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VI. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right.

1. to restore a. ability to do something

2. order b. command given with authority

3. to promulgate c. cause something to exist

4. to create d. business of any kind

5. skill e. bring back into use

6. affairs f. make public, announce officially

(a decree, a new law)

7. decree g. order given by a ruler or authority

and having the force of a law

VII. Narrate the text.

VIII. Form word – combination, using Possessive Case.

friend, Jane; questions, pupils;

office, Steve; studies, students;

life, student; book, lawyer;

work, Nell; my brother, family;

college. Ann; my children, room:

girl- friend, Pete; thing sportsmen;

answer, cadet sons, our teacher:

IX. Translate into English.

Будинок моїх батьків; речі студентів; друзі Петра; підручник студента; відповідь учня; робота юриста; ручка Стіва; папери секретарів; словник Мері; сигари Ніка; лист Джейн; кімната моїх друзів.

X.Replace the of- phrase by the Possessive Case where possible.

The pen of our teacher; the window of this room; the bicycle of Tom; the boy of her child; the back of the chair; the order of the captain; the bags of her pupils; the banks of the river; the arrival of the actors; the father of Dick.

XI. Paraphrase the following using the Possessive Case.

1. the pen that belongs to Jack; 2. the camera that belongs to my friend; 3. the books that belong to her pupils; 4. the shoes that belong to the girl; 5. the flats that belong to the workers; 6. the car that belongs to this miner; 7. the coat that belongs to his brother; 8. the watch that belongs to the teacher.

XII. Use interrogative and negative forms of the sentences

1.They have got their studies in the morning.

2. I have got a lot of work to do.

3. They have some information about that accident.

4. She has got a lecture today.

5. I’ve got many questions to you,

6. He's got time for reading this article.

7. Mary's children often have a cold.

8. My friend has got a lot of difficult subjects at the Institute.

XIII. Fill in the blanks with have or has.

1. We... a good flat. 2. My neighbour... a car. 3. They... a TV set. 4. I ... eight English books. 5. She ... a new dress. 6. You ... a good dictionary. 7. Our room ... two windows. 8. Many collective farmers ... motor cycles. 9. Our teacher... two daughters. 10. I ... a very special reason to go there.

XIV. Make the following interrogative and negative.

I. Peter has a tape recorder. 2. You have many relatives there. My sister has music lessons once a week. 4. The children have many toys. 5. We have coffee in the afternoon. 6. Her daughter has a piano. 7. The children have lunch at eleven. 8. Jane has a book. 9. I have a bath once a week. 10.1 have his textbook on physics. 11.We have much snow this winter. 12. They have breakfast at half past seven. 13. His uncle has a garden. 14.1 have enough paper to write three letters.

XV. Translate into English.

1. У мене є фотоапарат. 2. У мого товариша є мотоцикл. 3. У нас є авторучки? 4. У тебе є фото цього злочинця? 5. У Віктора велосипед? 6. У мене немає вільного часу. 7. У них немає англо- українських словників. 8. У мене немає цієї статті. 9. У тебе є брат у Києві? 10. У неї є родичі в Сочі? 11. У нас немає часу піти туди. 12. Що у тебе в кишені? 13. Скільки в неї братів і сестер? 14. О котрій годині ви снідаєте? 15. Ви обідаєте вдома чи в шкільній їдальні?