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Vocabulary to Text 2.






conjure up




stalled car






    • груба помилка, похибка

    • умілий, складний, мудрий

    • ефектно

    • вносити зміни, змінювати

    • збільшити, підсилити

    • викликaти в уявленні

    • мужність

    • особливо, дуже, надто, вельми

    • те, що розуміється; те, що мається на увазі;


    • застряла машина, затримана машина

    • пелюшка

    • піднімати

    • запобігати

    • звертати увагу

    • зіштовхнутися, наштовхнутися


Work in pairs. One of you is a manager of a world famous company (General Motors, Toyota, McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, Marks & Spenser, etc.), the other is a journalist.


You must be ready for the interview about your company, its access to foreign markets and problems with cultural differences, language barrier, translation difficulties, and promotion of the goods. Also you’ll have to substantiate the necessity to provide market research before launching your production in this or that country. Give information about the preliminary activity of the company in the country and people’s attitude to it.


You must expect the manager to present only their achievements and positive gains. Give him possibility to do that and ask about problems, organizational difficulties, and national differences in apprehension their brand, advertising and other aspects in the product promotion. Be a little aggressive in gaining information.

The following introductory words may be helpful for you.

Standing your ground:

You must realize that …

As I've already said …

I think you've misinterpreted my words.

I see what you mean, but the point is …

What I'm saying is …

You’re missing the point. No, that's not what I said. It's (not) company policy to … Well, as I said before ...

Pushing your point:

Let me come back to the point about …

I'm not sure you've really answered my question.

I'd just like to get this clear in my mind,…

Let me put this another way …

Surely, that means …

Perhaps you can explain how …

Giving an opinion:

(tentative) It seems to me ...

I tend to think ...

I feel ...

(neutral) I think ...

As I see it, ...

In my opinion, ...

(strong) I'm convinced ...

I'm sure ...

I have no doubt ...

Expressing reservations:

You have a point, but...

I agree to some extent, but..

I suppose you 're right, but..

Maybe that's true, but...


(tentative) Mmm, I'm not sure.

I tend to disagree.

Do you really think so?

Is that such a good idea?

(neutral) I don't really think so.

I can't see that, I'm afraid.

I'm afraid I can't agree with you there.

(strong) I totally disagree.

You 're quite wrong about that.

It's out of the question.

Of course not.

I don't agree with you at all.


(tentative) Mmm, maybe you're right.


I tend to agree.

I suppose so.

(neutral) I agree with you.

I think you 're right.

That's true.

(strong) I totally agree.

I agree entirely with …

I quite agree.

I couldn't agree more.


Checking comprehension/reformulating:

To put that another way, ...

If I follow you correctly, ...

So what you’re saying is ... .

Does that mean ... ?

Are you saying ... ?

Making a suggestion:

(neutral) I suggest (that) we buy from …

I would suggest (doing something).

My suggestion would be to ...

(tentative) We could ...

Perhaps we should ...

It might be worth V ing ...

What about V ing ...

Why don’t you (we, they) do something?

Exercise 4. Translate from Ukrainian into English using vocabulary from texts 1 and 2.

  1. Країна, що має абсолютні переваги, може виробляти будь-який зазначений продукт більш ефективно, ніж будь-яка інша країна.

  2. Країна, що має порівняльні переваги, може виробляти будь-який зазначений продукт більш ефективно, ніж якийсь інший продукт.

  3. Основними формами міжнародного бізнесу є імпортування, експортуваня, ліцензування, франчайзинг, спільні підприємства, підприємства, що повністю належать іноземному власнику (wholly owned facilities).

  4. Щоб захистити власну національну промисловість, країни використовують тарифи, квоти, субсидії та обмежувальні стандарти.

  5. Без міжнародної торговлі країни були б значно бідніші.

  6. Зона вільної торговлі забезпечує повну відсутність тарифів, квот та інших обмежень для країн-учасниць.

  7. Країни спільного ринку мають єдину систему законів щодо регулювання виробництва, податків, зайнятості, торговлі тощо.

  8. Вести бізнес в іншій країні може бути занадто складно.

  9. Числені проблеми виникають через незнання культури іншої країни, національних звичаїв, традицій, мови.

Exercise 5. Write a review (250 words) about doing business in one of the foreign countries. Use real data from newspapers, magazines.