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Patent prints

These are friction ridge impressions of unknown origin which are obvious to the human eye and are caused by a transfer of foreign material on the finger, onto a surface. Because they are already visible they need no enhancement, and are generally photographed instead of being lifted in the same manner as latent prints. Finger deposits can include materials such as ink, dirt, or blood onto a surface.

Plastic prints

A plastic print is a friction ridge impression from a finger or palm (or toe/foot) deposited in a material that retains the shape of the ridge detail. Commonly encountered examples are melted candle wax, putty removed from the perimeter of window panes and thick grease deposits on car parts. Such prints are already visible and need no enhancement, but investigators must not overlook the potential that invisible latent prints deposited by accomplices may also be on such surfaces. After photographically recording such prints, attempts should be made to develop other non- plastic impressions deposited at natural/

Lexica- grammatical exercises

III. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. - приховані відбиткі

- явні , чіткі відбитки

- відбитки на поверхні чого- н.

- непомітний

- судова наука

- несуттєвий, випадковий

- дотик до поверхні

- накип, осад, залишок

- чіткий , видимий, зоровий образ

- слід, відбиток

- органічні складові

- розчин

- залози внутрішньої секреції

- піт на долонях

- забруднювач

- бути прихованим,

- бути перекрученим, невірним, скривленим

- неминуча помилка

- неспотворена інформація, факти

- папілярні візерунки пальців

- невідоме походження

- відбитки пальців

- форма

- танути

- свічковий віск

- порошок, суміш для замазки

(latent prints, putty , candle wax, to melt, shape, finger deposits, enhancement, unknown origin, grooves of a finger, undistorted information, inevitable error, to be distorted, to be smudged, a contaminant, palmar sweat, eccrine glands, solution, organic compounds, residue, visualization, deposition, friction on surface, accidental, forensic science, invisible, plastic prints, patent prints)

IV.Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

l. They would be answerable with their lives for any further dereliction of duty. 2. He sometimes neglected that duty. 3. Their own education has been neglected. 4. Who witnessed his signing the documents? 5. His actions witness to his trustworthiness. 6. The scenes, which those harbours had witnessed thousands of years ago. 7. I was a derelict from my cradle. 8. Оn the morning of March 23rd we steamed in search of the derelict. 9. This is derelict possession. 10.There are derelict lands left by the sea in Yorkshire.

V. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

l. The rule does not apply to this case. 2. They must share the blame. 3. They blamed her for the accident. 4. Although his mother had caught him telling a lie, he tried to bluff it out. 5. There are circumstances which contributed strength to the conclusion. 6.The mob were ripe for a tumult. 7. The worker was dismissed for laziness. 8. This is allowed by the law. 9. The matter allows of no delay. 10. 1 hope to be in at the death when the firm at last signs that big contract.