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АНГЛІЙСЬКА_Навчальний посібник Сімкова - копия.doc
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In this unit we make review of Inversion, for more information see Reference 8

Task 13. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to get useful information about Inversion usage.

change questions strict highlighting

Task 14. Write down a suitable question for the following answers. Remember to make a question you need inversion.

A. D ?

The labour market does not work perfectly.

B. H ?

In modern capitalist societies this wealth has been unevenly distributed.

C. D ?

Socialist systems had public ownership.

D. I ?

This approach is described in Chapter 12.

Task 15. Tick the correct sentence. Pay attention to the inversion.

  1. a Rarely they control the insta­bility of the market.

b Rarely do they control the insta­bility of the market.

  1. a Hardly had she left the company than it went bankrupt.

b Hardly had she left the company when it went bankrupt.

  1. a "Where did you find these goods?" asked he.

b "Where did you find these goods?" he asked.

  1. a Marx was a German philosopher and economist, as was Engels.

b Marx was a German philosopher and economist, as Engels.

Task 16 Study the table below and fill in the gaps in the following sentences.

These words and expressions may cause inversion if they are at the beginning of the sentence.


тільки; лише


ніколи…ні (до присудка)




не тільки…але й


а також …не (до присудка)

  1. ___________ recently have we appreciated the potentialities in this field.

  2. _____________ does the blending of various economies result in open market, _____ most indus­trial economies often are based on the principles of the free market.

  3. _____________ does it lead to a huge increase in human productivity.

  4. The capitalist la­bour market could not identify the problem of unemployment. _________ could free enterprise solve the recurring problems of recession.

  5. Very ____________ could modern capitalist societies in­crease their GNPs in a short time.

Task 17. Put the words in the correct order. Pay attention to the words that usually cause the inversion.

  1. rational / require­ments / table / the / planning / in / productive / are / 3 given / of efficiency / and /

  2. oligopolis­tic / discussed / of / dominate / enterprises / remaining / the major / markets / and / to be / discourage / that / problem / is competition /

  3. industrial / only / capitalism / revolution / on / cases / the ethic / the / cultural / provide / setting / necessary / protestant / does / for / the / and / the / rise / of special /

  4. any / they / present / information / not / did / help / did / they / nor / financial, / provide /

  5. this / category / it / us / is / interest / last / is / of / that / to /

  6. how / must / tools / not / book / does / you / do / gives / discuss / what / effective / for / to / do / but / the / you / simply it /

  7. effects / for / harmful / it / to / indeed / con­cern / our / and / does / lead / so­cial / environmental /

  8. however / been /free / completely / the / has / never / "free market"/

  9. world's / until / basis /1750 were / command / only / the organized / on / the /of entire / custom / economies / or /

  10. cause / demand / it / response / did / to / consumer / some /

Task 18. Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with words from the paragraphs indicated. Then fill the other gaps.





§ 1





§ 2








§ 4



§ 5





§ 6





Task 19. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. Outside Socialist systems there was man­agement of the means of production and distribution of goods.

  2. If had they controlled the market, it would have been stable.

  3. Only then does the action did not lead to plan imbalance.

  4. The emphasis on profit-making does outweigh then concern for environment.

  5. Nor rarely did they elevate work to a sacred duty.

Task 20. Find at least three examples of Inversion in the text you have read.


Task 21. Translate the following paragraph into Ukrainian, pay attention to the translation of Inversion.

Task 22. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.

1. Never does it lead to considerable changes in Dynamic Asian Economies.

  1. Це призведе до незначних змін в азіатській динамічній економіці.

  2. Це ніколи не призведе до значних змін в азіатських економіках, що динамічно розвиваються.

  3. Це ніколи не призведе до розумних змін в динамічних азіатських економіках.

2. Only in special cases do the ex­periments with the usage of mixed economy continue.

  1. Лише в спеціальних кейсах експериментатори продовжували використовувати змішану економіку.

  2. Лише в спеціальних випадках експерименту під час використання змішують економіку.

  3. Лише в особливих випадках продовжуються експерименти із використанням змішаної економіки.

3. He had perfect knowledge of all the aspects of the situation save on.

  1. Він чудово знав всі аспекти ситуації, за виключенням одного.

  2. Він чудово знав всі аспекти цієї виключної ситуації.

  3. Він мав чудові знання всіх аспектів цієї ситуації і зберіг їх.

4. Існує інший підхід до проблеми, що справді дозволяє зберегти час.

  1. There has been a second approach to the problem that does provide time a changing.

  2. There is a second approach to problem that provides a time saving.

  3. There is a second approach to the problem that does provide a slight time saving.

5. Тільки нещодавно ми оцінили потенційні можливості змішаної економіки.

  1. Only recently have we appreciated the potentialities of mixed economies.

  2. Only recently we have appreciated the potentialities of mixed economies.

  3. Recently we have appreciated the potentialities of mixed economies only.

6. Хоча всі висновки і були важливими, вони не вирішували проблеми, які постали перед ними.

  1. The decisions were important, they did not solve the problems confronting them.

  2. Important as were the decisions, they did not solve the problems confronting them.

  3. . Important as were the decisions, they did not solve the problems confront us.


Task 23. Think about the influence of capitalism and socialism on your society. Is or was it positive or negative? Write five sentences. Then find out about your partner.

Task 24. Read the paragraph about the Industrial Revolution and analyze it.

  1. Underline the topic sentence. Is it the first or second sentence?


  1. Is the first sentence indented?


  1. How many supporting sentences are there? Which are they?


  1. Circle the concluding sentence or clause.

Task 25. Write a small summary of the text Capitalism and Socialism for about 10 sentences.