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III Answer the questions

  1. What is the first step in making fabric?

  2. What has to be done with natural fibres before spinning?

  3. What process allows getting smoother yarns?

  4. Fibres of which type have to be twisted together to form a yarn?

  5. How can particular properties in the yarn be achieved?

  6. What does the amount of twist influence?

  7. What does plying make possible?

  8. What is fancy yarn?

  9. What effects do fancy yarns give?

  10. How is fancy yarn produced?

IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text and translate them

  1. The fibres are combed to... .

  2. The roving is pulled and ... .

  3. High quality wool fibres are combed and ... .

  4. To manufacture fabric from yarns ... .

  5. Clockwise twist corresponds ... .

  6. ... of the letter Z and is called Z-twist.

  7. Two single yarns twisted together are ... .

  8. ... may be altered to produce an uneven effect.

  9. ... has a specific name which identifies ... .

V Read the words from the Ex.1. Look through the text again and find out the sentences with them. Make up your own sentences with these words

VII Give definitions to the words: a sliver, roving, carding, one-dimensional yarn, two-dimensional yarn, a plied yarn, fancy yarns.

VIII Translate the sentences into English

  1. Виробництво полотна починається з виробництва волокна та пряжі.

  2. Природні волокна спочатку необхідно зібрати та очистити.

  3. Щоб отримати більш гладку пряжу, волокна треба прочесати.

  4. Пряжа повинна пройти спеціальну обробку, щоб полотно мало потрібні властивості.

  5. Штапельні волокна можуть бути скрученими за годинниковою стрілкою або проти годинникової стрілки.

  6. Полотна, що погано драпіруються виготовляються з пряжі з високим ступенем скручування.

  7. Кілька пасем волокна утворюють шарувату пряжу.

  8. Декоративну пряжу отримують через скручування пасем в різних напрямках і з різною щільністю.

Reading and writing skills

I Quickly read the text below. What is the main topic discussed in the text? Headline the text

  1. Fabrics have changed considerably since the 1950’s and 60’s with the advent of man-made fibres. Up until then the only fibres available to make fabric from were wool, cotton, silk and flax (linen).

  2. Wool is wonderful for keeping you warm. The fleece is washed and scrubbed after shearing to remove all dirt and natural oils. The wool is then ‘carded’, this is done in order to get all of the fibres running the same direction. After this the wool is combed through to separate the fibres into lengths of up to 2 inches. The shorter fibres are used to create yarn for fuzzy woolen bulky knits and tweeds, the longer fibres are better used in suiting fabric (worsteds) and fine sweaters. Also important is the diameter/width of woolen fibres, the thicker fibres are used in carpets and upholstery, only the finer fibres are suitable for clothing.

  3. Cotton is the most used fibre in clothing worldwide. After the cotton plant flowers, it takes a number of weeks for the petals to fall off leaving a seed pod. This pod ripens over a few more weeks and when it can’t get any fatter it pops revealing seeds and their fluffy white fibre protection. This protection is what is harvested, deseeded and sent to the mill where it is drawn, combed and spun into thread. The longest fibres make the most expensive shirts but most clothing is made from average length fibres.

  4. The legend says that silk was discovered by a Chinese princess Hsi Ling-Chi in 2640 BC. She was supposed to have accidentally dropped a silkworm cocoon into hot water and was inspired by the thread that began to unravel. For thousands of years the Chinese guarded their silk production secrets that allowed them to export silks to the royalty of Europe. 4,500 years later the silk moths have been farmed to the point that they can no longer fly. Once the moths lay their eggs they are collected and the caterpillar/silk worm that hatches is fed on mulberry leaves. It can take 4-5 weeks before the silk worm is ready to spin its cocoon, it latches onto a twig and spins the silk thread around itself for a couple of days. Then the cocoons are collected, baked to kill the worm, the cocoons are then placed in hot water to remove the sticky from the silk and to reveal the threads end. The cocoon is then unwound or unspooled.

  5. If the silk fibre breaks then it can be used to make ‘spun silk’, this is of lesser quality, brushed versions of it are known as ‘raw silk’. ‘Wild silk’ is the name given to silk harvested from silk worms that eat a diet other than mulberry leaves.

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