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Unit 7.


  1. cash discount

    • знижка при оплаті готівкою

  1. odd pricing

    • неокруглена ціна

  1. alternative

    • варіант, альтернатива

  1. price lining

    • лінійна ціна

  1. consumer’s choice

    • вибір споживача

  1. excessive influence

    • надмірний вплив

  1. to obtain

    • одержувати, отримувати

  1. solely

    • тільки, виключно, єдино

  1. responsive

    • що реагує, реагуючий

  1. asset

    • майно, актив

  1. to be aware of

    • знати

  1. sales revenue

    • доход від продажу

  1. an increase

    • зростання, підвищення

  1. a decrease

    • падіння, зменшення

  1. suggest pricing

    • запропонована ціна

  1. to cancel out

    • урівноважити, збалансувати, нейтралізувати

  1. discount pricing

    • знижена або дисконтна ціна

  1. fine tuning

    • точна настройка (вживання заходів економічної політики відповідно до характеру коливань економічної кон’юнктури)


Exercise 1.

1-F; 2-T; 3-F; 4-T; 5-F; 6-T; 7-T; 8-T; 9-T; 10-T.


Exercise 1.

1-j, 2-a, 3-n, 4-b, 5-h, 6-k, 7-l, 8-m, 9-c, 10-f, 11-g, 12-e, 13-i, 14-d.

Exercise 2.

I always buy on sales

I never buy on sales


dress may be bought 20 quid off

dress may be completely hideous

windows draw me

crowds of desperate-looking bad-tempered people

I can buy piles of presents and mountains of food

nowhere to park

Very fashionable clothes becomes cheaper

I know a person who got a cracked rib standing by the cutlery counter

the more I have, the happier I’ll be

everything is the rubbish stock

my life will be better for it

it is a collective dumping down

Exercise 3.

1. swisher; 2. pile; 3. running costs; 4. habitat; 5. hunting money; 6. canny owner -occupiers; 7. thriving businesses; 8. business skills; 9. unprofitable ventures; 10. the commonest customers; 11. has already snapped up; 12. robust challengers.

Train and check yourself


  1. Price is amount of money needed to obtain one unit of a good or service.

  2. The price of a commodity is set solely by the interaction of supply and demand.

  3. Consumers, producers or governments may have influence upon the price of the commodity concerned.

  4. The best way to price is to charge what the market will sustain.

  5. Demand for a good may be responsive or not very responsive to changes in price.

  6. Fine tuning the price of a product means the difference between success and failure in a business.

  7. To optimize their pricing companies use price lining, odd pricing, suggest pricing, discount pricing.

  8. Price lining is a technique when the goods are offered only for ₤4 or ₤5 or ₤12 etc.

  9. Price lining simplifies the process of selling and makes the consumer’s choice easier.

  10. Odd or psychological pricing is used all over the world.

  11. Discount pricing offers a reduction in price.


1.was born; 2. saw; 3. graduated; 4. earned; 5. has been; 6. taught; 7. has devoted; 8. got; 9. was; 10. went; 11. has dealt; 12. made; 13. documented; 14. found.


1. pricing, prices, were priced; 2. valuation, value, valued; 3. marketing, markets; 4. consumerism, consumption, consume, consumer; 5. sales, salesman, salesgirl (sales woman); 6. responsive, responded, responsibility, responsible; 7. successful, success; 8. advertisements, advertise, advertising.


1. a bit of a lie-in; 2. mad bees, bargain; 3. a thriving business, owners; 4. clients, canny, lucky; 5. frenetic shopping, earlier; 6. trigger, psychosis; 7. greed, moron; 8. are hunting, unprofitable.