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АНГЛІЙСЬКА_Навчальний посібник Сімкова - копия.doc
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In this unit we make review of adjective, for more information see Appendix 7


Task 13. Fill in each gap with an adjective in the correct form. Pay attention to the rules of the comparison of the adjectives.

  1. Learning to be punctual has nothing to do with learning to add and subtract, but it has a lot to do with learning to meet the strong demand for precise timing in the ______ (large) social structure.

  2. In every school the "leading crowd," or _________(high) status group, had twice as many athletes and many more popular boys than it had brilliant students.

  3. Family back­ground is still____________(important) factor in educational achievement.

  4. Kahl discovered that these parents tended to be dissatisfied with their own jobs and anxious to have their sons do ______(good) than they had.

  5. ________ ( successful) students have usually learned not only to obey the rules but to please their supe­riors by anticipating their demands, or "giving teachers what they want."

Task 14. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition from the box.

in about with of for

1. Working-class students are sometimes jealous _____ middle-class students.

2. While mastering the subject is certainly most important, grades can also be improved by being on time, obeying the rules, and acting interested ­­­­­_________what the teacher is saying.

3. The family and orga­nized religion were responsible _______ educa­tion in pre-industrial times.

4. Working-class parents tended to be dissatisfied_____ their own jobs and anxious to have their sons do better than they had.

5. People who are worried_______ their background have fewer chances than those who do not think about it.

Task 15. Match each word on the left to the word on the right with an opposite meaning. Make up sentences using these adjectives.

  1. easygoing

  2. prudent

  3. diligent

  4. stubborn

  5. eager

  6. ruthless

  7. cooperative

  8. versatile

  1. lazy;

  2. uptight, strict;

  3. unhelpful;

  4. caring, sympathetic;

  5. flexible, open-minded;

  6. foolish;

  7. limited;

  8. apathetic.

Task 16. There is an extra word in each of the sentences below. Find an adjective in each sentence.

  1. However, most on children know the second les­son of the hidden curriculum: Do as you're told!

  2. Mid­dle-class children use more correct gram­mar and develop proper manners.

  3. Compared these with the influ­ence of different family backgrounds, the school itself appears to have little effect on how well students perform in school.

  4. The increas­ing demand for educated workers in an in­dustrial society, the growth of bureaucracy, democratic idealism, except all these cultural and social factors intertwined the educational system with other institu­tions in society.

  5. In 1964 the Office of Education commis­sioned a very famous research report on educational opportunity by the sociologist James Cole­man.

Task 17 Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with words from the paragraphs indicated. Then fill the other gaps.





§ 1



§ 2







§ 3





§ 4





Task 18. Write the correct person’s name under the adjective that best describes him or her.

There’s no point in arguing with Bruce. He won’t listen to the opinions of others, even if they prove him wrong.

As the headmaster of the school, Carol has to be able to do many different things. In addition to her regular duties, she’s also the accountant and hiring manager.

Victor takes care when making decisions in order to avoid unnecessary risk.

Students love Randy because he’s relaxed. He doesn’t mind if his students are late and he gives them a lot of freedom.

Robert, the new headmaster, fired four teachers in his first week. He’ll do whatever he has to reduce costs.

Patricia works hard and she makes an effort to do her tasks well.

Fresh out of university, Tanya, was excited about getting started with her job and learning new things.

Mike is very helpful. He’s always willing to be of assistance to the other members of the class.

















Task 19. Rearrange these words to form sentences, and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. and / values / their / peer / the /group / learn / of important / students / attitudes/ more/

2. works / how / the / people / curriculum / the / system / how / demands / the / and / school / deal / other / formal / of / young / each / teach / with to /

3. all / from / textbooks / not / learn / just / situation / their / from / the / of / lessons / aspects / school / these / students /

4. were / adolescent / the / these / of success / deterrent / the / Coleman / that / values / results / suggested / to / a subculture / to academic /

5. and / values / not / also / are / teach / in / and / curriculum / formal / that / students / administrators / the attitudes / school's / teachers/

Task 20. Find at least 10 adjectives in the text you have read.


Task 21 Translate the following paragraph into Ukrainian, pay attention to use of adjectives.

Task 22. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.

1. Education is the formal transfer of knowledge, skills, and values from one person or group to another.

A. Освіта – це набуті знання, навички та цінності.

В. Освіта – це формальна передача знань, навичок і цінностей від однієї людини або групи людей, до іншої.

С. Освіта – передача знань, навичок і цінностей від однієї людини до групи людей.

2. Most parents want the schools to teach their children the skills and knowledge they need to get ahead.

A. Більшість батьків хоче, щоб школа навчила їх дітей знанням та навичкам, які необхідні для того, щоб досягти успіху.

В. Більшість батьків вчить своїх дітей навичкам та умінням, які знадобляться їм у школі.

С. Більшість батьків хоче, щоб школа навчила їх дітей знанням та навичкам, які їм не потрібні для того щоб досягти успіху.

3. More important than their intelligence was their willingness to work hard.

A. Набагато важливіше, аніж їх розумова здібність, було їх бажання старанно працювати.

В. Набагато важливіше за їх бажання працювати старанно, була їх розумова здібність.

C. Найважливішим були їх розумові здібності та бажання старанно працювати.

4. Одна з найперших речей, яку дитина вивчає в школі це приходити вчасно на заняття.

А. One of the first things a child learn in school is to on time.

В. One of the first things a child learns in school is to be on time.

С. One of the first things a child learns in school is be on time.

5. Як би ти хотів запам’ятатися у школі: як блискучий учень або як найбільш популярний учень?

A. How do you most like to be remembered in school: as a brilliant student or as most popular one?

B. How would you most like to be remembered in school: as a brilliant student or as most popular one?

C. Would you most like to be remembered in school: as a brilliant student or as most popular one?

6. Заможні сім'ї відправляли своїх дітей у кращі школи та на довший період, ніж бідні.

A. Wealthier families send their children to better schools, and for longer periods, than poorer families.

B. Wealthier families sent their children to better schools, and for longer periods, than poorer families.

C. Wealthier families used to send their children to better schools, and for longer periods, than poorer families.


Task 23. Think about the equality in education. What can you say about the education in your own country? Write five sentences. Then find out about your partner.

Task 24. Read the text about punctuality and think about another similar rules and behaviours that have nothing di­rectly to do with education. Share your ideas with your partner.

Task 25. Write a small summary of the text Education and equality for about 10 sentences.