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XVI. Match the questions from Exercise XV with the answers below.

a) It’s five thousand dollars.

b) Yes, I use it a lot in my current job.

c) I can let you know next week.

d) Thank you. A coffee, please.

e) Yes, the address is the same.

f) I would love some. Thank you.

g) Well, I’m currently responsible for Interpol connections.

h) Yes, I can speak Ukrainian and English.

i) My notice period is two months.

XVII. Complete the sentences with the words given below.

Let contact sharing working start send moving

1. Would you mind ___________________________ at weekends?

2. Could you ____________ us have your previous employer’s details?

3. Would you mind _________________ our appointment to Monday?

4. Could you _______________________ in two weeks’ time?

5. Could you _______________________us as soon as possible?

6. Would you mind __________________ an office with other people?

7. Could you _____________________ us a copy of your certificates?

XVIII. Match the questions from Exercise XVII to the answers below.

a) Not at all, as long as it’s in the morning. ______

b) Certainly. I’m free to start as soon as possible. ______

c) Yes. I’ll let you know my decision by Friday the latest. ______

d) Sure, I’ll put copies in the mail as soon as possible. ______

e) That’s fine, as long as it’s a non- smoking area. ______

f) How often would that be? ______

g) Well, in fact they are all included in my resume. ______

XIX.Complete the dialogues with could or was able to.

1. - What foreign languages can you speak?

- I ________________________ speak German quite fluently when I was a child, but I’ve forgotten a lot.

2. - What was your greatest achievement in your previous job?

- Well, I ______________ reorganize the Investigation Department.

3. - What did you like most about your previous working place?

- Well, my boss really trusted me, so I _______________use my own

initiative all the time.

4. - So you worked in Turkey three years ago. Could you give me some more details?

- Sure. As a matter of fact, I _____ to open a new branch in Istanbul.

5. - How did the interview go?

- It went well, thank you. I ___________ to answer all the questions.

Text b

I.New words and combination of words.

Drug smuggling - контрабанда наркотиків

Hijacking – повітряне піратство, напад

Pick pocket(ing) – кишенькова крадіжка

Assault –напад, образа

Armed robberyозброєне пограбування

Shop- lifting – крадіжка в крамниці

Mugging – напад на вулиці з метою пограбування

Drunken driving – керування у нетверезому стані

Fraud - шахрайство

Arson – підпал

Theft - крадіжка

Parking offence – порушення паркування

Homicide – вбивство

Suicide – самогубство

Manslaughter – ненавмисне вбивство

Rape - зґвалтування

International murder – навмисне вбивство

Burglary – нічна крадіжка із проникненням

Larceny - крадіжка

Embezzlement – розтрата, привласнення

Kidnapping – викрадення людей

Forgery - підробка

Bribery - хабарництво

Swindling - шахрайство

Blackmail - шантаж

Slander - наклеп