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АНГЛІЙСЬКА_Навчальний посібник Сімкова - копия.doc
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    In this unit we make review of the Articles, for more information see Appendix 4


Task 14. Which article a or an can be put before the following words or phrases?

Write the words or phrases into the correct column.

Idea, European, expensive project, thousand times, mp, economic crisis, ewe, honest decision, mba, academic year, yearly chart, honourable person, university, euphemism.



Task 15. Which article the or 0 can be put before the following words or phrases? Write the words or phrases into the correct column.

Tower of London, Elle, Netherlands, People’s Republic of China, Thames, Carpathians, Financial Times, Everest, Germany.



Task 16. Complete each sentence a) to e) with one of the endings 1) to 5).

a) In most societies there is a …

1) observed inequality just or fair?

b) Here is the …

2) other.

c) One person might be better off and healthier than the …

3) basic problem: we observe some empirical case of social inequality.

d) And we ask: is the

4) inequality violate some principle of justice?

e) Does the …

5) certain broadly shared belief about what is socially fair and unfair.

Task 17. Read the following information about economic inequality. Write nine more missing articles in the correct places.

Views on inequality

1 In most western democracies, desire to eliminate or reduce economic

2 inequality is generally associated with the political left. The main practical

3 argument in favour of reduction is idea that economic inequality reduces

4 social cohesion and increases social unrest, thereby weakening society.

5 There is clear evidence that this is true and it is intuitively true, at least for small

6 face-to-face groups of people. Also, there is the argument that economic

7 inequality translates to political inequality, which further aggravates problem.

8 acceptance of economic inequality is generally associated with the political

9 right or at least that section of the right that is concerned with economics.

10 main practical argument in favour of the acceptance of economic inequality is 11 that, as long as the cause is mainly due to differences in behaviour, the inequality

12 serves as economic engine to push society towards economically healthy and

13 efficient behaviour, and is therefore beneficial.

Task 18 Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with the appropriate words.





















Task 19. Many uses of the articles are idiomatic, and should be learned as part of a phrase. Here are some of them:

  1. against the grain – contrary to someone's feelings, principles.

His plan goes against the grain with her because she doesn't like cheating.

  1. be behind the times – be old-fashioned, outdate.

Some of the managers here are behind the times; their methods are not modern.

  1. be beside the point – be off the point.

What I said to him privately is beside the point.

  1. beat around the bush; beat about the bush – avoid giving a clear or definite answer.

Stop beating around the bush! Get to the point!

  1. break the ice – overcome shyness in making the first step.

The meeting was dull until someone broke the ice with a joke, and we all laughed.

  1. get out of hand – get out of control, beyond control.

If he gets out of hand again, call me the right away. The situation is getting out of hand.

  1. in plain English – in simple, frank terms.

I didn't really like the presentation. In plain English, it was terrible.

  1. make a living – earn money to provide for life.

He works hard. His family is large, and he has to make a living somehow.

Paul won a prize in a chess tournament. Great! Like father, like son!

  1. off the cuff – without preparation.

Off the cuff, I can give you only a rough estimate.

  1. rock the boat – make the situation unstable.

Peter always rocks the boat when we discuss the company's spending policy.

Task 20. Think of your own sentences with the idioms mentioned above.

Task 21. Choose the most suitable phrase underlined.

1. A philosopher/Philosopher is someone who studies and tries to explain the meaning of things such as life, knowledge, or beliefs.

2.An individual/ Individual can also have a higher or lower status than his/her parents. 3. In open stratification system/ an open stratification system, there are supposed to be few obstacles to social mobility.

4. She has been trapped in job/a job.


Task 22. Study the idioms from Task 18 and translate the sentences.

Task 23. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.

    1. The research has shown a clear link between income inequality and social cohesion.

A. Це дослідження показало чіткий зв’язок між нерівністю прибутків та соціальною об’єднаністю.

B. Будь-яке дослідження показує чіткий зв’язок між нерівністю прибутків та соціальною об’єднаністю.

C. Це дослідження покаже чітку різницю між нерівністю прибутків та соціальною об’єднаністю.

    1. There is a very strong correlation between socioeconomic status and health.

A. Колись був ідентифікований чіткий взаємозв’язок між соціоекономічним статусом та здоров’ям.

B. Існує досить чіткий взаємозв’язок між соціоекономічним статусом та здоров’ям.

C. Існує незначний взаємозв’язок між соціоекономічним статусом та здоров’ям.

    1. This correlation suggests that it is not only the poor who tend to be sick when everyone else is healthy.

A. Цей взаємозв’язок припускає, що не тільки бідні люди, як правило, страждають, коли усім іншим добре.

B. Цей взаємозв’язок припускає, що існує незначна тенденція, коли ти хворієш чи коли ти здоровий.

C. Ця кореляція рекомендує бідним бути завжди здоровим.

    1. Нижчий соціоекономічний статус повязали із хронічним стресом, серцево-судинними захворюваннями, діабетом, певними типами онкозахворювань та передчасним старінням.

A. A lower socioeconomical status has been linked to chronic stress, heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, and premature aging.

B. Lower socioeconomic status has been linked to chronic stress, heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, and premature aging. C. A lower socioeconomic status has been linked to chronic stress, heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, and premature aging.

    1. Концепція психосоціального стресу намагається пояснити, як психосоціальне явище може призвести до цих багатьох захворювань.

A. The concept of psychosocial stress attempts to explain how psychosocial phenomenon can lead to the many diseases.

B. Concept of psychosocial stress attempts to explain how psychosocial phenomenon can lead to the many diseases.

C. The concept of psychosocial stress attempts to explain how psychosocial a phenomenon can lead to the many diseases.

    1. Багато людей приймають нерівність як дану реальність. A. A many people accept inequality as a given.

B. Many people accept inequality as a given.

C. The many people accept inequality as a given.


Task 24. Write a letter to an economic expert. Ask him/her three questions about the socioeconomic rise in Ukraine. Give him/her three of your opinions. Read your letter to your classmates. Your classmates will answer your questions.

Task 25. You have been asked to make a presentation on social mobility at the coming conference. You are prone to refuse, because you have never participated in such meetings. That is your first experience and you hesitate. But your friend is more optimistic and assures you there is nothing to be afraid of. Ask him to give you a hand to make some notes for the presentation.

This presentation planning checklist will help you deliver successful presentation:

Task 26. Summarize the content of the text in 10 sentences.


In order to write an accurate summary, you must understand what you're reading. Try reading with the author's purpose in mind.

Check for accuracy.

Ask someone else to read your work.

Revise your work.





Task 1. Discuss these questions with a partner.

    • How do you understand the statement compensatory leisure hypothesis”?

    • What are the ways of spending free time in your own country?

    • Give your own opinion about the Benjamin Franklin’s quote “Employ the time well, if thou meanest to gain leisure”?


Task 2. Review the following statements and pick the answer that describes you best. You may not find an answer that matches your feelings exactly, so just choose the one that’s closest.