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III Answer the questions

  1. What textiles are considered as “traditional”?

  2. What are technical textiles designed specifically for?

  3. How are technical textiles some­times sub-classified?

  4. What are some specific examples of the uses of technical textiles?

IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text and translate them. Write the questions which begin with the words given in brackets

  1. The new technical textiles represent … and can be found … . (What/Where)

  2. Technical textiles must perform in… . (How)

  3. … engi­neered for specific functional uses. (What)

  4. Wrapping the walk of buildings in a textile film prevent … . (What)

  5. … keep the car running smoothly. (What)

  6. Geotextiles can help … . (How)

  7. Many sports are now played on … . (Where)

  8. Arteries and veins can be replaced … . (How)

V Read the words from the Ex.1. Look through the text again and find out the sentences with them. Make up your own sentences with these words

VI Match the phrases with the same or close meaning

  1. amazing advance

  2. originally produced

  3. fall into categories

  4. a new breed of fabrics

  5. sub-classified

  6. realize

  7. correct selection

  8. manufacturing tech­niques

  1. right choice

  2. subdivided

  3. great progress

  4. initially manufactured

  5. be divided into types

  6. understand

  7. a new kind of fabrics

  8. methods of production

VII Find out from the text the sentences with word-combinations from the Ex.VI, rewrite them using the synonyms

VIII Translate the sentences into English

  1. Хірургічні халати захищають лікарів від потрапляння деяких хвороб.

  2. Абсорбуючий текстиль ізолює від спеки та звуків.

  3. Фільтри пилососів та кондиціонерів виготовляються з нетканих полотен.

  4. Технічний текстиль може складати кілька відсотків виробу.

  5. Традиційний текстиль виробляється для того, щоб зробити наше життя комфортнішим.

  6. Технічний текстиль зазнав величезного розвитку за останні роки.

Reading and writing skills

I Read the title of the text and give your examples how technology affects our life

II Read the text to find examples of technological advances in the textile field

How technology affects us

Technology touches our lives from the moment we wake up in the morning, throughout our normal working day and even when we are asleep. How did you wake up this morning? If you were woken by an alarm clock, then you relied on a product of technology.

Technology refers to the ideas and technical means (mechanical or electronic), people use to improve or change their surroundings. Technology has had a great impact on our lives. Without technology, our lives would be very different.

Every society has needs and wants and they shape the way that technology develops.

Technology is constantly changing to keep us with the demands of society. New products are designed, using new materials and new processes. In the 1950s, computers were so large that a single Univac computer would fill a whole room. Today, that same processing power will be in a small bag that you can carry around.

Nanotechnology. Manufacturers are spending billions of pounds on research that will alter and improve fibres at the molecular level. Nanotechnology allows nanoparticles (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter) to be permanently attached to a fibre in order to change the properties of the fibre. For example, by applying nanoparticles to synthetic fibres, manufacturers can solve the problems of static cling in the fabrics. Working at the molecular level may eliminate the need for traditional methods of spinning or blending fibres to create new fibres with enhanced properties.

Microencapsulation. Scented scratch and sniff inserts have been available in magazines for many years. These inserts are the products of microencapsulation, a process where tiny particles of gas, liquids or solids are packaged in a second material for the purpose of shielding them from the surrounding environment. When the microencapsulation has been around since the 1950s and has been used in diverse products including cake mix, soap powders and aspirin. Recent technological developments mean that smells can now be incorporated into fabrics. One high street retailer has already produced scented bedding that retains its smell for up to 20 washes.

Body scanners. When you buy a jacket from your favourite high street store, you will choose from one of the several standard sizes. In reality there is no such thing as a standard size because everyone’s body is different. Manufacturers produce their clothing with a best-fit policy, according to the national measurement information – some of which dates back to 1941.

As consumers have become more demanding, technology has changed to keep up. Buying a jacket in the future could mean a trip to a high-street booth to have your body scanned. The information will be saved and taken to your favourite store or sent to their website on the Internet. The store would then have enough information to produce a jacket shaped to your exact body measurements.

Body scanners can map your body shape in 10 seconds by projecting a series of white stripes onto the body and using a camera to record the distortions. A virtual tape measure is used to extract 130 key measurements. The software then produces a high-resolution image of your body, which can be mapped with virtual clothing, so you can check the fit.

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