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III Answer the questions

  1. What does Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design prepare specialists for?

  2. What degrees can be obtained at the university?

  3. What specialized courses does the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in textiles curriculum include?

  4. What may students specialize in?

  5. What positions do textiles program graduates typically fill?

  6. What can students studying textile chemistry concentrate on?

  7. What do students studying textile engineering learn?

IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text and translate them

  1. Kyiv National University of … prepares specialists for the field … .

  2. The textiles degree program provides … .

  3. Students who study the textile and apparel management program will obtain …

  4. The textile science program emphasizes research … .

  5. … are in great demand in … textile operations … and finishing.

V Translate the sentences into English

  1. Наш університет готує фахівців для галузей легкої промисловості.

  2. Після 4 років навчання випускники можуть отримати ступінь бакалавра.

  3. Навчальна программа включає обов’язкові (базові) предмети.

  4. Студенти починають з вивчення сировини та закінчують основами оздоблення текстильних виробів.

  5. Випускники, що отримали освіту в галузі дизайну та виробництва текстилю знаходять роботу на підприємствах по виробництву текстилю.

  6. Деякі студенти хочуть зайнятися науковою роботою та досліджувати та розробляти новітні технології в текстилі.

Reading and writing skills

I Answer these questions about yourself with complete sentences

  1. What are you studying?

  2. Where are you studying?

  3. How long is your course?

  4. What qualification do you get after you complete the course?

  5. What are the main subjects?

  6. Which subjects do you find most difficult?

  7. Why do you find them difficult?

  8. Which subjects do you enjoy most?

  9. How many classes do you have every week?

  10. When do your classes start every day?

  11. When do they finish?

  12. Do you have any self-study time?

  13. What do you hope to do when you finish your course?

II Using your answers (ex.I) complete the gaps in this description

I’m studying __________1 at ____________2. It’s a __________3. When I complete the course, I will get a __________4_. The main subjects are ___________5. The subjects I find most difficult are ___________6. I find them difficult because ___________7. The subjects I enjoy most are __________8. I have __________9 classes every week. Every day classes start at ___________10 and finish at ___________11. I ___________12. When I finish my course, I hope to _________13.

III Read the text. Think about the title of it

1- What is the difference between a technician, a technologist, and an engineer? The main difference is in level of education and training. Engineers have the most advanced training and normally hold university degrees. In everyday contexts, the titles technician and technologist are sometimes used interchangeably, meaning a specialist working in technology below the level of engineer.

2- In training contexts, technologist is normally used for someone at a higher level (usually trained for 2-3 years) than a technician (usually trained for l-2 years). You can progress from technician to technologist and then to engineer by following courses at colleges and universities. Colleges offer certificates and diplomas (a diploma is a higher level qualification than a certificate). Universities offer degrees.

3- As an example, in the UK system, most young people who want a career in technology start by studying at a college of further education or university. Some universities allow students to transfer to a degree course early, after completing only one year of a diploma course. It is also possible for students to leave school at sixteen and work as an apprentice with a company. The company can then release them from work for some time every week to allow them to study at a college. This is called a part-time, day-release or sandwich course.

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