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АНГЛІЙСЬКА_Навчальний посібник Сімкова - копия.doc
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In this unit we make review of Tenses, for more information see Reference 1


Task 14. Fill in each gap with a suitable verb from the box, using the correct tense.

emphasize lack emerge change show

1. The sociological perspective ____________ us that people behave the way they do largely because of the social situations in which they find themselves.

2. Human behaviour ____________ when social conditions ____________

3. A few generalisations about this type of applications ____________ already___________.

4. Functional and structural analysis м the relationships of one part of society to other ones and to the social system as a whole.

5. Definite proof of that effect ____________ presently ____________ .

Task 15.Replace each word/phrase in bold with a suitable expression from the box.

look on pile up rule on be aware of look up

1. Social science accumulates the consequences of a social phenomenon.


2. The leadership has decided to be disinterested spectators in this vital struggle.


3. Do you know three major theoretical perspec­tives in sociology?


4. Conflict theorists study the processes aris­ing from the struggle of social actors to at­tain whatever they consider desirable.


5. In the modern era we can see a society divided between capitalists.


Task 16. Study the table, then underline the correct prepositions in the sentences below.

in time

вчасно (до речі);

on time

  1. вчасно;

  2. в назначений час;

out of time


before time

  1. передчасно;

  2. завчасно;

at no time


in no time

  1. моментально;

  2. надзвичайно швидко;

for the time being

до певного часу;

at the same time

  1. в той же самий час;

  2. одночасно.

  1. Arrange so that you get in\at time on scientific conference.

  2. What may be done at\out any time, is done at\in no time.

  3. The decision was made out of\for time.

  4. They responded to the request in\before no time.

  5. We take the value constant for\before the time being.

  6. They rise the problem before\at time.

Task 17. There is an extra word in each of the sentences below. Check your knowledge of Present Tenses.

  1. Some sociologists has believe that cultural ideas and social structures in­fluence each other.

  2. These days social life is ulti­mately being depending on what people think and believe.

  3. Erving Goffman has not been analyzed yet how people com­municate in that group.

  4. Now social class plays a greater not lesser role in American life.

  5. Ethnomethodology is studies of how people invent and convey shared meanings in everyday routines.

  6. Anomic suicides are likely to occur during last periods of anomie.

  7. There interpretation of Hegel's dialectic method is being clear.

  8. A different approach to the problem is made due to Emile Durkheim.

Task 18. Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with words from the paragraphs indicated. Then fill in the other gaps.





§ 1





§ 2





§ 3







§ 4





§ 5





Task 19. Write down a suitable question for the following answers. Pay attention to the correct tense.

A How many ?

There are three major theoretical perspec­tives in sociology.

B When ?

We have discovered functional or dysfunctional social phenomena recently.

C Who ?

Now we are controlling the means of economic production.

D What .?

We have just finished phase one and are ready to start phase two.

Task 20. Rearrange these words to form sentences, and translate them into Ukrainian.

  1. Philosopher / of / is / Auguste / founder / Comte/ The / sociology / the / eighteenth / century / and / French

2. is / term / unity / on / the / social / of / people / Durkheim's / different / with / for / backgrounds / solidarity / mutual / based / and / Organic / beliefs/ dependence

3. kinds / The / work / have / at / experiences / their / of / people / attitudes/ change / and / behavior / also

4. factors / that / identified / Kanter / personality / has / opportunity / power / relative / as / structural / affect / and / numbers / individual

5. sense / The / powerlessness / size / and / of / unprecedented / have/ contributed / to / depersonal­ization / societies / and / a / number / of / in / modern / bu­reaucracies

Task 21. Find at least five examples of Present, Past and Future Tense in the text you have read.


Task 22.Translate the following paragraph into Ukrainian, pay attention to the correct tense/form.

Task 23. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.

1. The promise of sociol­ogy is that human beings can change that environment for the better.

A. Перспектива соціологічних досліджень полягає в тому, що люди можуть змінювати навколишній світ на краще.

В. Соціологія обіцяє людям змінити цей світ на краще.

С. Соціологія допомагає живим істотам змінювати світ розумно.

2. Truth is the summit of being; justice is the application of it to others.

A. Правда – це зібрання, справедливість – це визнання її іншими.

В. Істина – це вершина буття, справедливість – це визнання її по відношенню до інших.

С. Правда – це самотнє буття, справедливість – це його визнання.

3. There is a new point of view on the problem.

A. Існує нова точка зору для вирішення цієї проблеми.

В. Це нова точка зору з цієї проблеми.

C. З цього питання існує нова точка зору.

4. Суспільне життя не залежить від характеру людей.

А. The characteristics of individuals has a reality beyond the social life.

В. The social life has a reality beyond the characteristics of individuals.

С. The individuals has no characteristics for the social life.

5. Переконання та ідеї людей характеризують шлях життя суспільства.

A. The be­liefs and ideas of people characterize a society's way of life.

B. A society's way of life is characterize by beliefs and ideas.

C. The be­liefs and ideas of people regulate the way of society life.

6. За теорією Валлерштайна промислово розвинені країни експлуатують менш розвинені країни і утримують їх від модернізації.

A. According to Wallerstein the developed countries explore less developed countries and keep them from modernizing.

B. Wallerstein's theory states that industrialized nations exploit less developed countries and keep them from modernizing.

C. Wallerstein's theory states that industrialized nations explore less developed countries and push them to modernize.


Task 24. Think about the promise of sociology. What methods, approaches and ideas can you mention? Write five sentences. Then find out about your partner.

Task 25. Read several paragraphs about the sociology as a subject at high schools and analyze them.

  1. Underline the topic sentence. Is it the first or second sentence?


  1. Is the first sentence indented?


  1. How many supporting sentences are there? Which are they?


  1. Circle the concluding sentence or clause.

Task 26. Write a small summary of the text Sociology reinterpreted (page 7) for about 10 sentences.