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методические указания 2012.doc
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3.6. Read the text and speak about major swine breeds in the United States

Swine were first introduced in North America by the explorer Hernando de Soto who brought 13 pigs to the Florida mainland. On his second voyage, Columbus brought red pigs to America. These early pigs were from Spain and Portugal. Pigs were also brought into the United States from the Guinea coast of Africa on early slave trading vessels.

There are eight major swine breeds in the United States today: Duroc, Landrace, Chester White, Poland China, Berkshire, Spots, Yorkshire, and Hampshire. The Hampshire, Berkshire, and Yorkshire trace their American roots back to England. The Hampshire breed was imported to America from Hampshire County in England between 1825 and 1835. There is also a Hampshire breed of sheep that was developed in England and imported into the United States.

The Berkshire breed is a pure breed that can be traced back to pigs imported directly from established English herds. A boar named "Windsor Castle" was imported into the United States in 1841. In 1875, the American Berkshire Association recorded. Yorkshire pigs are thought to have been brought to the United States to Ohio around 1830. The first Yorkshire sow registered in the United States was named "Thomas Hester".

Today, pork is the most widely eaten meat in the world. China is both the top-producing country of pork and ranks first in pork consumption. The United States, which produces of the world's supply of pork, ranks third in pork production.

3.7. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Рационы свиней состоят в основном из зерна и других концентратов. 2. Свиньи также потребляют отходы молочных и других продуктов. 3. Витамины А и Д имеют большое значение для кормлении свиней. 4. Срок плодоношения у свиней 3 месяца, 3 недели и 3 дня.

  1. The sheep

    1. Read the text and translate it with a help of the dictionary:

Sheep belong to the Genus Ovis, and are generally grouped into: Longwools, Shortwools, and Mountain sheep which have horns. Inside each group there are many well-defined breeds and an endless variety of crosses between the different pure breeds.

Sheep are kept for the production of mutton and wool.

The stomach of the sheep is three times larger than that of the pig. As the sheep and goats have a cleft upper lip, they have to graze very close to the ground.

A male sheep is called a ram on whose fertility largely depends the lamb crop of the year. An in-lamb sheep is called a ewe and a new-born — a lamb. The period of gestation in sheep lasts 21 weeks. The milk yield of ewes was found to vary from 1.8 to 3 pounds a day. At lambing time the ewes need special care.

As a rule ewes should be healthy and vigorous, with deep, wide bodies, good teeth, healthy udders and high-quality, dense fleeces. Pregnant ewes should always have access to clean water.

Healthy lambs can withstand bad weather, provided the coat dries immediately after birth. If, because of very wet severe weather, the coat does not dry, losses even among the strong lambs may occur.

The consumption of colostrum, or first milk is as important to the lamb as it is to the calf.