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Unit 7. Prices and their formation.

Pre-reading tasks:

Picture 1.

$ 59 $ 59 $ 59

Picture 2.

$ 585, 55 $ 199, 98 $ 150, 87

Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

  • Why do all these clocks being different have the same price?

  • Have you ever seen the prices like in picture 2?

  • Do they attract your attention?

  • What is your opinion about them?

  • What do you know about the wholesale price and retail price? What’s the difference between them?

  • What are prices expressed in?

Money is a kind of poetry”

What do you think about the above words of American poet Wallace Stevens (1879-1955)?


Read the definitions of the following economic concepts, try to remember them and be ready to use.

asset – something such as money or property that a person or company owns.

to sustain – to provide the condition in which smth can happen or exist.

sales revenue – receipts from sales.

to cancel out – to stop smth from having any effect.

fine tuning – the effort to make precise adjustments in the level of activity via fiscal and monetary policy

  1. Match English and Ukrainian equivalents.

1. cash discount

  • урівноважити, збалансувати, нейтралізувати

2. odd pricing

  • точна настройка (вживання заходів економічної політики відповідно до характеру коливань економічної кон’юнктури)

3. alternative

  • надмірний вплив

4. price lining

  • зростання, підвищення

5. consumer’s choice

  • знижена або дисконтна ціна

6. excessive influence

  • запропонована ціна

7. to obtain

  • знати

8. solely

  • лінійна ціна

9. responsive

  • одержувати, отримувати

10. asset

  • вибір споживача

11. to be aware of

  • падіння, зменшення

12. sales revenue

  • майно, актив

13. an increase

  • знижка при оплаті готівкою

14. a decrease

  • тільки, виключно, єдино

15. suggest pricing

  • доход від продажу

16. to cancel out

  • варіант; альтернатива

17. discount pricing

  • що реагує, реагуючий

18. fine tuning

  • неокруглена ціна


Think and say your opinion.

  • What is price from the point of view of the customer and from the point of view of the economist?

  • What factors may influence price formation?

  • Are prices on the same goods constant or changeable in different periods of our life? Why does it take place?

Read the text and be ready to render it.