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методические указания 2012.doc
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1.4. Translate the following sentence into Russian:

1. Cows which are giving high yield of milk require liberal protein feeding. 2. On account of the richness of milk in proteins, minerals and vitamins, the qualitative character of the food supplied for milk production is important. 3. Cows in pasture assimilate minerals much more quickly than those on dry food in the house. 4. The dairy cow, like other ruminants, is capable of synthesizing in her body her requirements of vitamins C, as well as B complex group of vitamins, and the potency of milk in these nutritive factors does not depend on their supply in the cow’s diet. 5. Grass is, of course, the best and the cheapest of foods for the cow.

1.5. Read the text and give the main idea of the text. Choose the proper title to the text:

1. Grain feeding

2. Forages and pasture-feeding

3. Pasturage

Forage (pasture, silage, hay) is the most natural feed for cattle. Ruminants do very well on forage but don’t grow quite as fast or get fat as quickly as when they are fed grain. Many young cattle are finished in feedlots on grain to save time and total feed. But pasture is the most abundant and cheapest feed for other cattle.

Green pasture supplies cattle with all the necessary nutrition and energy. By grazing lush grassland, they take in adequate protein, energy, vitamins and minerals (unless soils are very low in certain important trace minerals). An exception may be early spring grass just starting to grow — making fast growth in which plants have high water content and lower percentage of actual nutrients by weight and volume. Quality of pasture depends on a number of factors, including type of plants grown, level of maturity of plants at harvest, adequate moisture during growth, soil fertility.

1.6. Translate the following text into English:

1. Существует много молочных пород. 2. Трава на пастбище – зеленый корм, а силос – сочный. 3. В состав рациона для коровы должны входить концентраты и грубые корма. 4. Недостаток минералов в рационе вызывает снижение молочной продуктивности. 5. Высокопродуктивных коров следует кормить как сеном, так и зерном.

  1. Nutrient requirements of swine

    1. Read the text and translate it with the help of the dictionary:

Swine are fed largely on grain, and they eat relatively little roughage, except on pasture. Moreover, they grow more rapidly than cattle, horses, or sheep, and produce young when less mature.

As a result, swine suffer much more frequently than the other classes of livestock from inadequate rations. It is therefore especially necessary, if maximum profits are to be secured from pork production, that their nutrient requirements be clearly understood. Numerous experiments show that the nutrient requirements of swine are relatively simple and that it is not necessary to feed complicated or expensive rations in order to secure the best results. Because swine are fed chiefly on grain, particular care is necessary to provide in their rations a sufficient amount of protein and also protein of good quality.

Since the grains are all low in calcium, it is necessary to feed swine a mineral supplement supplying this essential, unless an adequate amount of calcium is furnished by the other feeds in the ration. A phosphorus supplement must also be added to certain swine rations, because the cereal grains are not rich in this mineral. The vitamin requirements of swine are met adequately when they are on good pasture, but under other conditions they may suffer seriously from deficiencies of vitamin A or vitamin D, unless well-cured legume hay or some other vitamin supplement is fed.