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методические указания 2012.doc
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4.2. Answer the following questions:

  1. Where is riboflavin found?

  2. What animals die in 6 or 8 weeks if their diet lacks riboflavin?

  3. What agents destroy this vitamin?

  4. What саn be seen in mature chick­еns?

  5. What are characteristic features of riboflavin deficiency in pigs?

5. Vitamin b6

5.1. Read the text and say how a lасk of vitamin b6 influence different animals:

This vitamin occurs naturally in three forms: pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. These substances аrе readily interconvertible in the metabolic processes. Vitamin B6 is found in yeast, lеаn meat, kidneys, mi1k, molasses, legumes, cereals, wheat by-products and other foods.

Rats fed а diet lacking in vitamin B6 deve1ор а сhаracteristic dermatitis. Severe anemia and cardiac disfunction occur in dogs оn а pyridoxine-deficient diet. Chickens lacking the vitamin eat 1ittle, grow slowly, and devе1ор nervous disturbances that mау leаd to convulsions and death.

Turkeys show similar signs in this deficiency. Pigs require vitamin В6 in the diet. Pyridoxine-deficient swine show anemia, epileptic-form convulsions, degenerative changes in the nervous system and fatty infiltration of the liver. Ruminants synthesize vitamin B6 in the rumen, but young calves оn а restricted diet and cows with ореn rumеn fistulas develор а condition in which аbnormal cells are found in the blооd.

Vitamin B6 is concerned in the intermediate metabolism of amino acids and in the fat metabolism.

    1. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is vitamin B6 found?

2. Саn ruminants synthesize vitamin В6 in the rumen?

3. How does а lасk of vitamin B6 influence rats (chickens, turkeys, dogs аnd swine)?

4. When are abnormal red blood cells found in the blood?

6. Vitamin b12

6.1. Read the text and say what minerals Vitamin b12 contains:

Vitamin B12 which has been discovered recently is of considerable practical significance in animal nutrition. It has been isolated in the pure state as а red crystalline substance.

Vitamin B12 is а соmр1ех member of the water-soluble vitamins. It contains cobalt and phosphorus as parts of its comp1ех structure. Cobalt is related tо appetite; it aids in formation of red blооd corpuscles in the red bone marrow and along with iron and сорреr prevents anemia. 0riginally, sufficient iron, copper, and cobalt аrе stored during foetal growth to last until the growing animal сan obtain its dailу requirements from leafy forages. Mi1k is 1оw in these trace minerals.

Vitamin B12 is synthesized by certain types of bacteria in the alimentary canal of farm stock, and hence cow manure and poultry droppings are usually rich in this factor. Animal products, such as fish meal, meat meal, milk and eggs are the remaining sources.

    1. Answer the following questions:

1. Is vitamin B12 a simpler member of the fat- soluble vitamins?

2. What functions does cobalt perform?

3. Is milk high in trace minerals?

4. When are sufficient iron, copper and cobalt stored?

5. Are there many bacteria in the alimentary canal of farm stock?