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АНГЛІЙСЬКА_Навчальний посібник Сімкова - копия.doc
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In this unit we make review of Reference words,For more information see Appendix 6

Task 14. Read the sentences. Analyse the highlighted words. Define what these words refer to.

1. Violence is usually used as a last resort. It can be a successful tactic, es­pecially when a movement is viewed as a legitimate protest.

2. Other social movements have sought profound and long-lasting social change, and some of them have been spectacu­larly successful.

3. The members may not all have exactly the same beliefs, but they share basic values and convictions.

4. Internal conflict can restore group unity in open societies with multiple associations among members. They are likely to continue in rigid societies, where few com­mon bonds and little basis for compromise exist.

5. Conflict theorists do not deny that discontent and unrest lead to the rebellion and disorder, but they argue that the motivation for violence is not enough to start a revolution.

Task 15. Replace each word/phrase in bold with a suitable expression from the box.

broke away dissatisfied with fire up bring in look up

1. He had been feeling very (disappoint with) his life in recent months.


2. They (leave) this party to start their own business.


3.The government intends to (inculcate) a new law about wearing safety belts in cars.


4. She’s (inspire) about this revolution she’s participating in.


5. At last, after the revolution, things are (improved).


Task 16. Study the table then underline the correct prepositions in the sentences below.

to fight against

боротися проти когось;

to fight back


to fight down

стримувати, перемагати супротив;

to fight for

боротися за щось;

to fight off


to fight on

продовжувати боротися;

to fight out

довести битву до кінця.

  1. The French had desire to fight against/on the British.

  2. We believed we were fighting for/off freedom and democracy.

  3. The government managed to fight off/on their attack.

  4. I prefer to fight for/out this matter once and for all.

  5. You are going to have to fight on/back at them.

Task 17. There is an extra word in each of the sentences below. Check your knowledge of Reference words.

    1. All three theories of revolution which are useful in explaining the underlying causes of social change and social conflict.

    2. Changes in moral values and cultural patterns are often very strongly resisted.

    3. Conflicts are likely to continue in rigid societies, where few are com­mon bonds and little basis for compromise exist.

    4. Revolutions combine fundamental social change this with violent social conflict.

    5. Changes are likely to be accepted when there is an adequate cultural basis and when they meet that a conscious social need.

    6. Social conflict refers to the antag­onism of groups with opposing interests or values.

Task 18. Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with words from the paragraphs indicated. Then fill the other gaps.





§ 1





§ 2







§ 3



§ 4



§ 5



§ 6



§ 7



Task 19. Read and identify the reference words in the following text.

When Le Bon described the submersion of the individual personality in the crowd, he began a tradition of social criticism that emphasizes the harmful effects of modern mass society. In­stead of the close primary-group ties of tradi­tion?' societies, the mass society is dominated by secondary-group relationships. According to this view people in industrial soci­eties re uprooted from community life and iso­lated from each other in impersonal bureaucra­cies. Their loneliness and sense of alienation makes them susceptible to the appeal of social movements that promise to reintegrate them into a meaningful community. This theory ap­peared to be borne out in the 1930s and 1940s, when fascism was sweeping Germany and Italy. Mass movements then seemed to be symptoms of a sick society, an expression of irrational fears and hatreds released by a rent in the social fabric.

Task 20. Rearrange these words to form sentences, and translate them into Ukrainian.

  1. There / reasons / purely / movements / also / little / for / the / assumption / is / that / join / social / for / ideological / support / people /

  2. Behaviour / of / behavior / focus / on / the / unrestrained / collective / theories /of / acting / crowds /

3. Nonviolent/ powerful / must / mobilize / tactics / parties / to / third / effective/ be/

4. French / this / historical / sequence / fits / the/ of/ events / in / model / the / Revolution/

5. Social / refers / conflict / of / the / groups / with / to / antag­onism / or / opposing / values / interests /


Task 21. Translate the following paragraph into Ukrainian, pay attention to the use of reference words.

Загнутый угол 6

Task 22. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.

1. Conflict can cause change within a system as well as a change of the system itself.

A. Конфлікт може спричинити зміни у системі так само, як і змінити саму систему.

В. Зміни у системі можуть бути спричинені конфліктом.

С. Конфлікт може змінитися сам і спричинити зміни у системі.

2. Social movements seek specific goals.

A. Суспільні рухи прагнуть певних цілей.

В. Соціальні рухи шукають певної мети.

С. Соціальні рухи стурбовані певною метою.

3. Theories of revolution are useful in explaining the underlying causes of social change and social conflict.

A. Теорії революції корисні при поясненні соціальних змін і соціальних конфліктів.

В. Причини соціальних змін і соціальних конфліктів корисні при поясненні теорії революції .

C. Теорії революції корисні для пояснення основних причин соціальних змін і соціальних конфліктів.

4. Переконування, примушування та спонукання – стратегії соціальних рухів.

А. Persua­sion, inducement, and constraint are used for social movement strategies.

В. Social movement strategies include persuasion, inducement, and constraint.

С. Social movement strategy include persuasion, inducement, and constraint.

5. Зазвичай, насильство використовується як останнє звернення.

A. Violence is usually used as a last resort.

B. Force is usually used as a last resort.

C. Violence is inevitably used as a last resort.

6. Відповідь на питання «Хто приєднується до суспільних рухів?” є зрозумілою.

A. The answer to the question "Who is join social movements?" is clear.

B. The answer to the question "Who joins social movements?" clear.

C. The answer to the question "Who joins social movements?" is clear.


Task 23. Think about examples of social movements and social conflicts in your own country. What were the reasons for them? Write five to ten sentences. Then find out about your partner.

Task 24. Read the text about the Iranian revolution and analyze it.

Багетная рамка 5

1. Underline the topic sentence. Is it the first or second sentence?


2. Is the first sentence indented?


3. How many supporting sentences are there? Which are they?


4. Circle the concluding sentence or clause.


Task 25. Write a small summary of the text Social movements and social conflicts for about 10 sentences.