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учебник практический курс анг.языка.doc
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XVI. Translate into English.

a) 1.У вас є заняття щосуботи? Hi. 2. У вас багато вільного часу увечері? Так. 3. Хто має запитання? В мене є одне. 4. У мене сьогодні немає лекції з теорії держави та права. 5. У нього зовсім немає часу для спорту. 6. Я не обідаю вдома.

b) 1. Стів має багато складних предметів в інституті? Hi, лише кілька. 2. У мене немає друзів у цьому місті. 3. Сьогодні у мене немає бажання обговорювати це питання. 4. Вони мають свідків цього злочину? Так. 5. У цього адвоката багато заможних клієнтів. 6. У них немає доказів проти вас.

XVII. Use the verb to have in the Past Simple .

1.They have three dogs and cats. 2. Sarah hasn’t got a car. 3. Tom has a lot of friends. 4.An insect has six legs. 5. We haven’t got a key. 6. He has many books. 7. Our city has a very nice shopping centre. 8. Julia wants to go on holiday but she hasn’t got any money. 9 .I have a bad cold.

XVIII. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1.She had parties last month .2. They had a lot of flowers in the garden last summer. 3. We had a letter from home last week. 4. She had a new dress last summer. 5. I had a headache last evening. 6. I had fish for dinner yesterday.

XIX. Translate the following into Ukrainian.

1. Don’t make any noise! 2. Please stay a little longer! 3. Be careful of the glass! 4. Bring the light nearer! 5. Go to the other side of the plane! 6. Don’t touch anything! 7. Don’t walk on the grass! 8. Don’t stay out late tonight! 9. Let’s have some tea! 10. Let’s do some research on the subject! 11. Let’s have a party on my birthday! 12. Please, don’t leave me alone in the dark!

Text C

I. New words and combination of words.

- higher legal education- вища юридична освіта

-Criminal Investigation Department- управління кримінального


- operative investigative activity- оперативно розшукова


- criminality- злочинність

- crime prevention- попередження злочину

- law educational establishment- юридичний учбовий заклад

- inquiry- дізнання

- main task- основна задача

II. Read and translate the text. My Study

In ….. I entered Odessa State University of Internal Affairs. Now I'm a first- year cadet. Our University is situated in Odessa. It is a law educational establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Our University trains future lawyers for the organs of Ukrainian militia. I shall get a higher legal education. I'll become a lawyer by speciality. I shall work at a Criminal Investigation Department (CID). I can work as an operative or investigator. We study many subjects. The main subjects we study at the University are: Civil and Criminal law, Criminalistics and Criminology, Operative investigative activity, Inquiry, Administrative law, International law, Theory of State and Law, History of Ukraine, Foreign language. The course of study lasts 4 years. Our main task as future policemen is to fight against criminality, to prevent and solve crimes. Crime prevention is the main aim of our detective activity. The detective activity, of the operative is also quite necessary for the solution of many serious cases. That's why we should study law and master special means, methods and forms of fighting crime.