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Lexica- grammatical exercises

III. Pick out English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

перше читання

майже формальність

можливість для обговорення

повернути законопроект


мати перевагу


IV. Answer the questions:

1.Which House does new legislation usually start in?

2.What are the stages of new legislation?

3. What two types of Bills do you know?

4.Who has the right of veto?

5.What is the role of the House of Lords in law- making process?

6.Which of two houses of Parliament has more power?

V.Give the synonyms to the following words and make up sentences:

a bill; to examine; purely; to refuse; an assent; to pass; to return; unpopular; in the event of; to start; to settle.

VI.Make sentences, using suitable prepositions:

to ask to listen to search to wish

to explain to remind to speak to think

to knock to say to wait

VII.Write the stages of new legislation in Ukraine. Find the difference and similarities with law- making process in Great Britain.

VIII.Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right:

1) a bill

a) happening, usu. an important one

2) a legislation

b) a plan for a law, written down for the government to consider

3) an event

c) particular occasion or state of affairs, a single example; a combination or set of events needing police or other inquery or action.

4) a case

d) the act of making laws; a body of laws.

5) to consider

e) to talk about, examine, to take into account, remember.

6) to discuss

f) to talk about (with someone) from several points of view, esp. formally.

7) to amend

g) to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance

8) to add

h) to make changes in the words of (a rule or law)

9) to debate

i) to talk argue about (something) someone, usu. in an effort to persuade other people

IX. Explain the meaning of the following expressions:

Royal Assent, Private Bill, Public Bill, lawmaker, to introduce a bill,to be severly curtailed, to receive a formal reading, to reject a bill, Act of Parliament, to veto, to prevail.

X.Complete the sentences with the verb from the box, using correct tense and voice:

debate, examine, prevail, discuss, reject, introduce, curtail,

enforce, shelve, provide

1. They__ ____ whether to increase the price of petrol.

2. My bags __ ____ when I entered the country.

3. Justice __ ___ , the guilty man has been punished.

4.We ____ what to do and where we should go.

5.She ____ my suggestion.

6.Potatos __ ____ into Europe from South America.

7.The minister___ __ _____ his visit.

8. The new law about safety belts in cars will be difficult _____.

9.We __ ______ our holiday plans.

10.The law _____ that valuable ancient buildings must be preserved by government.