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IV Read the text again and choose heading for each paragraph

V Find the paragraphs which explain:

  1. How training courses differ

  2. The main difference between a technician, a technologist, and an engineer

  3. The UK system of a career in technology

VI Read the text more carefully and write down words which make the text difficult to understand. Find their meaning in a dictionary

VII Render the text in a written form

VIII Make the speech about the course which is offered at your university

Communicative Skills

I Read the dialogues and try to understand them

1) A: You're studying textile engineering. How long does that last?

B: It's a four-year course.

A: And what stage are you at now?

B: I'm in the first semester of the second year.

A: How many students are there in the group?

B: There are thirteen.

A: Why did you decide to do this course?

B: Well I was interested in design. My best subjects at school I enjoyed most were Drawing and Maths. I decided to try to get a career using that. So I decided to study technologies of textiles.

2) A: Tell me about your timetable.

B: I have classes four days a week − Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, and Self-study on the other days.

A: Which subject appeals to you most?

B: Erm, the Design of textiles. I really enjoy it. That's twice a week – on Monday and Friday.

A: What do you like about it?

B: I like the creative and technical side of it, how the patterns actually can be constructed.

A: Is any of the work in the lab?

B: We've got Materials this semester. We're in the lab every week – testing materials and composites.

A: Do you find you have a lot of work to do outside the course?

B: Yes, it's not particularly hard but it's constant.

A: And how is it assessed?

B: It's modular, continuous assessment. You have to pass all the modules.

3) A: What do you hope to do at the end of your course?

B: Well, I want to get the degree.

A: What kind of degree will you take?

B: I’d like to do Textile engineering, a BEng.

A: How long will it take?

B: It's four years for a BEng.

A: When you start work as a Textile Engineer, what side of business do you want to be involved?

B: I’m more interested in textile manufacturing for apparel industry. There are a lot of opportunities to apply my creativity.

II Write down responses for the questions

  1. How long does your studying last?


  1. What year are you in now?


  1. How many students are there in the group?


  1. Why did you decide to get this profession?


  1. Which subject do you like most?


  1. What do you want to do at the end of your course?


  1. What kind of degree will you take?


III Role play

Discuss your intentions and current course of studying with your group mates.

Comprehensive Skills

I Listen to the statements and decide if they are true or false

Project Work

Search one of these sites for a course you find interesting. Note information in a table.

www.hereford-teach.ac.uk www.uts.edu.au www.ttu.edu www.unitec.ac.nz

College or university –

Course –

Entry qualifications –

Length –

Career prospects –

Revision. Self-check

I Match the words (5 points)

  1. apparel

  2. cloth

  3. development

  4. fibre

  5. sewing

  6. spinning

  7. thread

  8. weaving

  9. yarn

  10. graduate

  1. нитка

  2. полотно, тканина

  3. волокно

  4. шиття

  5. випускник

  6. прядіння

  7. ткацтво

  8. пряжа

  9. розвиток

  10. одяг

II Translate into Ukrainian (5 points)

  1. obtain the degree

  2. to use raw materials

  3. research work

  4. textile science

  5. fibrous materials

  6. fashionable garment

  7. spin fibres

  8. advanced technique

  9. background in textiles

  10. course curriculum

III Translate into English (10 points)

  1. В текстильному виробництві є багато різних процесів.

  2. Пряжа виготовляється з волокон.

  3. Майбутні фахівці в галузі легкої промисловості навчаються в нашому університеті.

  4. Підприємства з виробництву текстилю потребують кваліфікованих фахіців.

  5. Деякі студенти займаються науковою роботою та розробляють новітні технології в текстилі.

IV Write down the questions to the sentences (5 points)

  1. Modern textile technology covers many different areas.

What areas …?

  1. The invention of the steam engine gave the world a new power source.


  1. Textiles are produced in almost every country of the world.

Where …?

  1. Our factory manufactures natural fabrics.

What fabrics …?

  1. When I finish my course, I hope to get BS.

What degree …?

Total: 25 points

Assess your progress in Module 1. Give marks for yourself. Compare them with the marks of your teacher

I know about the main processes in textile manufacturing and can shortly explain them (10 points)

I can describe the university course of textile students training and speak about my studying at the university (10 points)

I know the main terms presented in this Module (10 points)

I can discuss textile manufacturing company’s directivity (5 points)

I can discuss my studying at the university, my choice of the profession, my professional plans for future (5 points)

I can understand the texts in this Module (5 points)

I can give an annotation of the texts from this Module (5 points)

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