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Text 7 Active vocabulary

own, use and dispose of his or her property

володіти, користуватися і розпоряджатися своєю власністю

results of his or her intellectual and creative activity

результати своєї інтелектуальної та творчої діяльності

private property

приватна власність

communal property

комунальна власність

state property

державна власність

expropriation of objects

примусове відчуження об’єктів

exception for reasons of social necessity

виняток з мотивів суспільної необхідності

complete compensation

повне відшкодування

state of emergency

надзвичайний стан

сonfiscation of property

конфіскація майна

aggravate the ecological situation

погіршувати екологічну ситуацію

natural qualities of land

природні якості землі

Exercise 11. Listen to text 7 in Ukrainian. Use your shorthand to write it down. Translate it into Ukrainian.

Text 8 Active vocabulary

право на свободу думки і слова

right to freedom of thought and speech

право на свободу світогляду і віросповідання

right to freedom of personal philosophy and religion

відправляти одноособово чи колективно релігійні культи і ритуальні обряди

perform alone or collectively religious rites and ceremonial rituals

вести релігійну діяльність

conduct religious activity

релігійнi переконання

religious beliefs

військовий обов'язок

military duty

Exercise 12. Translate text 9 into Ukrainian.


Article 36

Citizens of Ukraine have the right to freedom of association in political parties and public organisations for the exercise and protection of their rights and freedoms and for the satisfaction of their political, economic, social, cultural and other i nterests, with the exception of restrictions established by law in the interests of national security and public order, the protection of the health of the population or the protection of rights and freedoms of other persons.

Political parties in Ukraine promote the formation and expression of the political will of citizens, and participate in elections. Only citizens of Ukraine may be members of political parties. Restrictions on membership in political parties are established exclusively by this Constitution and the laws of Ukraine.

Citizens have the right to take part in trade unions with the purpose of protecting their labour and socio-economic rights and interests. Trade unions are public organisations that unite citizens bound by common interests that accord with the nature of their professional activity. Trade unions are formed without prior permission (без попереднього дозволу) on the basis of the free choice of their members. All trade unions have equal rights. Restrictions on membership in trade unions are established exclusively by this Constitution and the laws of Ukraine. No one may be forced to join any association of citizens or be restricted in his or her rights for belonging or not belonging to political parties or public organisations.

All associations of citizens are equal before the law.

Exercise 13. Translate text 10 into English.