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XVI.Make a dialogue.Use the table.

Where is … ?

Де знаходиться ... ?

the police station

відділок міліції

the information office

довідкове бюро

the Botanical Garden

ботанічний сад

the Conservatoire




What street is the … hotel in?

На якій вулиці знаходиться готель... ?

the nearest chemist’s


the nearest food store

магазин (гастроном), крамниця

Where can I buy souvenirs?

Де можна придбати сувеніри?

Where can I book tickets… ?

Де можна замовити квитки ... ?

for the theatre

в театр

for a concert

на концерт

Where can I change currency?

Де можна обміняти валюту?

straight ahead (to the right, to the left, back)

прямо (направо, наліво, у звротньому напрмку)

along this street

цією вулицею

as far as the next crossroads

до наступного перехрестя

turn around the corner

заверніть за ріг

cross the street (square)

перейдіть через вулицю (площу)

in the same direction as the bus (trolleybus, tram) runs

за напрямком автобуса (тролейбуса, трамвая)

at the third crossroads turn the left

через два перехрестя (квартала) зверніть наліво

it’s only two blocks away

за два квартали звідси

How long will it take me to get there?

Скільки це забере в мене часу?

it will take you 15 minutes, I suppose.

гадаю, вам вистачить 15 хвилин.

Where do I get off? (Where am I to get off?)

Де мені виходити?

XVII.Read the dialogue in pairs and dramatize it. Pay attention to the intonation. Describing Places, Describing People

Jane: Bob, could you do me a real favour.

Bob: Of course.

Jane: I've arranged to meet this friend Tony tomorrow at one o'clock and I'm going to be late... I can't ring him because he's not on the phone...

Bob: Yes.OK.l

Jane: ... so I wondered if you could go along and meet him for me. Would that be all right?

Bob: Oh yes, yes certainly.

Jane: Oh, thank you very much.

Bob: Um... you'd better tell me what he looks like.

Jane: Yes, of course, you've never seen him, have you? Well, he's of average height and build, sort of fairish with blue eyes, I think.

Bob: Average?

Jane: Mm...yes, I suppose so.

Bob: Yes...and does he wear glasses or anything like that?

Jane: No, he doesn't. No, but he's got a moustache. He's got a sort of blondy moustache. He'll be quite sloppily dressed, you know...

Bob: Yes.

Jane: ...jeans and tee- shirt hanging out or something. Oh, I know how you can recognize him - he's always smiling!

Bob: Oh, right, right.

Jane: So just look for someone like that.

Bob: Where do you want me to meet him?

Jane: Ah, yes, well, it's a place called ... a little tea place in a place called ... Sorry, I'm being terribly muddling for you, aren't I? It's a place called Neal's Yard.

Bob: Yes.

Jane: ... and it's a little tea shop and he'll be upstairs.

Bob: How do you get to this Neal's Yard place?

Jane: You don't know it? Go to Covent Garden tube station. And when you come out, you walk straight up "Neal Street. And then it's the ... one, two, three... third on the left...

Bob: Right.

Jane: ... and it's lovely, it's a tiny little street, very narrow - cobbles. And then you go along that and it opens up into a very pretty yard.

Bob: Urn...what kind of place is it? I mean...

Jane: Well, it used to be warehouses, and most of them have been converted into offices or... or shops.

Bob: So there'll be quite a few people around? But I should be able to recognize him quite easily?

Jane: Oh, I should think so, yes.

Bob: What is he interested in? I mean, are we going to talk about for half an hour or so?

Jane: Oh, that's no problem ... no problem, actually, because he plays tennis - just like you.

Bob: Ah!

Jane: So there you are!

Bob: Right!

Jane: And he's married with children, so you can talk about that as well.

Bob: OK.

Jane: And I'll get there as quickly as I can!

Bob: Fine.