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IV Answer the following questions

  1. What does the term “properties” refer to?

  2. Do the fabrics from the same type of fibres have the same properties?

  3. What do properties influence?

  4. What are the main groups of fabric properties?

  5. What do aesthetic/functional properties refer to?

  6. What property of a fabric is the most noticeable?

  7. At what stages of textile construction can colour be obtained?

  8. What fibres are used to produce lustrous fabrics?

  9. What are the methods to lessen shine of the fabric?

  10. What does the term “handle” refer to?

V Find Ukrainian equivalents to the words

property, perform, stretch, tear, ladder, drape, slippery, influence, luster, smooth, shine, shiny, coarse, rough, stiff.

VI Translate the following word-combinations into English:

різні властивості, легко розтягуватися, добре драпіруватися, впливати на властивості, гладка поверхня, блискуча тканина, цупка нитка.

VII Translate the following sentences into English

  1. Різні види полотен виробляються з одного виду волокна.

  2. Полотна мають свої властивості та робочі характеристики.

  3. Деякий одяг необхідно виробляти із полотна, що добре розтягується.

  4. Перше, що помічає людина – це колір одягу.

  5. Кольорова палітра змінюється з модою.

  6. Текстиль може фарбуватися на будь-якому етапі його виробництва.

  7. Існує кілька способів, щоб зробити полотна менш блискучими.

  8. Ми повинні торкнутися тканини,щоб відчути її туше.

  9. Сучасні технології дозволяють виробляти різні види текстур.

Reading and writing skills

I Read the text to find out some more information about properties of fabrics. Make a list of the main terms and check their meanings The functional properties of fabrics

The tenacity of the fibres, how strong the yarn is and the structure of the fabric all influence how strong a fabric will be. Fabrics made from strong fibres are more durable, hard wearing and resistant to abrasion.

Fibres that become weaker when they are wet need to be handled carefully when they are washed to avoid damage. Fibres with a high tensile strength are more suitable for things like ropes that need to withstand a lot of pulling.

A fabric made from spun yarns with a low twist can be damaged if treated roughly when it is washed. Fabrics that are closely woven will be stronger than loosely woven fabrics.

Elasticity. Fabrics made from fibres with good elasticity will recover their shape when stretched. This prevents garments going baggy, for example, at the elbows of a jumper. Because of their construction, knitted fabrics have more stretch than woven fabrics made from the same fibres. Fabrics that contain even a small amount of elastane in their yarns will have excellent elasticity.

Crease resistance. Fabrics made from fibres that have a good resilence recover after they have been creased. Knitted fabrics are better at recovering from creasing than woven fabrics.

Flammability. Fibres affect how a fabric will burn or if it will resist burning. Flammability is also influenced by fabric structure. Flames need air, so a fabric that contains flammable fibres and a lot of air spaces will burn extremely quickly. Even a relatively low flammable fibre will burn more easily if it is made into a fabric with a lot of air in it.

Shrinking. It is important that textile products, like clothing stay the same size. Cotton fibres will shrink when they swell up. In the 1970s, people were encouraged to sit in a bath of water to make their Levi 501 jeans shrink to fit.

Usually, cotton fabrics are treated to prevent them from shrinking before they are made into textile product. If a garment made from wool fibres is washed incorrectly, the fibres will matt together because of the scales on their surface, thus making the garment shrink. Many wool fabrics are treated so that they do not shrink. These are sometimes labelled superwash wool. When the fabric is woven, the yarns are held under tension. Before the fabric can be used, it has to be washed to relax the yarns so they will not shrink after it is made into products.

Reaction to heat. How a fabric reacts to heat will depend entirely on the fibres it is made from. This is important to consider when ironing clothes – fabrics made from more than one type of fibre must be ironed at a temperature suitable for the more sensitive fibre. Some fibres are thermoplastic – they can be shaped and heat set. This property is useful for pleated skirts or permanently creased trousers.

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