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Unit 2. Different Economic systems.

Pre-reading tasks:


  1. Read the definitions of the following economic concepts, learn them and be ready to use.

Centrally planned or command economy an economy where all economic decisions are taken by the central authorities.

Free-market economy an economy where all economic decisions are taken by individual households and firms and with no government intervention.

Mixed economyan economy where all economic decisions are taken partly by the government and partly through the market.

Planning – establishment of objectives for man and organization and determination of the best ways to accomplish them.

Nationalization – the process under which private industries become state owned industries.

Tax – a charge, monetary as a rule, imposed by authority upon persons or property for public purposes.

Subsidy – monetary grant or gift.

Partnership – unincorporated business owned and operated by two or more persons under a voluntary legal association.

Read the determinations aloud. Ask your groupmate to define the economic concept.

  1. Match English and Ukrainian equivalents.

1. mixed economy

    • також як

2. depends on

    • вільна ринкова економіка

3. differ in the type of

    • недостача, нестача; (розм.) брак;


4. degree of control

    • приватний сектор

5. are faced with

    • на практиці

6. planned or command economy

    • залежить від...

7. in one, in the other

    • на одному кінці

8. private sector

    • розрізнюється за типом

9. in practice

    • з одного боку; з іншого боку

10. at the one extreme

    • стикаються

11. as well as

    • ступінь контролю

12. scarcity

    • б’ються над проблемою

13. in the way

    • втручатися

14. government intervention

    • змішана економіка

15. tackle the problem

    • урядове втручання

16. intervene through

    • у будь-який спосіб,


17. free-market economy

    • планова або

командна економіка


  • Think and say what economic systems in the world do you know?

  • What’s the difference between them?

  • What economic system is better? Why?

  • Don’t you think there is anything in common in these two quotations? What if it is?

  • Which is taken from Bible and which is the verse?

  • I’m tired of love; I’m still tired of rhyme. But money gives me pleasure all the time.

Я пересичений вже віршами і ласкою.

І тільки гроші роблять час для мене казкою.

(переклад автора)

  • A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.

Бенкети справляють для втіхи, і вино веселить життя; але за все відповідає срібло.

(Ecclesiastes 10:19; Hilaire Belloc, Sonnets and Verse, 1923)

Read the text.