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методические указания 2012.doc
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    1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the chemical formula of water?

  2. What functions does water perform?

  3. What is the boiling point of water?

  4. Is water heavier than ice?

  5. What internal organs do you know?

  6. Can the processes take place without water?

  7. Do the liver and kidneys contain much water?

  8. What does water carry from one part of the living structure to another?

    1. Find the meaning of the following words and word combinations used in the text: вода, серое вещество мозга, водород, кислород, химическая формула, питательные вещества, растворять, поглощать, выполнять функции, внутренние органы, почки, печень, составляющая, переносить.

    1. Give the plural of the nouns:

animal, plant, kidney, organ, structure, type, atom, formula.

    1. Give the singular of the nouns:

functions, molecules, parts, compounds, nutrients, soils, processes.

1.6. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Water means both for plants and animals and is important in the control of their temperature. 2. The evaporation of water is one of the most important means by which animals keep their body temperatures constant. 3. All feeds – even corn and hay – contain a portion of water varying from 10 to 15 per cent. 4. Roots such as beets and turnips contain approximately 90 per cent of water. 5. The water in the feed serves the same purpose as ordinary water which the animals consume. 6. Birds have a lower water requirement than mammals.

1.7. Read the text and choose the best statement (a or b) to each paragraph:

A. Water is essential not only for survival but also contributes immeasurably to the quality of our lives.

B. Water is a basic necessity of life, not only for people but for every type of plant and animal as well.

1. Water is essential for all living creatures and is an important component of countless human activities. Water accounts for about 65% of our body weight. If we lost as little as 12% of it, we would soon die. It sustains our wildlife in the streams, forests and wetlands, and is also used in our homes for washing, cooking and cleaning. On the farms, water is used for animals and for growing crops.

2. Industry uses water as part of its manufacturing processes, and to clean its machinery and buildings. Water is used by many other businesses and services such as hospitals, dry cleaners, hotels, schools, office buildings and stores. Water produces energy in hydroelectric dams. And, we use water for having fun too – for swimming, boating, or simply relaxing on a dock in the summer and enjoying the beauty of nature.

1.8. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Каждая молекула воды содержит два атома водорода и один кислорода. 2. Ни растения, ни животные не могут жить без воды. 3. Верблюды могут жить больше без воды, чем другие млекопитающие. 4. Серое вещество мозга содержит 80 процентов воды. 5. Жизненные процессы не могут происходить без воды. 6. Почва содержит много минеральных питательных веществ.