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Lexica- grammatical exercises

III. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

чоловік назвав себе свідком

причину смерті не встановлено

зареєструвати вбивство


речі і меблі були непошкоджені

коштовності в шкатулці

встановити відеокамери

особисті речі

пролом черепу

IV. Transcribe and translate the following words:

apparent, autopsy, drawer, scene, tattoo, evidence, jewelry, paraphernalia, pornography, initial, fracture, superficial, ceiling.

V. Match the words from columns A and B:


investigator local

tattoo superficial

authority jewelry

camera distinctive

examination video

box homicide

findings initial

VI. Insert the prepositions if necessary:

1. The body was transported … autopsy at 20:00 hours.

2. All things and furniture were … order.

3. The cause … death was not immediately apparent.

4. There were also some blood … the picture window … … … the victim.

5. Homicide investigators found no evidence … struggle.

VII. Give the synonyms from the text:

volume; fight; reason; glass; occur; trace, receive, secure the scene, notify,intact, paraphernalia.

VIII. Answer the questions:

1. Who informed about a dead man?

2. Was the cause of death immediately appeared?

3. What was the cause of death?

4. Did the victim have any distinctive features?

5. What evidence did homicide investigators find?

IX. Describe the crime scene closely to the text.

X. The Preliminari Investigation at the Scene by the Homicide Investigator. Describing the Scene.

A complete description of the dead body and the surrounding area, covering the following items, should be entered in the notebook of the investigator upon arrival.

  1. Sex, appearance, age, build, colour of hair of the deceased and a description of the deceased clothing.

  1. Evidence of injury and apparent cause of death.

  1. Are the bloodstains wet or dry?

  2. What is the condition of the body (lividity, rigor, etc.)?

  3. Describe the colour of the blood (bright or brown).

  4. Note any tears in clothing and evidence of gunshot or stab wounds.

  5. Careful examination of the hands. Are there any wounds or a weapon.

  1. Note whether or not there is any jewelry (rings, watches, gold chains, etc.). If there is no jewelry, make a negative notation. The defense has been known to resort to dirty tactics during trials. If they can make you appear like a thief to discredit your testimony, they will do it.

  1. Describe the immediate surroundings.

a. the position of the body in relation to the articles in the room.

b. note doors, windows, furniture, etc.

  1. If a weapon is nearby, take detailed notes. Do not handle.

  1. Look for bullet holes or fired shells.

  1. In poison or drug- overdose cases, note presence of drugs, bottles or glasses.