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методические указания 2012.doc
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1.2. Give the English equivalents for: истощение, недостаток, отсутствие аппетита, общая слабость, дегенерация периферических нервов, профилактика рахита, ультрафиолетовые лучи, высушенное бобовое сено, никотиновая кислота, изъязвление слизистой оболочки рта и языка, рахит, болезнь черного языка, анемия, пища животного и растительного происхождения, мясная мука, дрожжи, бобовые, навоз, птичий помет, ненормально красные тельца, костный мозг.

1.2. Give the Russian equivalents for: rickets, emaciation, hatchability, legumes, lack of appetite, general weakness, to cause, cardiac disfunction, restricted diet, intermediary metabolism, nervous disturbances, convulsion, poultry droppings, fish meal, farm stock disease of black tongue, rickets, reddening, ulceration, nicotinic acid, prevent.

1.3. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Calves on diets low in carotene develop night-blindness, papillary oedema, permanent blindness associated with construction of the optic nerve and increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure. 2. Cereals and especially their by-products supply significant amounts of riboflavin. 3. Vitamin A is destroyed by ultra-violet light and sensitive to oxidation in air. 4. Lean pork contains much of thiamine whose content can be doubled by increasing the thiamine intake of the pig. 5. For the farm animals the chief source of vitamin A is green herbage-pasture and other green food. 6. Vitamin B is richly supplied by fresh green food of all kinds, yeast and the outer layers of cereals. 7. Whole cereal grains are rich sources of thiamine. 8. In general, good-quality hay is a substantial source of thiamine and in dry climate there is practically no loss in storage. 9. Nervous disturbances may lead to convulsions and death. 10. Vitamin B6 is synthesized by ruminants in the rumen. 11. Vitamin B12 is the chief constituent of the so-called animal protein factor and is present in animal proteins such as fish and meat meal. 12. Nicotinic acid is a member of the B complex group of vitamin. 13. Sun-dried hay, which is only a moderate source of vitamin A, is fairly rich in vitamin D.

1.4 . Fill in the blanks with proper words or word combinations:

little, intestinal wall, fish liver oils, night-blindness, fresh green food of all kinds, rice, water-soluble, loss of appetite and weight, natural foods, a lack of riboflavin, metabolic processes, abundant, pyridoxine-deficient swine, сhа­racteristic dermatitis, bacteria, substance, black tongue, man, vitamin D, exposure to sunlight.

1. Meat muscle contains … vitamin A. 2. Vitamin A deficiency may result in …, poor growth, atrophy of epithelial tissues and tissues of the eye. 3. Provitamins can be converted into vitamin A in the … . 4. Thiamine (Vitamin B) is a … vitamin. 5. The most important natural source of vitamin A is … . 6. Vitamin B is supplied by potatoes and roots and … , yeast and the outer layers of cereals. 7. Characteristic signs of thiamine deficiency are … . 8. … is rich in vitamin B. 9. Riboflavin is … in milk, eggs white, liver, grains and legumes. 10. Thiamine occurs in … . 11. … show anemia, epileptic-form convulsions, degenerative changes in the nervous system and fatty infiltration of the liver.12. … in chicks results in failure to grow, paralysis and death. 13. Riboflavin is required in the … of аll animals.14. Rats fed а diet lacking in vitamin B6 deve1ор … . 15. Vitamin B12 is synthesized by certain types of … in the alimentary canal of farm stock. 16. Vitamin B12 is а red crystalline… . 17. Lack of niаcin in the diet of … causes pellagra. 18. The requirements for … аrе especially great during growth, when the skeleton is being developed. 19. Some of the manifestations of … are lack of appetite, loss of weight, reddening and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue, diarrhea and death. 20. Important sources of vitamin D are hay and other dry roughages that have been field - cured by… .