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III Answer the questions

  1. What was the first material for clothes?

  2. What are the three principal methods of textile fabrics production?

  3. Which method is the oldest and the most common?

  4. What is interweaving?

  5. How is textile produced in interwining and twisting?

  6. What is the most common method of interloоping?

  7. How is knitted structure produced?

  8. What two sectors of knitting industry are mentioned in the text?

  9. How does yarn travel in weft knitting?

  10. What is the difference in stitch formation in weft and warp knitting?

IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text

  1. … man's first articles of clothing …

  2. The mechanical manipulation of yarn …

  3. … three principal methods of mechanically manipulating yarn …

  4. … the oldest and most common method …

  5. … includes a number of techniques …

  6. …of forming yarn(s) into loops …

  7. … the most common method of interlooping …

  8. ... succeeded in the mechanization ...

  9. ... are formed by yarns ...

V Find English equivalents of the words and word-combinations:

перший виріб, волокнисті матеріали, нитка, пряжа, фізичні властивості, основні методи, прямий кут, базова петельна структура, текстиль, основні категорії, ширина, довжина, уток, основа, виробляти, способ, в’язання, ткацтво, кулірний трикотаж

VI Translate the word-combinations into Ukrainian and make up sentences with them:

textile fabrics, physical properties, straight threads, straight-edged fabric, specific purposes, loop structure, textile products, number of techniques, travel across the width

VII Give definitions to the words:

interweaving, intertwining and twisting, interlooping, knitting, weft knitting, warp knitting

VIII Translate the sentences into English

  1. Шкури тварин були першим одягом людини.

  2. Людина спробувала перетворити волокнисті матеріали у текстиль.

  3. Плетіння  це перетинання двох комплектів ниток під прямим кутом.

  4. Скручування  це перетин ниток під будь-яким кутом.

  5. Петлі утримуються разом завдяки нитці, що йде від однієї петлі до іншої.

  6. Скільки існує основних типів трикотажного переплетення?

Reading and writing skills

I Quickly read the text below. Choose from the box the main topic discussed in the text

  1. Man-made fabrics B. Non-woven fabrics C. Special fabrics

  1. Fibres can be turned into fabrics without first making them into yarns. Fabrics made in this way are called non-woven fabrics. The most commonly used fibres for these fabrics are wool, polyester, polyamide and viscose. The fibres are arranged either randomly or oriented in one direction in layers. Layers of fibres are built up to form a web. The fibres in the web have to be held together so they will not put apart – this is done by felting or bonding.

  2. Felt made from wool fibres is the oldest type of non-woven fabric. Felt is made by tangling and squeezing the web when it is wet. The scales on the fibres become tangled making the web shrink as the fibres met together. This happens when you wash a wool jumper incorrectly! Sometimes small amounts of other fibres, like cotton, can be added to the web. Felt is often used for creative work, for example soft top making. It can be steamed into the shape and used to make hats and is used as covering on snooker and pool tables.

  3. Bonding a web of fibres to make a fabric can be done in several ways, depending on the fibres in the web and the function of the finished fabric:

  • Fabric adhesive sticks the fibres together;

  • Solvents can be used to soften the fibres so they will stick together;

  • Heated fibres will melt and stick together (only if the fibres are thermoplastic);

  • Rows of stitches hold the fibres together.

  1. Vilene commonly used as interlining, is made in this way. You have seen a variety of disposable clothes and furnishing resemble vilene of various weight – things like household cleaning cloths, chairbacks on airplanes and coaches, aprons, tablecloths, hospital gowns, sheets, and underwear too. Disposable underwear has holes between the webs of fibres to allow perspiration to escape.

  2. The advantage of non-woven fabric that it is easier to produce than knits or weaves. It is economical to use because there is no warp or weft. Where there is warp or weft, the warp – the stronger thread – always runs from top to toe of any item. Then the stronger tread takes the weight.

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