proprietorship; 4. supervised. 5. authority, accountable; 6.company (corporation); 7. delegate his authority; 8. accountable, supervision; 9. partnership.

Exercise 4.

1. has been working; 2. started, is; 3. did he achieve; 4. stayed, was working; 5. put; considered; 7. was; was always seeking; 8. didn’t feel, had been standing; 10. was interested; 11. was; 12. were scrambling, were producing; 13. could; 14. would be able; 15. would do, would make, would become; 16. realized, became; 17. has been doing.

Unit 10.


1. independently owned

    • той, хто володіє самостійно, самостійний власник

2. dominant

    • пануючий, домінуючий

3. vital source

    • життєво важливе джерело

4. depending on the industry

    • залежно від галузі промисловості

5. to run the own firm

    • керувати власною фірмою

6. comfortable life

    • пристойне проживання

7. neighbourhood florist

    • торгувати квітами; той, хто торгує в районі свого проживання

8. corner pizza parlour

    • піцерія на рогу

9. mom & pop operations

    • сімейний бізнес

10. high technology fields

    • сфери високих технологій

11. deal in

    • купувати і продавати

12. sizable operations

    • солідний бізнес

13. bread recipe

    • рецепт хліба

14. aimed at outgrowing…

    • націлений на те, щоб перерости...

15. comfortable with a degree of financial uncertainty

    • що почувають себе впевнено за будь-яких фінансових труднощів

16. trait

    • характерна риса, особливість

17. resilience

    • здатність швидко відновлювати духовні й фізичні сили, оптимізм, еластичність

18. challenge

    • випробування, завдання, виклик

19. bounce back

    • відійти назад, відскочити

20. vision

    • бачення, марення, проникливість, видовище

Ex.3. With business plan and money as investment.


1. planning; 2. written statement; 3. basic idea; 4. goals; 5. objectives; 6. thought; 7. personnel; 8. marketing; 9. facilities; 10. suppliers; 11. distribution; 12. detailed budget; 13. operating costs; 14. income; 15. expenses; 16. cash flow; 17. search; 18. sources of funds; 19. debt; 20. interest; 21. equity; 22. entitles; 23. profits.


1. was asked; 2. has to be signed; 3. is being interviewed; 4. have been done; 5. was founded; 6. will have been finished; 7. is always admired; 8. are usually invited; 9. would be sent for; 10. was awarded.


1. is; 2. exceeded; 3. started, had developed; 4. must be respected; must be given, must be pursued; 5. had been followed; 6. studies, will agree, has had; 7. had initiated; 8. had created, had generated; 9. will promote.